javascript ::after click event

So, inside our function, we take the name variable we declared to get our freeCodeCamp text, then we change the color to blue. Note: Event handlers are sometimes called event listeners they are pretty much interchangeable for our purposes, although strictly speaking, they work together. In the next chapter well see more details about events that follow pointer movement and how to track element changes under it. In order to animate these CSS Transform properties with JavaScript, we need to find the HTML element whose CSS properties we want to animate in the page DOM, and then find the specific CSS properties we want to change in the DOM node. The next thing we need to do is to write our JavaScript so we can see the rest of the article that is hidden. First, we'll look at the traditional onclick style that you do right from the HTML page. To check which browser honors capture first, you can try the following code in JSfiddle: In Firefox, Safari, and Chrome, the output is the following: There are two ways to listen to an event: You can try out these events in JSFiddle to play around with them. To understand the fundamental theory of events, how they work in P.S. A Computer Science portal for geeks. Sometimes, inside an event handler function, you'll see a parameter specified with a name such as event, evt, or e. For example, elements have a property onclick. First parameters specifies event name which should be string. The onclick event executes a certain functionality when a button is clicked. What tool to use for the online analogue of "writing lecture notes on a blackboard"? In short, document-relative coordinates pageX/Y are counted from the left-upper corner of the document, and do not change when the page is scrolled, while clientX/Y are counted from the current window left-upper corner. The change event is fired for ,