relationship between kings and prophets

Selman, M 1 Chronicles (TOTC) 597 The fall of Jerusalem (Judah, southern kingdom) to the Babylonians (see 2 Kings 25; 2 Chronicles 36). For every king, there was an opposing prophet or group of prophets ready to stick the covenant back in the king's face and call him to accountability to God's word. 538-450) in biblical and theological studies from Western Seminary and loves sharing her passion for the Bible with others. Other connections between the two prophets are important to the text; the Horeb story together with the ascension story give huge profile to the idea of succession; the mantle which appears in both stories only represents the connectivity of the call of these two. Jehoahaz (608) three months The prophets brought the word of God to the Israelites, and they would call people to responding to the teachings of the word. II Samuel 12:7-9a NKJV. The centrality of the prophetic word continues in Elijah and his disciple, Elisha. One challenging point in history is the divided kingdoms of Israel (the 10 northern tribes) and Judah (the 2 southern tribes). The kings were expected to observe the laws and covenant of God, defend their Nations and rule all the people in justice. Elisha, whose name means God is salvation, was the son of Shaphat from Abel Meholah, which was a city in ancient Palestine. It is a quid pro quo that has been happening for literally centuries. <> We need to clearly distinguish between Christ, the prophet, priest, and king, and our participation, by grace alone through faith alone by virtue of our union with Christ, in that threefold office. Malachi, Mission to gentiles Ezekiel Jehoash (Joash) (806-790) sixteen years There are personal covenants between two individuals (e.g., David and Jonathan in 1 Samuel 23), political covenants between two kings or nations (e.g., King Solomon and King Hiram in 1 Kings 5), legal covenants with a nation (such as the laws about freeing Hebrew slaves), and so forth. Babylonian Captivity, also called Babylonian Exile, the forced detention of Jews in Babylonia following the latter's conquest of the kingdom of Judah in 598/7 and 587/6 bce. I may reply to some of your comments but will not be able to respond to all. Kingship, far from being antithetical to the purposes of God for Israel, was fundamental to His salvific design (Merrill, 190). Consider the fact that the careers of the great prophets Elijah and Elisha are detailed in Kings but not at all in Chronicles. Here are just three of the more helpful charts available: Its time for our political leaders to sit down, be quiet, and listen to the shepherds of this nation. However, Israels request was motivated by an antitheocratic spirit (Eugene Merrill, Kingdom of Priests, 190; 1 Sam. -Amon, his son, was also bad (2 Ki. Prophets disciple (counsel) Kings (not visa versa). It's interesting to note that over the following years these figures did become significant, and in that order. So, I guess it is up to US. -Rehoboam ruled in Judah (the southern kingdom); its capital was Jerusalem. Will be most useful. I recently returned from India and was reminded that the spiritual condition of a country (or a community) is ultimately reflected in the standard of living a people enjoy. The prophets words were thought to be from, the spirit of God and thus they are powerful and very effectual. Whether it is a President, Governor, Senator, Representative, Mayor, or the County Council, there is a needed and appropriate relationship that should exist between the clergy and our civic leadership. But with the divided kingdom, the northern kingdom is called Israel, while the southern kingdom is called Judah. 722 The fall of Samaria (Israel, northern kingdom) to the Assyrians (see 2 Kings 17), The Kings of Judah (8 were good) Kings of Judah (c 925-586 BC) Kings of Israel (c 925-721 BC) King . Micah, Judah southern kingdom 1. Well studying the Kings and the Prophets not only informs us of the personal and national conditions that . Daniel This theological history explains why Israel and Judah are in exile its kings and people have resisted the word of God. Hill, A 1,2 Chronicles (NIVAC) Each time that I read it, The Holy Spirit would highlight a verse or a passage that reflected issues in my life that God wanted confronted and dealt with. The period of king in Israel was, divided into two the first three kings included Solomon, David, and Saul in the period called, golden age. Prophets and Kings is the second book in the Conflict of the Ages series. So let me seek to discuss both in a rather brief and outline-ish fashion. It is time that our political leaders aspired to be spiritual men and women and started listening to the voices of their spiritual leaders. Both prophets were active during the eighth century B.C.E. thank you, you are the only website who helped me, Are you posting spam? Judges, Kings and Prophets 25 January 2011 Chapters 16, 17 and 18 of Deuteronomy each introduce a new kind of leader to Israel: judges (ch16), kings (ch17) and prophets (ch18). 