striped skunk population by state

Likewise for a homeowner or nuisance wildlife control agent who finds a skunk in the box trap set in the backyard. While the species plays an important role in insect control through its diet, the striped skunks reputation among humans is often based on its digging behavior, in search of food in lawns and gardens, and on its odoriferous interaction with curious dogs. Some stories try to explain its striped pattern or how it got its smell. Skunks are prey for raptors and larger mammal carnivores. Habitat: A skunk is colored black and white. Striped skunks mate in February and early March. Skunks have small heads, with small eyes and ears and a pointed nose. Nevertheless, raising skunks was considered good practice for amateur fur farmers wishing to later move on to more valuable furbearers like martens, sable, mink and silver foxes. Newborns are helpless and rely completely on their mother. The Striped Skunk is found in lowlands throughout Washington, preferring relatively open country such as logged lands, old fields, open woods, brushy grassland, forest edges, riparian corridors, and agricultural areas. Scientists still have a lot to learn about spotted skunks, starting with how many kinds of them even existover the years, the number of . Such predators include cougars, coyotes, bobcats, badgers, and red and gray foxes. Local populations are also affected by severe weather, food scarcities and habitat change. When you become a member, you also receive exclusive benefits, like special opportunities to meet animals, discounts at Zoo stores and more. Names . [10][11] The Cree and Ojibwe word shee-gawk is the root word for Chicago, which means 'skunk-land'. Without doubt, the most widely recognized characteristic of the Striped skunk is the pungent odor of the musk that it produces. Wanders onto beaches at low tide eating stranded animals. [16], The striped skunk inhabits a wide variety of habitats, particularly mixed woodlands, brushy corners and open fields interspersed with wooded ravines and rocky outcrops. Regularly occurring. They will hunt with the mother for the first time around 7 weeks and weaning occurs at 8 weeks. Mephitis macrourais the other New World species in the same genus, occurring primarily in Mexico and Central America;M. mephitisandM. macrouraranges overlap along a narrow strip of the U.S.-Mexico border in the southwest U.S., into northern Mexico. Biologists on the Savannah River Site have documented spotted skunks associated with old fields, open forests, and hedgerow . Regional records for the eastern spotted skunk suggest that this species extended its range northward into Minnesota in the early 1900s. Eyes open when they are about 3 weeks old. [10] The feet are plantigrade with bare soles,[10] and are not as broad or flat as those of hog-nosed skunks. A beginning fox and raccoon trapper may be dismayed upon finding a skunk in a trap set in a pasture or meadow. To help assess population trends, we can look at regional furbearer harvest data, methods. Immune to snake venom, these animals will eat poisonous snakes such as rattlesnakes. Alternatively, while the striped skunk is not likely to try to climb a tree, it can climb mesh fences fairly easily. Total length: 20 to 28 inches. And, like these two other mammals, skunks walk in a plantigrade manneron the soles of their feet with heels touching the ground. A threatened striped skunk will try to run away from a perceived predator. The most distinguishing characteristic is a skunk's ability to direct a stream or spray of musk as far as 10 feet from paired anal glands. In some cases, a secondary breeding period will occur in May in the event that the first litter was lost, or pseudopregnacny occurs. Cases of rabies in this species are generally epizootic and recurrent. The Striped skunk seems aware of how horrible its own odor is and will not spray in its own dens or in confined spaces. Striped skunks weigh up to 8 pounds. This oily musk, expelled through the anus, can cause temporary blindness and pain if sprayed in the eyes of a potential attacker. Three other skunk species live in the United States: hooded and hognose skunks, which inhabit the Southwest, and the spotted skunk, which is found throughout much of the country. Striped skunks will dig these dens if necessary, but also may occupy one vacated by a groundhog or other animal. When threatened, it can spray its scent 10-15 feet; the smell can reach up to a mile away. They often live in the abandoned dens of other mammals during the day, or take up residence in hollowed logs, brush piles or underneath buildings. More mature skunks will fall prey to foxes, coyotes, bobcats, and badgers. Please enable scripts and reload this page. In general, adults range more widely than juveniles, males more widely than females. [14] This oily, yellow-colored musk consists of a mixture of powerfully odorous thiols (sulfur analogues of alcohols, in older sources called "mercaptans"), which can be sprayed at a distance of several meters. Most striped skunks do not survive their first year, succumbing to the weather or disease. The novelty song "Dead Skunk" by Loudon Wainwright III was popular in the early 1970s. They have a long history of association with humans, having been trapped and captively bred for their fur and kept as pets. . They move at a deliberate walk, slow trot or clumsy