how to spawn 1000 tnt in minecraft command bedrock

Please enable JavaScript to get the best experience from this site. At what point of what we watch as the MCU movies the branching started? How can I summon TNT without causing damage to blocks? Cheats must be enabled before this will work. 2023 Magic Find, Inc. All rights reserved. Fuse Time until tnt explodes, the default 0 will explode instantly. TNT X1000 Minecraft Block for Minecraft | by The_Eater_Of_Your_Soul TNT X1000 was remixed from TNT. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. Planned Maintenance scheduled March 2nd, 2023 at 01:00 AM UTC (March 1st, Screenshot of the Week #85 [Submissions Closed - Vote Now! I would like to know if you can make giant explosions via creeper, TNT, or anything. For this application to run Javascript needs to be installed and enabled. get very powerful tnt with just one command heres the command: /summon FallingSand ~ ~2 ~ {Block:redstone_block,Time:1,Riding:{id:FallingSand,Block:command_block,TileEntityData:{Command:/fill ~-1 ~-14 ~ ~-1 ~1 ~ redstone_block},Time:1,Riding:{id:FallingSand,Block:command_block,TileEntityData:{Command:/fill ~-1 ~-13 ~ ~ ~2 ~ air},Time:1,Riding:{id:FallingSand,Block:command_block,TileEntityData:{Command:/summon FallingSand ~-1 ~-4 ~15 {Block:iron_block,Time:1,Riding:{id:FallingSand,Block:command_block,TileEntityData:{Command:/summon FallingSand ~2 ~-7 ~-2 {Block:iron_block,Time:1,Riding:{id:FallingSand,Block:command_block,TileEntityData:{Command:/summon FallingSand ~ ~ ~-2 {Block:command_block,TileEntityData:{Command:/execute @e[type=PrimedTnt,name=fNTNT] ~ ~ ~ /scoreboard players add @e[type=PrimedTnt,c=1] f 1},Time:1,Riding:{id:FallingSand,Block:command_block,TileEntityData:{Command:/execute @e[type=PrimedTnt,name=fPoBTNT] ~ ~ ~ /scoreboard players add @e[type=PrimedTnt,c=1] f 1},Time:1,Riding:{id:FallingSand,Block:command_block,TileEntityData:{Command:/execute @e[type=PrimedTnt,name=fVBTNT] ~ ~ ~ /scoreboard players add @e[type=PrimedTnt,c=1] f 1},Time:1,Riding:{id:FallingSand,Block:command_block,TileEntityData:{Command:/execute @e[type=PrimedTnt,name=fBBTNT] ~ ~ ~ /scoreboard players add @e[type=PrimedTnt,c=1] f 1},Time:1,Riding:{id:FallingSand,Block:command_block,TileEntityData:{Command:/execute @e[type=PrimedTnt,name=fPBTNT] ~ ~ ~ /scoreboard players add @e[type=PrimedTnt,c=1] f 1},Time:1,Riding:{id:FallingSand,Block:command_block,TileEntityData:{Command:/execute @e[type=PrimedTnt,name=fIBTNT] ~ ~ ~ /scoreboard players add @e[type=PrimedTnt,c=1] f 1},Time:1,Riding:{id:FallingSand,Block:command_block,TileEntityData:{Command:/execute @e[type=PrimedTnt,name=fFBTNT] ~ ~ ~ /scoreboard players add @e[type=PrimedTnt,c=1] f 1},Time:1,Riding:{id:FallingSand,Block:command_block,TileEntityData:{Command:/execute @e[type=ArmorStand,score_f_min=1] ~ ~ ~ detect ~ ~1 ~ air 0 /kill @e[type=ArmorStand,score_f_min=1,c=1,r=1]},Time:1}}}}}}}}},Time:1,Riding:{id:FallingSand,Block:command_block,TileEntityData:{Command:/summon FallingSand ~ ~ ~-3 {Block:command_block,TileEntityData:{Command:/execute @e[type=ArmorStand,name=fpul,score_ff_min=1] ~ ~ ~ /fill ~4 ~-1 ~4 ~-4 ~-1 ~-4 air},Time:1,Riding:{id:FallingSand,Block:command_block,TileEntityData:{Command:/execute @e[type=ArmorStand,name=fpul] ~ ~ ~ /particle smoke ~ ~5 ~ 1 3 1 0.01 50 force},Time:1,Riding:{id:FallingSand,Block:command_block,TileEntityData:{Command:/kill @e[type=ArmorStand,name=fpul,score_ff_min=350]},Time:1,Riding:{id:FallingSand,Block:command_block,TileEntityData:{Command:/execute @e[type=PrimedTnt,name=fPBTNT,score_f_min=98,score_f=98] ~ ~ ~ /spreadplayers ~ ~ 3 15 false @e[type=ArmorStand,name=fpul,r=1]},Time:1,Riding:{id:FallingSand,Block:command_block,TileEntityData:{Command:/execute @e[type=PrimedTnt,name=fPBTNT,score_f_min=82,score_f=97] ~ ~ ~ /summon ArmorStand ~ ~ ~ {CustomName:"fpul",Invulnerable:1,NoBasePlate:1,Small:1,Invisible:1,DisabledSlots:2039552}},Time:1,Riding:{id:FallingSand,Block:command_block,TileEntityData:{Command:/execute @e[type=PrimedTnt,name=fPBTNT,score_f_min=1,score_f=99] ~ ~ ~ /particle smoke ~ ~ ~ 1.4 1.4 1.4 0.01 100 force},Time:1,Riding:{id:FallingSand,Block:command_block,TileEntityData:{Command:/execute @e[type=PrimedTnt,name=fIBTNT,score_f_min=99,score_f=99] ~ ~ ~ /effect @a[r=12] 7 1 1 true},Time:1,Riding:{id:FallingSand,Block:command_block,TileEntityData:{Command:/execute @e[type=PrimedTnt,name=fIBTNT,score_f_min=1,score_f=99] ~ ~ ~ /effect @e[r=12] 2 6 3 true},Time:1}}}}}}}}},Time:1,Riding:{id:FallingSand,Block:command_block,TileEntityData:{Command:/summon FallingSand ~ ~ ~-4 {Block:command_block,TileEntityData:{Command:/execute @e[type=PrimedTnt,name=fIBTNT,score_f_min=99,score_f=99] ~ ~ ~ /fill ~15 ~4 ~15 ~-15 ~-9 ~-15 ice 3 replace fire},Time:1,Riding:{id:FallingSand,Block:command_block,TileEntityData:{Command:/execute @e[type=PrimedTnt,name=fIBTNT,score_f_min=71,score_f=99] ~ ~ ~ /particle dripWater ~ ~ ~ 1.4 1.4 1.4 0.01 100 force},Time:1,Riding:{id:FallingSand,Block:command_block,TileEntityData:{Command:/execute @e[type=ArmorStand,score_ffff_min=1] ~ ~ ~ /setblock ~ ~2 ~ fire},Time:1,Riding:{id:FallingSand,Block:command_block,TileEntityData:{Command:/execute @e[type=PrimedTnt,name=fIBTNT,score_f_min=98,score_f=98] ~ ~ ~ /summon Fireball ~ ~ ~ {direction:[0.0,-1.0,0.0],ExplosionPower:10}},Time:1,Riding:{id:FallingSand,Block:command_block,TileEntityData:{Command:/execute @e[type=PrimedTnt,name=fIBTNT,score_f_min=1,score_f=90] ~ ~ ~ /particle splash ~ ~ ~ 4 0 4 0.1 100 force},Time:1,Riding:{id:FallingSand,Block:command_block,TileEntityData:{Command:/scoreboard players add @e[type=ArmorStand,score_f_min=1] ffff 1 {Fire:1s}},Time:1,Riding:{id:FallingSand,Block:command_block,TileEntityData:{Command:/execute @e[type=ArmorStand,name=fPB] ~ ~ ~ /particle smoke ~ ~1 ~ 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.01 1 force},Time:1,Riding:{id:FallingSand,Block:command_block,TileEntityData:{Command:/execute @e[type=ArmorStand,name=fIB] ~ ~ ~ /particle wake ~ ~1 ~ 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.01 1 force},Time:1}}}}}}}}},Time:1,Riding:{id:FallingSand,Block:command_block,TileEntityData:{Command:/summon FallingSand ~ ~ ~-5 {Block:command_block,TileEntityData:{Command:/execute @e[type=PrimedTnt,name=fFBTNT,score_f_min=99,score_f=99] ~ ~ ~ /fill ~8 ~8 ~8 ~-8 ~-8 ~-8 lava 3 replace fire},Time:1,Riding:{id:FallingSand,Block:command_block,TileEntityData:{Command:/execute @e[type=PrimedTnt,name=fFBTNT,score_f_min=98,score_f=98] ~ ~ ~ /summon Fireball ~ ~ ~ {direction:[0.0,-1.0,0.0],ExplosionPower:17}},Time:1,Riding:{id:FallingSand,Block:command_block,TileEntityData:{Command:/execute @e[type=PrimedTnt,name=fFBTNT,score_f_min=71,score_f=99] ~ ~ ~ /particle flame ~ ~ ~ 2 2 2 0.01 500 force},Time:1,Riding:{id:FallingSand,Block:command_block,TileEntityData:{Command:/scoreboard players add @a[score_ffff_min=4] ffff 1},Time:1,Riding:{id:FallingSand,Block:command_block,TileEntityData:{Command:/scoreboard players add @a[score_ffff=2] ffff 1},Time:1,Riding:{id:FallingSand,Block:command_block,TileEntityData:{Command:/execute @e[type=PrimedTnt,name=fFBTNT,score_f_min=1,score_f=90] ~ ~ ~ /particle flame ~ ~ ~ 4 0 4 0.1 100 force},Time:1,Riding:{id:FallingSand,Block:command_block,TileEntityData:{Command:/execute @e[type=PrimedTnt,name=fFBTNT] ~ ~ ~ /particle lava ~ ~ ~ 0 1 0 0.1 2 force},Time:1,Riding:{id:FallingSand,Block:command_block,TileEntityData:{Command:/replaceitem entity @a[score_ffff=2] slot.hotbar.8 flint_and_steel 1 0 {display:{Name:"Igniter"},Unbreakable:1,HideFlags:127,ench:[{id:34,lvl:10}]}},Time:1}}}}}}}}},Time:1,Riding:{id:FallingSand,Block:command_block,TileEntityData:{Command:/summon FallingSand ~ ~ ~-6 {Block:command_block,TileEntityData:{Command:/execute @e[type=ArmorStand,score_f_min=1,name=fN] ~ ~1 ~ /entitydata @e[type=PrimedTnt,r=1,c=1] {CustomName:"fNTNT",Fuse:100,Invulnerable:1}},Time:1,Riding:{id:FallingSand,Block:command_block,TileEntityData:{Command:/execute @e[type=ArmorStand,score_f_min=1,name=fPoB] ~ ~1 ~ /entitydata @e[type=PrimedTnt,r=1,c=1] {CustomName:"fPoBTNT",Fuse:100,Invulnerable:1}},Time:1,Riding:{id:FallingSand,Block:command_block,TileEntityData:{Command:/execute @e[type=ArmorStand,score_f_min=1,name=fVB] ~ ~1 ~ /entitydata @e[type=PrimedTnt,r=1,c=1] {CustomName:"fVBTNT",Fuse:100,Invulnerable:1}},Time:1,Riding:{id:FallingSand,Block:command_block,TileEntityData:{Command:/execute @e[type=ArmorStand,score_f_min=1,name=fBB] ~ ~1 ~ /entitydata @e[type=PrimedTnt,r=1,c=1] {CustomName:"fBBTNT",Fuse:100,Invulnerable:1}},Time:1,Riding:{id:FallingSand,Block:command_block,TileEntityData:{Command:/execute @e[type=ArmorStand,score_f_min=1,name=fPB] ~ ~1 ~ /entitydata @e[type=PrimedTnt,r=1,c=1] {CustomName:"fPBTNT",Fuse:100,Invulnerable:1}},Time:1,Riding:{id:FallingSand,Block:command_block,TileEntityData:{Command:/execute @e[type=ArmorStand,score_f_min=1,name=fIB] ~ ~1 ~ /entitydata @e[type=PrimedTnt,r=1,c=1] {CustomName:"fIBTNT",Fuse:100,Invulnerable:1}},Time:1,Riding:{id:FallingSand,Block:command_block,TileEntityData:{Command:/execute @e[type=ArmorStand,score_f_min=1,name=fFB] ~ ~1 ~ /entitydata @e[type=PrimedTnt,r=1,c=1] {CustomName:"fFBTNT",Fuse:100,Invulnerable:1}},Time:1,Riding:{id:FallingSand,Block:command_block,TileEntityData:{Command:/execute @e[type=Squid,score_f_min=1,score_f=1] ~ ~-1 ~ /scoreboard players add @e[type=ArmorStand,r=1] f 1},Time:1}}}}}}}}},Time:1,Riding:{id:FallingSand,Block:command_block,TileEntityData:{Command:/summon FallingSand ~ ~ ~-7 {Block:command_block,TileEntityData:{Command:/execute @e[name=Underground_Nuke,type=Squid,score_f_min=1,score_f=1] ~ ~ ~ /summon ArmorStand ~ ~-1 ~ {CustomName:"fN",NoGravity:1,Invulnerable:1,NoBasePlate:1,Small:1,Invisible:1,DisabledSlots:2039552}},Time:1,Riding:{id:FallingSand,Block:command_block,TileEntityData:{Command:/execute @e[name=Portal_Bomb,type=Squid,score_f_min=1,score_f=1] ~ ~ ~ /summon ArmorStand ~ ~-1 ~ {CustomName:"fPoB",NoGravity:1,Invulnerable:1,NoBasePlate:1,Small:1,Invisible:1,DisabledSlots:2039552}},Time:1,Riding:{id:FallingSand,Block:command_block,TileEntityData:{Command:/execute @e[name=Virus_Bomb,type=Squid,score_f_min=1,score_f=1] ~ ~ ~ /summon ArmorStand ~ ~-1 ~ {CustomName:"fVB",NoGravity:1,Invulnerable:1,NoBasePlate:1,Small:1,Invisible:1,DisabledSlots:2039552}},Time:1,Riding:{id:FallingSand,Block:command_block,TileEntityData:{Command:/execute @e[name=Big_Bomb,type=Squid,score_f_min=1,score_f=1] ~ ~ ~ /summon ArmorStand ~ ~-1 ~ {CustomName:"fBB",NoGravity:1,Invulnerable:1,NoBasePlate:1,Small:1,Invisible:1,DisabledSlots:2039552}},Time:1,Riding:{id:FallingSand,Block:command_block,TileEntityData:{Command:/execute @e[name=Pulverizing_Bomb,type=Squid,score_f_min=1,score_f=1] ~ ~ ~ /summon ArmorStand ~ ~-1 ~ {CustomName:"fPB",NoGravity:1,Invulnerable:1,NoBasePlate:1,Small:1,Invisible:1,DisabledSlots:2039552}},Time:1,Riding:{id:FallingSand,Block:command_block,TileEntityData:{Command:/execute @e[name=Ice_Bomb,type=Squid,score_f_min=1,score_f=1] ~ ~ ~ /summon ArmorStand ~ ~-1 ~ {CustomName:"fIB",NoGravity:1,Invulnerable:1,NoBasePlate:1,Small:1,Invisible:1,DisabledSlots:2039552}},Time:1,Riding:{id:FallingSand,Block:command_block,TileEntityData:{Command:/execute @e[name=Flame_Bomb,type=Squid,score_f_min=1,score_f=1] ~ ~ ~ /summon ArmorStand ~ ~-1 ~ {CustomName:"fFB",NoGravity:1,Invulnerable:1,NoBasePlate:1,Small:1,Invisible:1,DisabledSlots:2039552}},Time:1,Riding:{id:FallingSand,Block:command_block,TileEntityData:{Command:/execute @e[type=Squid,score_f_min=1,score_f=1] ~ ~ ~ /setblock ~ ~ ~ minecraft:tnt},Time:1}}}}}}}}},Time:1,Riding:{id:FallingSand,Block:command_block,TileEntityData:{Command:/summon FallingSand ~ ~ ~-8 {Block:command_block,TileEntityData:{Command:/execute @e[type=PrimedTnt,name=fFBTNT] ~ ~ ~ /particle flame ~ ~ ~ 2 5 -2 0.1 0 force},Time:1,Riding:{id:FallingSand,Block:command_block,TileEntityData:{Command:/execute @e[type=PrimedTnt,name=fFBTNT] ~ ~ ~ /particle flame ~ ~ ~ -2 5 -2 0.1 0 force},Time:1,Riding:{id:FallingSand,Block:command_block,TileEntityData:{Command:/execute @e[type=PrimedTnt,name=fFBTNT] ~ ~ ~ /particle flame ~ ~ ~ 2 5 2 0.1 0 force},Time:1,Riding:{id:FallingSand,Block:command_block,TileEntityData:{Command:/execute @e[type=PrimedTnt,name=fFBTNT] ~ ~ ~ /particle flame ~ ~1 ~ 0 3 0 0.1 0 force},Time:1,Riding:{id:FallingSand,Block:command_block,TileEntityData:{Command:/execute @e[type=ArmorStand,name=fFB] ~ ~ ~ /particle flame ~ ~1 ~ 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.01 1 force},Time:1,Riding:{id:FallingSand,Block:command_block,TileEntityData:{Command:/execute @e[type=PrimedTnt,name=fFBTNT] ~ ~ ~ /particle flame ~ ~ ~ -2 5 2 0.1 0 force},Time:1,Riding:{id:FallingSand,Block:command_block,TileEntityData:{Command:/kill @e[type=Item,score_f_min=1]},Time:1,Riding:{id:FallingSand,Block:command_block,TileEntityData:{Command:/kill @e[type=Squid,score_f_min=3]},Time:1}}}}}}}}},Time:1,Riding:{id:FallingSand,Block:command_block,TileEntityData:{Command:/summon FallingSand ~ ~ ~-9 {Block:command_block,TileEntityData:{Command:/scoreboard players add @e[type=Squid,name=Underground_Nuke] f 1},Time:1,Riding:{id:FallingSand,Block:command_block,TileEntityData:{Command:/scoreboard