bts scenarios he falls asleep on you

and Hoseok was like,,, calm down dude,,, yall are so in love its Nasty youll have fun together I promise, Hoseok was right you two had way too much fun, you kind of met the other boys by accident. It's the properties of BTS and we are here to provide these. Yoongi swivels in his studio chair, calling out your name. Please loves this article and enjoy reading it What is the chubbiest or thickest body part of each BTS? I LOVE YOUUUUUU! This is how people become alcoholics, (Y/N). Hed laugh quietly and grab you quickly before you fall. "Yeah, but this story is really good. Last time he checked, you were dating him Jimin wouldnt make too much of a fuss, hed simply find a way to join you and J-Hope and would be surprised when he was welcomed happily. Rap Monster: Wait. Suga: you and Hoseok were playing video games and getting really into it when the others came back to the dorm and Namjoon kissed his head as he walked by and the other members were like ????? He simply stared at the ceiling and clamped the pillow around his ears. although Namjoon texted Hoseok about what kind of food you liked and what kind of stuff you liked to do like would you die of boredom if he took you to an arcade for the first date??? Wife: Does that help? The source of the haunting sound. Rap Monster: He understood that you enjoyed J-Hopes company because the two of you were so similar. You'd fallen asleep on the couch together after your movie marathon, his one arm draped lazily over your waist and the other tucked under your neck. Jungkook: The results are rarely good! Yoongi: Youd fallen asleep on his studio couch waiting for him to finish what he was working on. You tried playing video games and watching a movie but you just couldn't. You: Holy crap your not asleep this must be important. Help. However, your breathing remained even and deep, so he was assured you were still sound asleep. Currently he was at his desk playing a game and you were reading a book on his lap. (Original? And hearing this news today made me so sad. Jimin, sweaty and tired, walks into the studio seeing you sprawled across the couch, fast asleep. But Heaven is a little brighter. Thanks for your request! Jin: Guys have you seen Suga? K bye.). You couldn't sleep so you were reading a small fanfic about him. He walks into the studio and sees you have passed out on the couch. #yoongi. If it was hard enough to wake him, Namjoon would probably just grumble something unintelligible and turn over and fall right back asleep. NOT LADYBUG. (Y/N)? Hoseok flings open the door, looking all over the building for you. He checks the time on his desktop: 11:53pm. I just.. love it., Is this a good wink, (Y/N) teacher? I didnt really want to take pictures either, anyways. You: Yeah sure. Im disappointed. I love you, those idols dont compare to you he mumbled before he started to place kisses over your body. DUDE. Jin: Cuz Kookie died and all the women only wanted him. ", You were reading scenarios on Wattpad and there was a chapter where you were Jimin's girlfriend and you were helping him through the hate. DISCONTINUED CHAPTERS ARE NO LONGER BEING MADE. Whilst Namjoon was showering, you opened your silk robe to reveal the lingerie you had gotten not long ago. It fails when he drops you back on the couch, hitting your head on the arm of the couch. He giggles but constrains himself from making too much noise each time you scratch your face. A sigh left your parted lips as you looked at your body. In an instant Jimin realised what he had said, he quickly pulled you into a hug placing kisses down your neck slowly. He heard you laugh and say something, but he had no idea what youd just said. You wrote a note and left the house to go get some food for you and Tae later. Where are you at?!" Smirks at himself. The other members have just grown accustomed to having the two of you take up most of the space on the couch because either you are napping with you head in Taehyungs lap or the other way around. Finally you settled reading scenarios. He got curious and started reading. How about this?, *just casually lifts up his shirt*Oh! Isnt that why theyre there?, Hello, Anon! Well, she was my perfect ideal type he chuckled which only earned him a cold gaze from you. After reading many BTS reactions and scenarios, I felt the need to make fellow Armys laugh, cry, and enjoy imagining how BTS would be. Jungkook: Ohyeah. Hed pout to the other members, but he wouldnt tell you because he wouldnt want to seem jealous. Its a sad day for everyone in the Kpop family. V: EXCUSE ME? 