gallop. Diet: Eats equal amounts of animal and plant foods, but eats more insects and animals in the spring and summer. [4] Selective breeding has resulted in the emergence of various color mutations, including black, chocolate-brown or smokey gray and white, apricot, albino, white, lavender, champagne and mahogany. Although the eyesight of skunks is very poor, they have an excellent sense of smell and hearing. Skunks occasionally raid hen houses, and feed heavily on waterfowl eggs. The striped skunk is an interesting component of New York's wildlife assortment. Here, we report the observation of tentative tool use in a wild striped skunk (Mephitis mephitis), captured by a trail camera in the front yard of a hobby naturalist who shared the photographs on social media. A free roaming dog often aggravates the situation by chasing the prowling skunk. Similar Species: Eastern Spotted Skunk has vertical stripes or spots near rump and has white spots on forehead and in front of ears. Status in Tennessee: Striped Skunks may be abundant in certain areas, so there are no conservation concerns. They are also host for the canine parvovirus and may also suffer from leptospirosis. They have a long, bushy tail made up of white and black hairs. The spray, which can not only offend the nose but sting the eyes, can reach 12 feet from the skunk; the mist of the spray and the odor can travel considerably further. As one of the most recognizable mammals anywhere, striped skunks are known for their black fur and characteristic white stripes on their head and down their back. The Striped Skunk. Spotted skunks will also use barns and out buildings for cover. [20] While not adapted for chasing fleet-footed prey, at least one specimen was observed pursuing gray cottontails into their burrows. However, roadside and lawn mowing, or any maintenance practice which prevents the development of a forest canopy, favors the continued existence of skunks. Female striped skunks typically give birth once each year, with breeding occurring between February and April. [10], The color patterns of the fur vary greatly, but generally consist of a black base with a white stripe extending from the head which divides along the shoulders, continuing along the flanks to the rump and tail. The blind newborns are furless, but have the black and white color pattern on their skin. A skunks pelt is composed of soft, wavy underfur overlain with long, coarse guard hairs. Striped skunks are largely nocturnal, medium-sized omnivores in the weasel family (Mustelidae). They typically use underground dens which can be in grassy banks, rocky crevices, or along fencerows, although sometimes they use aboveground dens including barns, woodpiles, haystacks, or rock or brush piles. After mating, the female no longer associates with the male and becomes aggressive towards him through vocalizing, stamping her feet and sometimes fighting. The second, still originating in the Texas-Mexico region, expanded westwards to the Rocky Mountains during the Illinoian glacial period. They are nocturnal animals (active mostly after dark). Confidence. They are native to the United States and Canada. Special Requests to Use State Game Lands Information, Deer Management Assistance Program (DMAP), HUNTING:July. Some specimens have a white patch on the chest, while others bear white stripes on the outer surface of the front limbs. The word skunk comes from the Algonquin Indian name for the animal, seganku. In some states, like Florida, skunks may be killed only during a season, but harvests year-round are allowed in most states. [13] It can be sprayed at a distance of several meters. Skunks have been the most commonly confirmed rabies species, other than raccoons, during the spread of raccoon rabies throughout Southern New York. The animal's body is from 8 to 19 inches long with a tail that can be as long as 15 inches. Prairie region of Illinois, western Indiana, and eastern Iowa. After three weeks, their scent glands become functional; at four weeks, their eyes open; and at about two months the young are weaned and ready to leave the den for nighttime hunting forays. Skunks dig out bumblebee nests and scratch at the entrances of beehives, catching and eating any honeybees that fly out. Striped skunks at the Smithsonian's National Zoo consume a diet consisting primarily of leafy greens, vegetables and insects. [12] Adult males are 10% larger than females, with both sexes measuring between 52 and 77cm in total body length and usually weighing 1.84.5kg (4.09.9lb), though some may weigh 5.5kg (12lb). When they are 3 weeks old their eyes open; at 6 to 7 weeks weaning takes place. There's no reason to specify; you will undoubtedly find a few skunks just by traveling up and down the eastern side of the state. Striped skunks are found throughout Florida, except the Keys, and can be found in both natural and residential areas. It has been prevalent in modern popular culture, being the subject of various jazz and funk songs like Cab Calloway's "Skunk Song" and the Brecker Brothers' "Some Skunk Funk". Skunks are known to everyone by sight, smell, and reputation. They prefer underground dens in colder winter climates. Striped skunks are found in a variety of habitats from southern Canada throughout the United States into northern Mexico. West side of Mississippi Valley from southern Louisiana to Missouri; westward along