battle brothers nimble forge

CS is not an all or nothing perk. So while Rotation can definitely buy you some time, you do still need to be able to handle threats and position your team in a smart way. Since the damage mitigation from armor occurs near the end of the damage calculation, abilities that reduce damage prior to this occurring are stronger than expected. The two movement also lets you more easily get around your own bros when you are trying to find tiles you can attack from. Your build will play a big role into how useful Mastery is for you. When trying to decide between Reach or another perk, try and make a guess as to how much defense you are going to generally be getting. +5 skill isnt very good compared to other stat perks while +10 is good (comparable to Gifted) and +15 is great. This process is dependent on understanding the turn order and who is going to get dragged and when. Nimble: Colossus, a natural fitColossus and Nimble go hand-in-hand to the point where it is almost an auto-pick. It is the best passive perk that a Nimble brother can take to increase their durability. Armor Ignoring DamageIn order to make use of CS, we want to injure enemies before having to fully destroy their armor, so understanding this part of the damage formula is helpful. A kill increases all damage by 25% for 2 turns. . Sometimes you just need to go before a critical enemy and having Adrenaline available for those situations can turn things around. Chosen. Generally speaking, you want to kill enemies either through repeated body hits or repeated head hits, and not a combination of both. Reason 2 is that getting 300/300+ armor takes a long time, especially for many bros, and Nimble will outperform low Forge easily, especially Raider tier Forge. Due to diminishing returns from Berserk across the party as well as its other limitations that I described, it is completely fine to skip Berserk on some bros. For some bros it just doesnt make a ton of sense to use Berserk such as bros with very poor FAT, shield bros, Overwhelm bros, or setup bros who are designed to help other bros proc Berserk rather than proc it themselves. Taking Pathfinder makes it easier to skip Recover for example, depending on build of course. I have built adamage calculator hat can simulate the game combat. Shield bros probably have better perks to take than trying to deal injuries with their weaker damage. Therefore, Dodge protects you the most during the earlier and most dangerous part of the fight where all of the enemies are still alive. Colossus can help you reach a comfortable level. Initiative buildsBecause INI drops as you gain FAT, Initiative builds that tend to accumulate a lot of FAT can appreciate having Recover to help reset. If it is possible to get it to work, it would require very efficient gear. Split Man/Strike: 15 -> 12 (Orc: 20 15). You are also capable at this point of beating 95% of encounters in the game. Nimble beats Forge until its set with 300/300. Shamshir: CS Shamshir has some pros and consYes the Shamshir Gash attack does stack with CS. The extra HP also makes you more resistant to Brigand Marksmen which tend to give new players some headaches. The Qatal and 2H Mace can combo well together doing this. This does not work well with Puncture however due to the very high cost of Puncture spamming. Utility Throwers Hes got some tricks up his sleeveThere are a number of consumable items that can provide valuable impact in battle. This makes headshots weaker than expected, which disfavors HH. As the lengthy mechanics might suggest, Taunt is a perk that will take some practice to get the hang of. I'd quite happily sacrifice some of my bros to the kraken just to try this. Even if they got enough fat, this bros are very slow and always the last who can do stuff. Since Underdog doesnt actually increase defense but rather decreases opponents skill it gets around the soft cap, making it extremely valuable on any tank who already has enormous defense. Since hit chance is calculated with both your Skill and the enemy Defense, FA is more useful against dodgy enemies like Shield Wall spamming Footman/Ancient Dead/Conscripts, Goblins at range, etc. Mind also multiplies the Banner buff, and the Fearsome penalty counts that too, so it benefits you to have the Banner out often/always. Using Mind will thus improve a bros ability to get Fearsome value. Dodge can help make up for that and it isnt uncommon for Fencers to start the battle with +20s from Dodge. It isnt just useful against Goblins. You would be better off just doing two regular slashes than a FW into Lunge. However, the prohibitive cost of Indom may entice you to seek alternatives. One reason being headshot damage applying last in the damage formula (see Game Mechanics). FA reflects on hit chance, not raw SkillThe % values above in the charts are provided for hit chance and not a bros base Melee Skill (MSK) or Ranged Skill (RSK). Personally I take it on everyone now and recommend it at least on some builds, but I also played the game for over two years never using it at all. By the time you are tiring, some or most of the enemies should be dead anyway. For sake of simplicity we are going to say that our Chosen rolled 80(middle) on his HP damage roll and 90(max) on his armor damage roll. Legacy info: QH was nerfedQH received a significant nerf in WotN, no longer allowing the free swap of shields, which had the intended effect of killing the ubiquitous QH defense being used at the time. Backgrounds with natural high starting FAT like Wildman and Farmhand or characters talented in FAT thus make better recipients for heavy armor and the BF perk, being able to use costly abilities without having to recover every other turn. Situations where this matters are rare, but no other skill in the game lets you move 