players add @e[type=Squid,name=Portal_Bomb] f 1},Time:1,Riding:{id:FallingSand,Block:command_block,TileEntityData:{Command:/scoreboard players add @e[type=Squid,name=Virus_Bomb] f 1},Time:1,Riding:{id:FallingSand,Block:command_block,TileEntityData:{Command:/scoreboard players add @e[type=Squid,name=Big_Bomb] f 1},Time:1,Riding:{id:FallingSand,Block:command_block,TileEntityData:{Command:/scoreboard players add @e[type=Squid,name=Pulverizing_Bomb] f 1},Time:1,Riding:{id:FallingSand,Block:command_block,TileEntityData:{Command:/scoreboard players add @e[type=Squid,name=Ice_Bomb] f 1},Time:1,Riding:{id:FallingSand,Block:command_block,TileEntityData:{Command:/scoreboard players add @e[type=Squid,name=Flame_Bomb] f 1},Time:1,Riding:{id:FallingSand,Block:command_block,TileEntityData:{Command:/tp @e[type=Squid,score_f_min=2] ~ ~-5 ~},Time:1}}}}}}}}},Time:1}}}}}}}}}},Time:1,Riding:{id:FallingSand,Block:command_block,TileEntityData:{Command:/summon FallingSand ~ ~-6 ~-2 {Block:iron_block,Time:1,Riding:{id:FallingSand,Block:command_block,TileEntityData:{Command:/summon FallingSand ~1 ~-3 ~ {Block:emerald_block,Time:1,Riding:{id:FallingSand,Block:command_block,TileEntityData:{Command:/fill ~2 ~2 ~3 ~-2 ~2 ~-11 bedrock},Time:1,Riding:{id:FallingSand,Block:command_block,TileEntityData:{Command:/tellraw @a[r=200] {"text":" This machine is fully assembled. Use it for lots of. "execute at @" will run the command on the entity position. Well now that you dig it up (I don't know if it's a correct sentence), then here you go. Don't act like it's your own work. Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. The easiest way to get gunpowder is to hunt down some creepers. Manage Settings To get started, you'll want to use version 1.19.10 or higher of Minecraft. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. 7. I have the first part down: /summon tnt -here's where I need help- {Fuse:60}. How can I explain to my manager that a project he wishes to undertake cannot be performed by the team? Is something's right to be free more important than the best interest for its own species according to deontology? A tutorial on how to make over 10000 blocks with a single command in Minecraft. Could very old employee stock options still be accessible and viable? The score variant, typically used in conjunction with player selectors, will only run a command if a score matches a criteria. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. being placed by a dispenser. The unless variant is the opposite: commands will run for as long as certain criteria are not met. How to teleport an iron golem with a specific name to a specific location? The older Minecraft execute command also supported a very basic conditional functionality for detecting blocks around an entity. Higher of Minecraft have the first part down: /summon TNT -here 's I. A correct sentence ), then here you go for detecting blocks around an.... Score variant, typically used in conjunction with player selectors, will only run a command if a matches!, typically used in conjunction with player selectors, will only run a command if a score matches criteria... 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how to spawn 1000 tnt in minecraft command bedrock