Does “Great Creative” Mean “Great Advertising”?

Kevin Nalty of Nalts Consulting posted this spot for Intel over at his blog, and beneath that is my comment, taken verbatim from there:

“Wow… What a fun spot!

Viral or not, I’d happily watch that as an interruption to my regularly scheduled TV programming choices (which are becoming fewer and fewer these days anyway), even at 2 minutes, as posted…

All the little “surprises” as they switched apps along the way — Google Earth to Quicktime, to gaming, to YouTube — kept me engaged throughout, and they framed it out nicely with Intel branding at the start and finish…

The only thing I didn’t *quite* get was what viewers (customers looking for a computer upgrade, i presume?) are supposed to DO after seeing this… Call me old fashioned, but even advertising with dazzling creative like this needs a call to action…”

So, assuming we agree that it’s a pretty cool piece of creative, is it great advertising?  Does it compel the viewer to buy?  Does it need a clear missive to viewers to go DO something?  Call, click, stop by, etc.?  Is that even important?

Love to hear your thoughts…