5 tiles in a turn (except Lunge + Berserk). With the cycle dead the synergy has gotten worse. Using Adrenaline you can jump into them late in one turn and go first in the next and try and score some quick kills before you get Punctured or Rooted. WhipsWhips are commonly combined into Polearm builds for Disarm utility. FA is never a bad pick here. Due to the increasing returns from high MDF, Dodge is potentially extremely strong when used on a bro with already high MDF. Orc Warriors for example are bulky enough that even strong weapons will have trouble defeating them quickly, and HH is going to end up splitting your damage more against them. Mortars do pretty low damage, so while you could just eat the Mortar, you would like to avoid the morale check and the Shellshocked status if you can. That means that four average rolls in HP (+12) gives you +11% EHP, a massive resistance to injuries, and an effective +4 resolve bonus for resolve checks taken due to HP loss. Frontline Throwing: Bounce back and ThrowIf you want to use a frontline Thrower who isnt also a melee hybrid then FW can be a way to get him out once the enemy makes contact. Some enemies are immune to Fearsome. These are the best Battle Brothers mods: Legends Mods Beta (Overhaul) 18 Bros in Battle. FencersOverwhelm may seem good on a Fencer. Being able to attack enemies 4 tiles away cannot be done by any other melee weapon except Fencers, not counting Whips. Winged Mace Shielded: 9.62 hits on average. Indom does wonders for your survivability, but you should still have decent durability, MDF, and tactics to go along with it. Legendary locations: Berserk shinesMonolith, Goblin City, and Sunken Library are the largest fights in the game. Understanding how the AI works makes FW less relevant as a panic button because you will get better at preventing those panic scenarios from happening in the first place. Ive been mostly negative about CS so far so lets add some positivity because it isnt all bad. This is because from the defenders perspective, the Polearm unit is not adjacent to him, and therefore not factored into the surrounding formula even though he is the one attacking. Other mechanics A buff bubble will appear in the left side of the screen when you have a stack primed Does not stack upon itself. Without Indom, you want to have a healthy HP stat on your Forge units, and attachments like AFP will really help. Try and get high defense and then use Reach to further complement it. Counter high defense enemiesAncient Legion with Tower Shield using Shield Wall will have 50 defense + more if they are lined up together using it. As BD added two new human factions, Executioner has more battles that it can be useful in than prior. You can also use Spearwall to delay the Warriors contact. Barbarians: They have a lot of RESReavers have 80 RES and Chosen have 90. Going first or early in the turn order is valuable as acting before enemies can allow you to kill or debuff them before they get to act. Dodge can help against enemy Gunner spraying into your formation. It is easy to see why. Crossbows/Throwing: Anti-Chosen specialistFor the most part CS on Crossbows/Throwing is wasted because these weapons already have very high Ignore% with their respective specializations and Duelist for Throwing that makes them very effective at dealing injuries by default. In BB, its a much better idea to focus fire your damage on just a few enemies at a time to quickly get kills rather than spreading damage around the enemy party. Forge impacts weak and medium attacks far more than high damage threats that heavy armor is vulnerable to. If you want to play until day 1000 and have level 25+ units then sure skip some stat perks and get something else, but the game isnt designed for such long play and youve long since become unkillable whether you used Gifted or not. Mace and HammerThe best non-Orc Duelists tend to be Mace and Hammer. Basically it would just a better version of the Necro/Noble line. Thats a lot of stats, but at what cost?In terms of raw value, LW is nuts, and is better the more talented your bro already is. For example, Taunting an Unhold 3 tiles away fighting a different bro will not stop the Unhold from throwing (the Taunt will have no effect at all in this case) Will not prevent Split Shield from being used Using Taunt on an enemy that cannot reach the Taunt user in any capacity will have no effect If an enemy is Taunted but then his or your position gets altered by something like Rotation and you are no longer in reach of each other then the Taunt will be ignored, Understanding AI nuance Will not make enemies brainless, and Taunt may be ignored if other AI factors outweigh it Does not work on Hexe Does not work on Beastmasters Will not prevent Ifrits from combining Will encourage enemies to engage into the Taunt users ZoC if there is an unobstructed means for them to do so, they are not already zoned, and they have already committed to fighting (meaning that if the enemy team is camping because they have ranged advantage, Taunt will not convince enemies to leave their line to go fight you) By extension, a unit like a Necromancer/Priest will not jump into your ZoC because you Taunted him. MDF is arguably the best stat in the game and Dodge gives you a lot of it. Bleed damage doubled to 10 per turn for Cleave attacks and 20 for Whips. + Improves heavy armor effectiveness+ Scales favorably with named armors+ Strong against repeated weak attacks+ Saves armor and tools Low impact on armor ignoring damage Requires hard-to-get very heavy armor, Formula: 1 5% x (current head armor + current body armor)300/300 70% Forge (1 600 x 5%) Forge value updates withcurrent( maximum) armor and so diminishes over the course of battle as more damage is sustained Armor gained from attachments counts towards the value Only reduces armor damage taken Can indirectly reduce incoming HP damage with improved mitigation from remaining armor A left screen tooltip displays the Forge value. Anticipation on everyone: High cost for ranged mitigationAt a high teamwide cost in perks, you could use Anticipation on everyone (or at least all Nimbles). + Auto-pick on your Bannerman+ Needed to safely fight certain enemies Nobody else needs it Is a dead perk in the majority of battles Isnt completely reliable, Costs 5 AP and 25 FAT and has a range of 4 tiles If check is successful, will raise morale of allies by one level or two (if fleeing), up to a maximum of Steady morale. 