Slater's Garage Ads & Audio

Helping Your Small Business Find Its Voice

Share vs. Give Away

Over the last five or six years as a freelancer, I’ve submitted a lot of spec work to various contests, projects, and assignments – mostly in video, but some in copywriting and audio as well. Work done “on spec” means there’s no guarantee of payment out of the gate: You submit the work, and if […]

Believing in Your Fee

Great story I’d heard before, but was reminded of while reading The Simple Dollar, a new blog I discovered recently: A French woman, upon seeing Picasso in a Parisian restaurant, approached the great master and insisted that he put down his coffee and make a quick sketch of her. Graciously, Picasso obliged. When he was […]

Two Guys Walk Into A Bar

And they’re each trying to meet women.  So the first guy walks up to a cute blonde who’s sitting there, sipping a Cosmo, minding her own business.  And he starts yelling at her – literally screaming, loud enough for everyone in the place to hear: “Hey!  I’m a lawyer!  I make 200 Grand a year!  […]

A Vacation from “Staycation”

That’s the term advertisers and the media use to describe a vacation where you don’t actually travel. You stay home, or stay close to home. But you already knew that, because it’s everywhere. Every swimming pool dealer’s commercial invites you to “take a Staycation.” The big-box stores remind you that “it’s Staycation season.” Every news […]