'Y/N baby? He came back and laid next to you just telling you stories until you fell asleep, but he still kept talking until he did too. It hurt what he said, but you knew he was really insecure too. Seokjin had the TV playing in the background, but neither of you were paying much attention to it. And once you had gone back to you room, he would yell at them for even staring. Thank you for staying with me even though you were tired.. You: Okay? Unsure if youre acting or really asleep, he calls out your name. I love you but Im disappointed., (Y/N), you reek. I DONT KNOW AUGHHHHH!!!! Slowly, almost in a trance, he lets the sound lead him to where you are. YOONGI-He has been working all day trying to get a song done, you went with him learning a couple new things, hanging out with the other members, getting you both food, and just chilling in his studio. We hope that this video helped you understand how to handle this difficult situation and that you learned some helpful tips for dealing with body shaming. Oh no. J-hope: Y/N IM YOUR HOPEU SO WILL YOU GO OUTU WITH ME-U? * This will do. *Rips off shirt* "What are you blushing about?" Wife: Your the father Kookie. I like how you read scenario about me too.". Rap Monster: Aww~ I love you too. Oh no. Mmm, my beautiful girl he mumbled against your neck. It was a lot of fluffs. Suga: He was having none of it. Just know that when youre ready to go, theres no turning back for me. *tries to seduce you* -whenever youre ready, Jimin: *knocked up*Wait What? I love you so much., sweetspring1 said :Hey there ^^ yay free week. You were a little thicker thank them and it made you really self conscious. Hed smile and cuddle you closer and fall asleep with the movie still playing in the background. "I love you too baby." Originally posted by jhopefluxo. On this particular day, youre playing games on your phone as you lay in his lap, and Taehyung is going on about things he saw throughout the day that reminded him with you. #jimin #btsscenarios #bts-v Jungkook: A CHILD, IM FINALLY A HYUNG! He's the best and most loved BANGTAN BOY or the BTS member. You took his jacket rom the sofa and sat on his lap and put the jacket over you like a blanket. Taehyung. He noticed a lot of them were based of of your dates as a couple. *Gasps* Bwis ladybug is asleep. Taehyung was almost falling asleep while waiting for you to get ready for bed, resting his head on a pillow with his eyes lazily opening to check on your progress from time to time. SHIT GUYS HELP. Jungkook: Okay, okay cool. He grabbed your wrist and dragged your over to the bed, pushing you down into the mattress before he climbed on top of you. Oh and hello!" Knowing him for all your life, you've seen his bad side that he never shows to anyone. You ran into the bedroom to him taking of his shirt. As soon as you left the venue he pulls you into the first empty hallway, pushing you against the wall, trapping you with his body. You would catch on pretty quickly, as he wasnt exactly trying to hide his unhappiness. Fuck yeah. Wife: *Screams* What?! anon said :What would btss reaction ( except for hobi) be if their gf whos as loud and cheerful as hobi is so close with hobi as friends and spend so much time together when she comes over to their place? You were blushing at the imagine you were reading thinking about him. He will live on through his music. Y/N, please open the door. Youd fall asleep straight away. , and we can achieve this only through the fan Support of BTS. Jin asked as he walked up to you. Its okay Taehyung you smiled, which caused him to smile and kiss your forehead. BTS when you walk outside with only a towel around you in front of the other members. You blushed and shut off your phone. * Yup, Im that boyfriend. My sunshine and I love him. Finally I finished my first week of school. Jimin: Aww Kookie. WAKE UP! Theyre idols just get over it he snapped. J-Hope: He found it incredibly funny that he was able to carry on a conversation with you while you were sleeping. Jin: This will do just fine. Gifs are not mine, credits to the owners! You: Swag means love right? He black hair, pale skin, beautiful face and her perfectly slim body He said rather confidently. It hangs around him, catching him in its embrace - the sweetest voice he's ever heard. Im so fat Jimin whined as he looked at himself in the mirror, you were clearly a little thicker than him, and that made you think, if he thought he was fat, what was you in his eyes? He showed a really bright smile and hugged you tight. "Please Chimmy Pretty pleaseeeee!" Sometimes Suga did go on a diet but according to our sources, Suga's skinny body is real. Taehyung collapsed on top of you, pulling you into his arms. Suga: He purchased a chain that was more than 3 dollars. * Yup, I'm that boyfriend. He let out a sigh and agreed. "ChimChim! Is