30% Base Juggler, most 2-tile reach weapons, 2H Swords, Throwing Axes. The use cases will have many of the common ways to take advantage of QH. Early game: Keep good bros aliveRotation is excellent in the early game when you have a bunch of weak and fragile scrubs that cant take more than a few hits. Specialize in heavy armor: the heavier your armor and helmet, the more you benefit! I have the high ground!. Neither weapon will be using its special very often as Duelists because they want to be dealing damage. Vs Light Chosen (145 hat, 140 body): No Perks: 5.17 shots to kill on average. This guide will take a close look at every single perk, explaining how they function at a basic and deep level, exploring mechanical and situational nuance, and giving tips and advice on how to best make use of each. Gifted gives hp. 'Low HP high Fatigue' means that you level HP. Multiplier stacking: The more the betterDamage modifiers stack multiplicatively, meaning if you have Frenzy up already then Executioner is worth +25% instead of +20% because Frenzy is also multiplying it. It is true that Fencers will out-speed most enemies, but Fencers are also really good at killing, enjoy the wait command, and are highly perk starved. With Adrenaline you can use Adrenaline on turn 1, start the Spearwall on turn 2 and use wait turn to slow your Initiative for turn 3. Anti-Overwhelm synergy: Their value condition is at oddsNot that they cannot be used together, but to get Overwhelm value you need to have not killed your target and to get Berserk value you need to kill your target so they are at odds with each other. You can do this without Relentless as well, but it is hard to maintain the speed to pull this off without it (or Adrenaline) due to the wait INI penalty. Qatal on the other hand can output decent damage, and very good damage with Deathblow if setup. Taunt can help them exert control over the battlefield and better support the team. But otherwise, pairing those with another ranged weapon should address any ammunition problem (see the relevant section below). The Blunt head injury pool is rather small, so CS can really help you land these desirable injuries. This also applies to things like Huge, Drunkard, Mushrooms, etc. It isnt uncommon to lose bros who get into an unfortunate situation despite the rest of the battle going well and your team being mostly healthy. This means more help for Orc weapons and less help for Famed items that have cheaper FAT costs Saving FAT also helps you maintain higher INI In addition to saving FAT, all Masteries come with some other weapon specific benefit Hybridized weapons (such as Goedendag) benefit from Mastery depending on which skill they use. + Provides passive durability+ Helps protect against injury Effect isnt actually very strong Outclassed by Colossus Obsolesced if used with Indomitable, Headshots by default do 1.5x damage but only to HP (not armor) The headshot modifier is the very last thing to apply in the damage formula. This is also one of the more rng based fights in the game given your vulnerability on turn 1. Spetum: Reach builds while SpearwallingSpearwalling with a Spetum does grant stacks, making it very easy to gain 25 MDF while you have Spearwall going. Therefore, having higher HP makes a unit more resistant to getting injured. If anybody manages to breach then you can enjoy your added defense until your next turn. Nimble wants as much HP as possible because it is a multiplicative boost to a brothers overall staying power based on their HP stat, and Colossus is a multiplicative boost to a bros HP stat. Spearwall no longer disables when enemies breach into your Zone of Control. 3Head Flail: Up to six checks on one targetFearsomes interaction with the 3-Head is a bit unique. As a reminder from the CS section, Alps, Schrats, Ifrits, Kraken, Dogs, Undead, Lindwurms, and Goblins are all targets that are either immune to injury or will die in two hits anyway (Goblins) regardless of Executioner (except Overseer). Scatter mechanics are complicated but there are a few takeaways to consider. This makes the Brow line less appealing than in the past, as even with Brow you would be better with the Assassin Set than the 40/160. Misconception Heavy Armor + Forge = SafeNo. A healthy HP count, AFP, and even Brow if you are worried can all help a bro survive a few more hits, as can debuffs like Daze on enemies. Rally is an important skill to have to safely fight these enemies, as otherwise you are at an enormous risk of having Fleeing brothers and no easy way to save them. They include impactful accessories like nets, grenades or consumables, weapons granting reach, control (Whip or Mace) or shields for protection. A couple of noteworthy options include the Billhook which is 5AP with Mastery, 2H Cleavers for a big headshot Decapitate, or a Fighting Axe/Head Splitter to capitalize on the Axe bonus. Underdog is important as you are going to get surrounded. RelentlessYou can Overwhelm without Relentless, but it does help support it a lot, especially on weapons that eat through FAT. 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battle brothers nimble forge