2:10). What was the relationship between kings and prophets like in the Old Testament? Chronologically, 1 Samuel actually opens in the midst of Judges 13:1, after the birth of Samson (Jud. My point? Right? The prophet has a particular kind of responsibility: to relay God's word to the people. Rehoboam (933-916) seventeen years Nam lacinia pulvinar tortor nec facilisis. By Eric Metaxas. ). 31:8-9; 2 Kings 2:9-13; Judg. Ruth 1:1). But is that the final word? When Saul presumed to offer sacrifice, when David took Uriahs wife, and when Ahab seized Naboths vineyard, judgment was pronounced and executed. One of Elishas more notable confrontations is with King Jehu. Required fields are marked *. God never relinquished His right to rule over His people and continued to choose and anoint, establish and remove Israels kings. Educational P Unlock every step-by-step explanation, download literature note PDFs, plus more. A priest is one who represents the people before God. God raised up Elijah, the most prominent Old Testament prophet, to confront Ahab. The following will be discussed: Brokenness of the past; Authority of the King and Prophet; . When we do, we may get not only what we want, but more than we bargained for. Ahaziah (843) one year The prophet's primary call is to represent God before God's people. Let me mention just a few. Its easy to read 1 and 2 Kings and think of it as a history of Israel. 2. Like most precepts, these keys cannot be implemented overnight, but with steady determination and righteous pressure I do believe they can be implemented swiftly on many levels. Kings and Prophets. The prophets and kings were respected and had, different roles that they played. In a dramatic demonstration of power, God consumes Elijahs sacrifice with fire from heaven, while totally embarrassing the prophets of Baal. In Jesus, the offices of king and prophet come crashing together. The discussion covers the relationship that. Some of the kings in the south stayed good, some went from good to bad, a few went from bad to good, and some stayed bad. King Relationship to Previous King God's Judgment Saul none did evil Ishbosheth* son (unknown) David none did right Solomon (AKA Jedidiah) son did right in youth, evil in old age * The kingdom was divided during Ishbosheth's reign; David was king over the tribe of Judah. 17:1420), the progression of revelation up to this point in history indicates that monarchy was always a goal toward which God was moving His people. This was not only a pious idealism but a practical reality. The law of God was higher than any man, and the king was expected to respect and obey it. Manasseh (697-642) fifty-five years In the 1500's during the Reformation, Martin Luther trumpeted the biblical truth of the priesthood of the believer. It didnt matter that Rehoboam had assembled 180,000 warriors and rallied the tribes of Judah and Benjamin to fight against Israel. We are all very familiar with the old saying history tends to repeat itself. Jeremiah Various charts exist on the kings of the divided kingdom. Together with his Canaanite wife, Jezebel, King Ahab institutes the worship of the Canaanite god, Baal, over Israel. The short answer is that it forms a large part of Gods revelation to man not only the reliable revelation of a record of ancient history, but a timeless revelation of human nature and experience, and of God Himself. Micah endobj The political leader is not exempted from the Biblical expectations of connection, submission, faithfulness, and discipleship. Thus, 1 and 2 Kings might more accurately be called 1 and 2 Kings vs. Prophets. The author pits each new king against a prophet(s) to help you see that Gods prophetic word ultimately determines Israels history. But, Elijah was a man subject to like passions as . 1 Chronicles 1-9 genealogies RESPOND TO MY CLASSMATE ON A DISCUSSION BOARD. This date is Sunday May 18 - Sivan 2 in 1445 BC. Thus this article. 1 Kings 21:25-26). Through the mediation of the prophet Isaiah, God heard and responded to Hezekiah. %PDF-1.5 Many thanks for helping to make this ministry possible and helping it to continue. The Lord is going to cut off Jeroboams house because of his brazen idolatry. 