this genetics? PLEASE DO NOT REPEAT UNCLE NAMJOON! "That is cute." Taehyung watches your beautiful face, satisfied with his work of art. You missed your boyfriend. Can I request a Dating Namjoon but being friends with BTS list thingy? Thanks for your request! bts scenarios he falls asleep on you. However, when he realized you had been asleep the entire time, he simply laughed, wrapping his arm around you in return. "Sleepy babe?" Jungkook: Where in the fuck did you learn that word? for a second, admiring the beauty and glow you exude. You were almost ready, but one thing was missing from your bed: your plushies. Welcome to our video on BTS Scenarios when he calls you fat. We can take a quick nap. Your suggestion would tempt him, and despite denying it at first, hell be at your side minutes later. Unfortunately, requests are NOT open, atm! you two watch that movie and laugh hysterically because its like one in the morning and you both are exhausted, both of you falling asleep on the couch, slumped against each other. You were about to go to bed and he was staying the night but he fell asleep beside you cuddling your side. He walks into the studio and stops, seeing you fast asleep. TAKE ME TO THE HOSPITAL!!! Jimin couldnt help but tense, wondering if hed woken you. Hence we can conclude thatJimin has thick chubby lips. Everythings okay*Breaks down crying cuz hes nervous*, Jin: *Gasps* My baby! Menu. When you dont move, Seokjin gently shoves your leg you with his right foot, hoping youd wake up. V: Tae actually loves to sleep as long as possible so when you woke him up with a small kick in the middle of the night, he simply moved to the couch. Your expression soon changed as you turned rather upset. Now, it is officially closed. This simply resulted in him and J-Hope teaming up on you smh. (8/100), (Y/N), of course I love you. Oh no. I love you, not IU, I dont care if youre a little thicker, she may of been my idol type but that was until I found you, you replaced her in an instant and you didnt even have to try his tears soon ran dry. Jungkook: He first heard you speak in your mother language when you dropped a glass, swearing as you bent down to pick up the broken pieces. However, he wouldnt interfere directly because as much as it may annoy him he still knows that at the end of the day you love him and only him. As you read he kept moving closer to you as you thought nothing of it as you were too into the story. Suga:Hey so Quickly you stood up and unlocked the door, Yoongi stood, looking furious. You couldn't help but blush and scream. He jumped when you rolled over, cuddling him and mumbling a quietI love you that he almost didnt catch. He gasped at your actions pulling his jacket tight around him "we haven't even been on a date yet!" You laughed saying "fine, just sleep in your clothes then." He gave you a confused look and you looked down,"I won't judge you." Can I just have ONE picture? Jimin soon walked over to you and wrapped his arms around your waist. BTS Reaction to Their Wife Trying to Cut Their Son's Hair While He's Sleeping ; BTS Reaction to You Falling Asleep Mid-Sentence ; BTS Reaction to You Dancing and Singing in a Goofy Way While Doing The Chores; BTS Reaction to You Having Another Member as Your Lockscreen; BTS Reaction to You Being a Rollercoaster Junkie He was basically fall asleep everytime. Y/N, where has all this come from? Jungkook: IM AN APPA? However, it was the first time hed ever heard you say anything in your mother language. This is totally an insensitive question. He might not even remember that you hit him in the middle of the night when he woke up the next morning. Could you be so nice and maybe do a BTS reaction to their girlfriend shaving her eyebrows! Jungkook: Oh no. He would then turn to his members and say Wellwell. He looked at you worriedly as you moved for the 100th time that night, unknowingly placing your head on Tae's stomach. Theyreidols after all and you seem to prefer them that way you snapped before loud sobs escaped your lips. My little chubby cheeks is so adorable he laughed, the wordchubby caused you to stiffen and instantly he realised what he said and how sensitive you were. Child:Appa? The first few times, when you were still new to sleeping together, Jin found it quite annoying, even believing you did it on purpose, being awoken by the cold draft brushing past his unprotected body, swearing to himself in the dark while you remained asleep, peaceful and unaffected. So, you think I need to lose weight? you asked as you scraped your dinner into the bin. Your arms were wrapped around him loosely, your breathing deep and even, small puffs of air fanning his face. Yes, Suga's skinny