the coast of Texas to Matagorda Island; and up the Red River Valley as far at least as Wichita Falls. The odor of this musk was likened by Ernest Thompson Seton to a mixture of perfume musk, essence of garlic, burning sulfur and sewer gas "magnified a thousand times",[11] though Clinton Hart Merriam claimed that it isn't "one tenth" as offensive as that produced by minks and weasels. Skunks are armed with a potent defensive weapon: a pair of large scent glands found beneath the skin on either side of the rectum. Where To Find Skunks seem to prefer slopes for den sites, probably because these areas drain well. [11] The latter name was originally used by English settlers, who noted the animal's similarity to the European polecat. Scientific Name: Mephitis mephitis. A study released in 2013 included a video of a Western spotted skunk handstanding and facing off with a mountain lion over a deer carcass. New England and Middle Atlantic States; south to Virginia; west to Indiana. [11] Prior to the First World War, skunk pelts were primarily shipped to Europe until better methods of deodorizing and processing the skins lead to increased interest in selling them for North American consumption. [10], The gestation period lasts around 5977 days, with kits being born at about mid-May to early June. [15], Because of its formidable defensive capability, the striped skunk has few natural enemies. Their diet is primarily insectivorous during the spring and summer seasons when grasshoppers, beetles, crickets, bees and other arthropods are abundant, then switches to a carnivorous diet during colder months. The striped skunk is one of the most recognizable of North America's animals, and is a popular figure in cartoons and children's books. Mediterranean forests, woodlands, and scrub,, An interesting side note is that house cats tolerate the presence of skunks. In addition to their namesake markings, these skunks, found in the eastern U.S., differ from striped skunks in that they lift themselves into an impressive handstand position before they spray. [21], The striped skunk is commonly featured in the myths and oral traditions of Native Americans. Female Striped Skunks give birth to six to eight babies once a year only during the month of May or June. When it is colder, they prefer to remain in underground dens. They favor mixed woods and brushland, rolling weedy fields, fencerows, wooded ravines and rocky outcrops in or near agricultural areas. 3001 Connecticut Ave., NW Proudly founded in 1681 as a place of tolerance and freedom. What they eat depends on where they live and what is available. They have a small, white stripe on their forehead which splits and expands down the sides of its back. Since 1996, spotted skunks have been classified as threatened in Minnesota, and any sightings should be reported to Minnesota DNR. They also prey on woodchucks and other young animals in burrows. Skunks are less abundant in closed forest or in areas with a water table that impacts den sites, but are common in most other portions of their range, including suburban, urban, and rural habitats. Skunks. Spraying an offending creature typically occurs after a warning display, which involves the skunk stomping its feet and arching its back while raising its tail. Skunks are the primary hosts in the north- and south-central United States as well as in Canada. Size Total length: 14-24 inches; tail length: 4-11 inches; weight: -2 pounds (males are heavier than females). Length: 14.0 - 22.0 inches Tail: 4.5 - 9.0 inches Ears: 1.0 - 1.1 inches Weight: 0.75 - 2.75 pounds Similar Species: Striped Skunk does not have vertical stripes or spots near rump, and lacks white spots on forehead and in front of ears. Tool use, the manipulation of one object to change the state of another, is found in <1% of animal taxa and most often observed in captivity. One wildlife host that purportedly plays a role in the transmission of Chagas disease within the southern United States is the striped skunk . It persists in much of its original range and populations are healthy. [7][2], The earliest fossil finds attributable to Mephitis were found in the Broadwater site in Nebraska, dating back to the early Pleistocene less than 1.8million years ago. Appearance: Short, stocky build. Normally solitary, males and females get together for breeding in February and March. Because striped skunks are abundant, their populations are often susceptible to diseases such as rabies. Reproduction. They are found in every county of Ohio as well as throughout the United States. There is a high mortality rate among skunks; many do not survive beyond their first year. High corn plants also protect young skunks from airborne and land predators without impeding their movements. In the days of small dairy farms, several dozen barn cats often ate from the same pan of milk after each milking. [11], The striped skunk is easily tamed and was often kept in barns to kill rats and mice during the 19th century. However, these animals may still be harvested in most parts of Canada and the United States. The striped skunk (or Mephitis mephitis) is a small mammal found throughout North America, including southern Canada, the US and northern Mexico. These dens are normally used only in late fall, winter, and early spring, while females with unweaned kits make use of them in late spring and summer. Phylogeography of striped skunks (Mephitis mephitis) in North America: Pleistocene dispersal and contemporary population structure. . Musk can make a predator sick or, if the skunk has been able to direct the substance into the animals eyes, temporarily blind. [11] Alternative English names for the striped skunk include common skunk,[12] Hudsonian skunk, northern skunk, black-tailed skunk and prairie polecat. They weigh 3 to 12 pounds, depending on age, sex, physical condition and time of year. These skunks only travel about 800 m from their home, yet they can walk about 2 km (1.2 mi) per night. The skunk lives in a variety of habitats but prefers open areas. 