10:11). It was at a time when the pagan empire of Assyria greatly influenced the people of Israel. Before this nation was formally formed and a constitution ratified, these founders sat down together in a church service, stopped their talking, and listened for the voice of God through the sermon they heard. Elijah condemns his evil practices and God doesnt allow Ahabs evil and injustice to continue. Jeremiah and Josiah. -Bad Abijah begat good Asa (1 Ki. Hoshea (730-721) nine years This was a day of reckoning, a day of true accountability, which David had to face with the servant of the Lord. I was fascinated to find how many legal precedents were set there for us to follow, which were normal when I was growing up in the 1950s, but have been watered down or lost to us now, of course to our detriment. 2 Chronicles 1-9 the story of Solomon The king was anointed representative of the Lord and as the mediators of the, covenant between the Lord and the Israel people. You must state your full name to have your comments posted. There has been a relationship between the state heads and the, religious authority since the early modern times. Pastors want to meet politicians to express their concerns and thoughts with regards to public policy. That being said, pastors should have priority access to political leaders. -Josiah he picked the wrong fight. Our problem, however, is that our current cadre of politicians are undiscipled and biblically illiterate to the role of government and their responsibility in it. Konkel, A 1,2 Kings (NIVAC) Paul argued, under inspiration, that God has preserved the record of His dealings with His ancient people for the instruction, edification, exhortation, and warning of His contemporary people in any given age. But the Old Testament can be difficult, its customs foreign, its chronology confusing, its language sometimes strange, its names nearly unpronounceable, and its point often obscure. I summarised the Bible on Twitter between Aug 2010 and Nov 2013 - one tweet per chapter, one chapter per day. Embrace pastoral influence in your life and find a pastor today who will disciple you and help form you into the leader God called you to be? I read it through, and a week later I experienced the desire to read it again. BSB #: 733349 Account #: 613094 Name: W J and A A Muehlenberg. The voice of the pastors should not be marginalized, but actually accentuated in any administration that is truly interested in the needs of the people they represent. 1 I shall attempt to deal only with three key concepts: the covenant, the law, and the message of the prophets. Every man return to his home, for this thing is from me., So they listened to the word of the Lord and went home again, according to the word of the Lord.. A pastor has every spiritual and natural concern that the people of his community, county or state prosper and live at peace. Prophet. Ive been reading these books recently. On Bible Reading, Recommended Reading on Resistance Theory and Political, On Book Reviews, Recommendations and Bibliographies, More Biblical Cases of Resisting the Authorities, Biblical Illiteracy Is Destroying Our Christian Witness, Encouragement from the Life and Ministry of Elijah, Yes They Really Are That Foolish: Islam and the Religious Left. Nathan was able to walk into the throne room unfettered because he understood that Davids sin would have national implications and repercussions with their enemies. The kings were expected to observe the laws and covenant of God, defend their Nations and rule all the people in justice. Isaiah instructs the stricken King Hezekiah. Well see how Gods story continues in exile. For example, 1 Chronicles 29:29 uses three different words, , H8014, , H5566, and , H2602, to indicate men who performed the prophetic task. When the king was confronted with Gods prophetic word, it prevailed. When the people of Israel mingle with the Canaanites (and especially when they intermarry), their loyalties become divided between the God of Israel (who gave them the land) and the gods of the Canaanites. Patterson/Austel 1,2 Kings (EBC) Thanks for the effort put into this and the links. (Though some like Jonah did chuck a wobbly in the process). Ashurbanipal. He did it graciously, even cleverly, but nonetheless effectivelythou art the man. What pastor would have the termerity to do such a thing to a current political leader? Would it even be possible? Q. Have been reading 1-2 Samuel & 1-2 Kings this year and have just started on Chronicles. He quickly becomes Ahabs greatest nemesis, and we see why in 1 Kings 18. The nation had turned away from the Lord to worship Baal, and King Ahab had formed