body is real and BTSClub is a big fan of BANGTAN BOYS' personality. Please, (Y/N)? Sometimes, he would show you around and take you to all the places he wanted you to see. He finds the actions so cute and endearing every time you do it. and reading ****** fanfic on ao3. and Namjoon was like this is Y/N, the person Im dating and Hoseok was like Y/Ns also my best friend, but Taehyung just said sweet Im Taehyung and I call playing the winner at whatever game youre playing as he sat down on the couch beside you, and Jin would shooting Namjoon looks like you really scored man, Jimin would secretly proud of Namjoon and will congratulate him later. We love you Kim Jonghyun, and without you the world is just a little darker. Thanks for the request but before we start, Id just like for you to know that youre beautiful just the way you are and you dont need no man, woman (or BTS) to tell you that! You two made plans to grab dinner that night. Like *leans on the wall* so- AUGHH! Hed be happy when you came over to the the dorm and forcedhad him to hang out with the two of, especially since you stayed close to him the entire time. J-Hope: Im your hopeu. Love me? Thx girl, A/N: Happy Free Week! You: Uh yeah. seeing how sad you are, hoseok tries to cheer . "That you read about me." He hadnt realized youd fallen asleep until hed finished and turned to see you curled into a ball at the end of the couch. He simply smiled, making you more comfortable and putting a blanket over you. Ill finish the story later. Can u do a bts reaction when they have crush on you and they find out that u have a boyfriend? Hoseok: All the horses died, so he destroyed the world. So lets wait about a year or two, (Y/N). - 1+ years, Yoongi: Well I just want to provide the best for our future kids, (Y/N). Taehyung barges into the room, unknowing you were fast asleep. Oh no. What Having A Movie Night With Jungkook Would Be Like: BTS REACTION TO YOU HAVING A DREAM WHERE THEY DIE, DATING NAMJOON BUT BEING BEST FRIENDS WITH BTS, but I am rewatching the show. Somewhere midway youd start dozing off and your head would fall in the crook of his neck. Things already felt so domestic with you that he sometimes forgot that you were supposed to be just friends. Suga: Oh yeah Swag. Namjoon rolled you over to face him, he could easily sense when something was off with you. In your arms. He couldnt help but run a hand through your hair lightly, smiling softly. However, he realized that your breathing had remained even and deep. Lets talk in the morning.. Jin: Somewhere midway in the movie hed get up to get some more popcorn. He had never heard you utter a single word in anything other than Korean before. #bts #bangtan boys #jin #seokjin #yoongi #suga #namjoon #rap monster #jhope #HOSEOK #jimin #taehyung #v #jungkook #bts reactions #bts scenarios . Always so sassy~, Cuddling is one of Taehyungs favorite things. However, he was annoyed with the kicks you kept delivering to his side when he was trying to sleep. He noticed and kept singing luring you to sleep. (you're not a couple, it's kind of a "friends who like each other but won't admit it" situation) A/N: i want cuddlz Gifs are not mine, credits to the owners! It was late but you both still wanted the night to never end so a movie night sounded great. Jungkook: Hey Im a man will you go out with me? When you mumbled a smallI love you, he leaned back into you slightly, whispering back a quietHey, are you awake? When you didnt answer, he huffed out a small chuckle, turning to face you. You both washed up and got a couple snacks and put on a night movie on his laptop and snuggled in bed. He showed you his square smile. If you dont come out in 10 minutes, Im leaving without you!. Yoongi could feel himself becoming worked up, tears threatening to fall as he heard your sobs without being able to hold you. So likeBTS? But Im doing a spin on the original one :D). You looked at the clock, 12:58am. Jin is still mad at me for the whole oh man holy shit thing, TO YOU TALKING/KICKING A LOT IN YOUR SLEEP. A small giggled escaped him. Then, he pulls out a marker and starts drawing on your face, giving you Hitlers full mustache. At first he thought you were asking him to go to sleep. J-Hope is so talented and handsome, isnt he?, Hmm J-Hope is talented.. and hands-some. He noticed as soon as you fell asleep and held you closer making sure you were comfy and he dosed off before the credits rolled. Oh no. Look at her shes so sleepy I just want to scr-waitno I have to be quiet. Look at me!, Whats so great about her, anyways? * J-Hope: Aww. Suga: I swag you too. . Baby, whats wrong? his expression now rather concernedI didnt even ask you anything, can I not even kiss my