Slater's Garage Ads & Audio

Helping Your Small Business Find Its Voice

Two Guys Walk Into A Bar

And they’re each trying to meet women.  So the first guy walks up to a cute blonde who’s sitting there, sipping a Cosmo, minding her own business.  And he starts yelling at her – literally screaming, loud enough for everyone in the place to hear: “Hey!  I’m a lawyer!  I make 200 Grand a year!  […]

Another Venue For CGA: Local TV

If you ask me, the only definition of “Broadcast Quality” video production is that it be, well, broadcast. These days, no longer does one need thousands of dollars worth of camera equipment, lighting, actors, post-production equipment, monitors, playback and editing gear, etc. As equipment and software become more advanced, amateur and semi-pro producers can do […]

Not That Different

I think that when it comes to garnering results from advertising, online video is not that different a medium as TV or radio or even print.  It’s the old postulate about sending “the Right Message to the Right People at the Right Time and Place.”  The difference in online video is the specificity of choices […]