an alliance with Sidon by marrying their princess, Jezebel. What should Judah do?! Martin Luther King is a sign that God has not forsaken the United States of America. The Israelites kings were chosen divinely, chosen and they were expected to abide by the covenant of God, responsibility of reproving, encouraging, teaching, warning, giving guidance and also giving, guidance to the people of God. Why have you despised the commandment of the LORD, to do evil in His sight? Who is a biblical prophet? The Spirit of the Lord initiated the mentoring duties by Moses, Elijah, and Deborah (Deut. Thank You Nam risus ante, dapibus a molestie consequat, ultrices ac magna. They were, in their own ways, leaders of the nation, although there were elders and officials too, but it was always God's intention that He would lead them. DeVries, S 1 Kings (WBC) 8:7). Finally a good guy! coercion. He saw this plague as a precursor to an even greater judgment on the nation by God."The day of the Lord" is the dominant theme in his message (2:11) The author pauses in 2 Kings 17 to make sure we know this. Zechariah One lesson is the importance of godly and righteous leadership (and the dangers of ungodly and unrighteous leadership). The author of 1 and 2 Kings is as much a theologian as he is a historian. Shallum (748) one month Upon becoming king, theres a bloody battle and assassination, and the story gets pretty messy. <> righteousness of King Hezekiah and the influence of prominent prophets (2 Kings 19:35-37). All content Chris Juby | Twitter: @biblesummary | RSS | Contact the author | Licensing | Website by Chris Juby. This folly incites an oracle of judgment from Isaiah Judah will also go into exile (2 Kings 20). -Or, sadly, when the kings go bad, the people follow suit as well, as in the case of Zedekiah (see 2 Chr. Overview of the Kings and Prophets of Israel and the Divided Kingdom In the second month of the Exodus, on the 52nd day from Nisan 10, Moses and the people of Israel arrive at the Wilderness of Sinai and make camp at the base of the Mount Horeb (Sinai). David had a real relationship with Nathan. Will you seek after righteousness and rule accordingly? Many of Jeremiah's prophecies are yet to be fulfilled in the end times. Comments should be brief (preferably under 100 words), polite, constructive and informed. Ahijah confirms Gods word in 1 Kings 11. Why should the Christian be conversant in the history of Israel? The @biblesummary account peaked at over 30,000 followers, and was featured in the news all over the world. Perhaps this is nowhere truer than in the historical narratives recounting the rise and fall of Israels monarchy. endobj Would they listen to Gods prophetic word? For instance, the wicked King Manasseh is described as an evil king in both 2 Kings 21 and 2 Chronicles 33, but only Chronicles mentions his repentance and return to God. The monarchy, therefore, is neither nontheocratic nor antitheocratic. Bill, you have encouraged us to take the time to read and meditate on these Books. ): Ark captured, Elis sons slain (4:1b11), Ark remains in Kiriath-jearim 20 years [Samsons Judgeship, 11041084 B.C.] Olley, J The Message of Kings (BST) They say what God is saying and prophesy what is to come. He is confronted twice with the prophetic word. Isaiah and many others greatly admired Uzziah. But there's also a king between Josiah and Jehoiakim. Leithart, P 1&2 Kings (BTCB) Second Kings offers us a glimmer of hope. Wow, thats a lot of references to outside sources! Zephaniah Tsumura, D The First Book of Samuel (NICOT) As priest, he sanctifies, that is to say, he reestablishes the lost link between divinity and humanity; as prophet, he speaks and embodies the divine truth; and as king, he leads us on the right path, giving guidance to the human project. 36:11-14, eg.). Can anyone recommend a good commentary of the Kings (Samuel, Kings, Chronicles), and a side by side of the prophets aligned with their respective King(s) in the time line they occurred? That doesnt mean that pastors have the final say on public policy issues. Amon (641-640) two years 25-32; 35; 38,39; Joel 3; Amos 1,2; Zeph. Politicians want to meet pastors in order to access and win their influence with people. Thanks John, Karen, Kelvin, Iain, Trevor and Karen! People go hungry, yet cattle roam the streets. I want to know who is speaking into a politicians life with regards to his integrity, his family, his character, his walk with God, and his leadership. His name was Shallum (A.K.A. Pellentesque dapibus efficitur laoreet. Prophets speak on behalf of the Lord. He says the pain is worse when he, Scenario 2: 42-year-old man presents to ED with 2-day history of dysuria, low back pain, inability to fully empty his bladder, severe perineal pain along with fevers and chills. Asa (Good) (912-872) forty-one years Will you let them know about the Indiana Pastors Alliance or the Alliance in the state in which you live? Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862) was born and lived almost his life in Concord, Massachusetts. I noticed in the books of Kings that allowing the worship of other gods was a recurring theme for the bad kings. -Jeroboam ruled in Israel (the northern kingdom); its capital (eventually) was Samaria. As the history of the judges progresses, the Book of Judges sounds an insistent theme, significant for its four-fold repetition: there was no king in Israel (but every man did that which was right in his own eyes) (17:6; 18:1; 19:1; 21:25; cf. Nahum We are spiritual shepherds. Bookings. Zechariah (748) six months Isaiah or Yeshayhu ( "Salvation is the Lord) is one of the greatest prophets of the Hebrew Bible. -Manasseh, his son, was one of the worst (2 Ki. Jeremiah Bill, thank you so much for this succinct yet meaty overview. Clearly, historical records of the kings already existed and the readers had access to them. Dr. Baird is an advocate for believers to live their faith 24/7 and apply it comprehensively in every area of their life. My ancilary point is that relationship has deteriorated which has become one of the reasons we find our culture in the predicaments it finds itself in. We've just noticed three kings mentioned so far in Jeremiah 1:2-3 - Josiah, Jehoiakim, and Zedekiah. Rather, Gods covenant word was the real authority. Prophet As prophets in our homes, we have the great privilege to speak the words of God to our family. There are moments when "Of Kings and Prophets" seems sincere and very timely in its examination of the tense and historically troubling relationship between politics and religion. -Joash he lost his godly influence After the rule of King Solomon, there was a civil war and Israel was divided into the, The era of kings started with Saul which was about one, thousand years before Christ King Saul is seen to be the most disappointing king of Israel but, during the reign of David and Solomon expanded the empire. 22:41-50) Here's a hint: Elijah also "departed.". He anoints Jehu in 2 Kings 9 and instructs him to wipe out Ahabs house. When Assyrian threat came, he cried out to God for help. 8:16-24), And consider this royal line and the ups and downs found therein: The relationship between the kings and the prophets of Israel, The kings of Israel were believed to be agents sent by God to serve the Nation. 2 Samuel 12 the story of Solomon God explicitly compares the leadership of the. This didnt go well for Aaron in Exodus 32, and it doesnt go well for Jeroboam here. All the disaster that came on the northern kingdom was a direct result of its rejection of the word of the Lord. March 24, 2021. Of the 39 kings, only one is given an unqualified good rating: a southern king, Josiah. Because of Judahs apostasy, exile is coming. 3. 2 Chronicles 10-36 the divided kingdom (only Judah, the southern kingdom, is covered here). Below is a list of the prophets with dates, kings and historical events regarding Israel and her prophets. Later in his reign, Hezekiah makes some pretty foolish moves. 27:2 eg.). -Jehoahaz, his son, did evil in the sight of the Lord (2 Ki. So here I seek to make things a bit more clear for those who want to get a grasp of what these books are saying. Merrill, E A Commentary on 1 & 2 Chronicles (KEL) Elijah, also spelled Elias or Elia, Hebrew Eliyyahu, (flourished 9th century bce ), Hebrew prophet who ranks with Moses in saving the religion of Yahweh from being corrupted by the nature worship of Baal. Elijah was chosen to confront the followers of Baal simply because he had a relationship with God. "For he who is now called a prophet ( , H5566) was formerly called a seer . This overstates the case and overlooks some important points. If a politician is too busy to hear from the Watchmen, then he is too busy to hold office. Jehoram (850-843) eight years As far as helpful commentaries go, here are some of the ones from my own collection that I have used to good effect over the years: 1&2 SAMUEL In simple terms, the difference between priests and prophets is this: The priest's primary job is to represent God's people before God. According to Arist Is the article universal? A Focus on Judah A second distinctive is that the Chronicler focuses primarily on the kings of Judah, the house of David, rather than the kings of Israel (remember, the . The captivity formally ended in 538 bce, when the Persian conqueror of Babylonia, Cyrus the Great, gave the Jews permission to return to Palestine. The word of the Lord trumped the plans of the king. A priest is someone who approaches God on behalf of others. The prophet must speak this word exactly, and nothing else. -Solomon his son reigned roughly from 970-930. Shallum. That is my job as a Watchman. There were some good and some bad kings. Hi Bill, This is a really good over view of The O.T. All Christians should be devoted students of the Word of God, and that includes the Old Testament. The relationship between Prophets, Kings and Governors. 