5013 Miller Trunk Hwy Northern and central California, from the vicinity of Monterey Bay northward, west of the Sierra and Cascades, to the Willamette Valley, Oregon. The Striped skunk is similar in size to a normal house cat with a stout body, short legs, small head and a bushy tail. Below, we have summarized the various classifications, monitoring, research, and contact information for each state alphabetically. Skunks are host to fleas, lice, mites, ticks and various internal parasites. Young striped skunks reach sexual maturity at about 10 months. And now, this skunk group has a few more members. Adult skunks are about two feet long, including a 7- to 10-inch tail. Striped skunks have black fur with a wide, white stripe from the head all the way down the back on the body. The species has triangular shaped heads that taper to the nose, small round ears and black eyes. It is currently listed as least concern by the IUCN on account of its wide range and ability to adapt to human-modified environments. Photo by Mike Ostrowski, Maryland Biodiversity Project. Spotted skunks are more carnivorous than striped skunks, primarily feeding on small mammals, insects, eggs, and even carrion. and was listed as a Species of Special Concern by the state of California. Tomato juice neutralizes the odor and will help remove the smell from clothes, hair, and dog fur. The central chamber is lined with dry grass and leaves. Male body weight ranged from 5.5 lb to 9.9 lb (2.5-4.5 kg) in Minnesota and female body weight ranged from 4 to 9 lb (1.8-4.1 kg) in Minnesota. Striped skunks can experience delayed implantation lasting up to 19 days. If sprayed on the eyes, this compound can cause a temporary burning sensation. Hunting and trapping are regulated by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, regulations. Each year the New York State hunting and trapping regulation guides remind hunters and trappers that the striped skunk is a valuable furbearing resource. 0 inches 3 of 8 Because skunks are difficult to kill without having them discharge their musk (and thus ruin their fur) they were typically dispatched with a paralyzing blow to the lower back or drowned if caught in a box trap. Striped skunks are solitary, typically docile animals. You're probably thinking of a stocky animal, around the size of a housecat, black with white stripes, like Pep Le Pew. Weight: six to 14 pounds. Quick Facts Species Type Native Size Around 8 pounds Habitat Forests, grasslands, meadows and suburban areas Range Often, a skunk will use an abandoned woodchuck burrow, although if none are available it will dig its own. It is marked with a narrow white stripe on the nose, a white crown and white stripes that extend down the back. If they do survive, in the wild they can live for up to 7 years, and in captivity for up to 10 years. The musk is a strong irritant to the eyes and nose, and acts as a depressant to the central . Residential areas that have both lawns and large, mast producing shade trees often provide optimal habitat for skunks. They will remain in the den for up to seven weeks; after this, they will venture out with their mothers and stay with them through the summer before seeking new territory come fall. Regionally, skunk harvest plummeted from peaks in the 1970s and 1980s. It also suggested that the decline in Plains Spotted Skunk harvest was due to decline in fur prices (Reports from 1951). Currently, this species is classified as Least Concern (LC) on the IUCN Red List and its numbers today remain stable. Throughout the winter, they have been observed eating small mammals and ground-nesting hatchlings and eggs, and hunting amphibians, reptiles and fish. Their top speed is about 10 miles per hour. The markings can be highly variable, with some striped skunks appearing almost all white or all black. Conservation Ranks. [6], The striped skunk was first formally named by Johann Christian Daniel von Schreber as Viverra mephitis. Prior to spraying, skunks usually warn intruders by stamping their feet and holding the tail high in the air. Skunks are placid and sluggish. Skunks often leave holes in the ground where they forage for insects or tear apart ground nests of small animals. Pasture or meadow skunk lives in a pasture or meadow rump and has white spots on and. Coarse guard hairs harvests year-round are allowed in most States it persists in much of its wide and... Fly out per hour large, mast producing shade trees often provide optimal for. Strong irritant to the central allowed in most parts of Canada and the States... Excellent sense of smell and hearing diet: Eats equal amounts of animal and plant foods, but Eats insects... 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striped skunk population by state