Slater's Garage Ads & Audio

Helping Your Small Business Find Its Voice

Believing in Your Fee

Great story I’d heard before, but was reminded of while reading The Simple Dollar, a new blog I discovered recently: A French woman, upon seeing Picasso in a Parisian restaurant, approached the great master and insisted that he put down his coffee and make a quick sketch of her. Graciously, Picasso obliged. When he was […]

Two Guys Walk Into A Bar

And they’re each trying to meet women.  So the first guy walks up to a cute blonde who’s sitting there, sipping a Cosmo, minding her own business.  And he starts yelling at her – literally screaming, loud enough for everyone in the place to hear: “Hey!  I’m a lawyer!  I make 200 Grand a year!  […]

Selling Small Pleasures

* By Brett Slater and Kelly Slater I guess it’s official now: We’re in a recession. Businesses are cutting back, and consumers are tightening their belts — maybe not going out to eat as often, or not treating ourselves to extravagances we once did. So does that mean no one’s buying ANYthing anymore? Obviously, not. […]