12.] It will discuss critically and soberly where our culture is heading. 29:29-30 eg.). I suppose they were tempted to do as some of our political leaders are doing now; trying to please everybody. Need we any further incentive? Here are some rough dates of what we find early on in these six books: -Samuel the prophet lived roughly from 1100-1015. As a result, the kingdom splits into two: Israel in the north and Judah in the south. 1. Ahab dies and his house is left desolate when the northern tribes are later taken into exile (1 Kings 22). Parishionerwill you encourage your pastor to get involved? It's interesting to note that over the following years these figures did become significant, and in that order. -Good Jehoshaphat begat bad Jehoram (2 Ki. These prophecies included messages of warning and hope. Prophets must have unfettered and unlimited access to Kings. Unlock access to this and over 10,000 step-by-step explanations. Fascinated. However, if they rule unrighteously or fail egregiously, then I will sound the alarm. Thanks Bill, this is EXCELLENT! There are numerous charts out there which seek to do this, trying to make sense of all the biblical data. I believe God pays close attention to the ways of kings and prophets. It offers reflective and incisive commentary on a wide range of issues, helping to sort through the maze of competing opinions, worldviews, ideologies and value systems. This is recorded in 1 Samuel 10: 1 and 1 Samuel 16: 13-23. Both priests and prophets are appointed by God. -Good Asa begat good Jehoshaphat (1 Ki. A few years ago I felt drawn into the laws (civil) that Father God laid down for His people back then. Both the Septuagint and the Latin Vulgate further designated Samuel and Kings in a way that emphasized the relationship of these two works (Septuagint: First, Second, Third and Fourth Book of Kingdoms; Latin Vulgate: First, Second, Third and Fourth Kings). Zechariah We seldom use the terms "kings" and "prophets" anymore, but these institutions of leadership still continue in the eyes of God. I recognize that there are probably three groups of people reading this blog: Politicians, Pastors, and Parishioners. 516 B.C. The books are written from the perspective of someone sitting long after the exile of the northern tribes (2 Kings 17) and the destruction of Jerusalem and the exile to Babylon (2 Kings 24-25). We live in an age where we see evidence of cultural decline, the erosion of values, the decline of civility, the denial of truth and the elevation of unreason. King Hezekiah responded positively to the prophetic word. (7:712), 40-year Philistine oppression ends (7:1314; cf. I want to know that there is a pastoral influencer in his life and that the politician is under spiritual authority just like every member of the flock. Happy reading! For whatsoever things were written aforetime, he elsewhere explained, were written for our learning (Rom. Priests Contemporary with Amos, Hosea, and Micah, who were prophets in the kingdom of Israel before its fall. Church attendance is wonderful (if he is consistently attending), but a relationship to a pastor is better. If the exact dates and relationships between the various kings can be difficult to pinpoint, things get even more complicated when we try to match them up with the various prophets who ministered during their reigns. Sometimes they do, sometimes they dont. In 1 Kings 12 he decides to gather an army and fight for the house of Israel in hopes that his kingdom would be restored. Monarchy was coming, but timing is as integral to Gods will as the event itself. This, trying to make sense of all the disaster that came on the Kings were respected and had different. They played month Upon becoming king, Josiah the final say on public policy issues books of Kings ( ). Said, pastors should have priority access to them why in 1 Kings 22 ) unlimited access to them on. 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relationship between kings and prophets