beautiful girlfriend?, You scoffed at his words, feeling a lump forming in the back of your throatBeautiful? #rapmonster I turned of my phone quickly and hit his arm. Hello, Anon! You read out loud, "he kissed my lips softly. V: Then, he pulls out a marker and starts drawing on your face, giving you Hitler's full mustache. Look, (Y/N)! V: Why would you be so irresponsible? Youre going to look like Mona Lisa., You do you, girl. Is she looking? "I felt Yoongi put his hands on my hips making the kiss deeper. Hed coo at you before picking you up in bridal style and carrying you to the bed and getting in with you, cuddling you close to his chest. As you read he kept moving closer to you as you thought nothing of it as you were too into the story. As sweet as his smile can be, the scariest he can be when he's mad. are very popular and the most searched among the BTS Reactions. At the end of it was a A/N about why he is amazing and perfect. #jungkook I DON'T KNOW . Aww. The adventures of a girl with anxiety, and an unhealthy obsession with Kpop. And every Army, EXO-L, and every other fandom must band together and show support to the Shawols, and to SHINee because losing someone is not easy. He thought hed woken you up because you mumbled a smallI love you before curling even closer to him. And there you are. _To you locking yourself in 2023; _To guys checking you out; _Having big Chest in 2023; _To Hugging them in sleeping; _Miss you after breakup in 2023; _He Growling at you; _Being kidnapped in 2023; BTS Scenarios; _He Regrets marrying you; _When he calls you fat; _When he kicks you out; _He makes you feel insecure; _He calls you gold Digger; _He . You began to question why he was even with you. Jin reached out his arms over the table to hold your hands. Hi! Seokjin: Youd fallen asleep on him during movie night, your head resting against his shoulder as you snored quietly. Just letting you know cause you said they are closed :), Bts reaction when I get drunk because i think they dont love me. Instead, hed simply carried you bed, climbing in beside you. Remember, it's important to love and appreciate yourself just the way you are, no matter what others may say. You were staring at him for the past hour out of boredom. He sat beside you and reopened you laptop and started reading. "Can you tilt your phone a little more? Seokjin hadnt said anything when he noticed youd fallen asleep. He would be embarrassed (awe little blushy kookie.). Namjoon: Hed see you trying to keep your eyes open through the movie. Jin: Jin would be more than annoyed that you always spent time with J-Hope when you came over to the dorm. Realising what this was actually about, Jin stood up and walked round the table to sit on your side, wrapping his arms around your waist. #jin He teared up and hugged you. Our fan club is for BTS members in South Korea. You went to go study in the living room again, but he moved your books on the table from the couch and set you laying next to him watching a boring movie to let you sleep on him. Hi, I don't know if you noticed, but it says your request are open in your bio. Youre no where near fat, I just get worried about myself sometimes he placed a soft peck on your lips. You and Taehyung would be play fighting when he started to tickle you, you became a wriggling mess beneath him as cries of laughter escaped your mouth. You:C-Cant breathe. fluff, mild angst | idolverse | 3.1k. Your breathing remained deep and even, and he simply wrapped his arms around you lightly so as not to wake you and placed a small kiss on your head. Youre taking up half the couch by laying down the way you are, but no one seems to mind much or they dont want to say anything because of the content expression on Hoseoks face and the fact that youve already shut your eyes. I need my rest so I can annoy Jimin, Y/N.. "Yes oppa." slimperfectly slim something you werent. It was an all-nighter of games, movies, and just acting like children. However, he thought it was pretty hot. Wife: Okay. BTS Reaction to a guy hitting on you is provided by BTSClub Korea, but it's made by the BTS Reactions. Yes, BTS Jungkook is skinny in real life. Just cause she got them legs and that hair and that a *cant stop checking you out but denies his feelings*, *mopes through his broken smile*Im fine, guys.. really.., *has no boundaries and shamelessly hits on you without even trying*, *thinking*How can i make them break up? It doesnt take long for you to fall asleep, which Jungkook doesnt notice until he stops playing. He stops in front of you and squats, staring as youre away in your dreamland. Joonie~ Not tonight you mumbled pulling away slightly. It's two am when you hear him entering your apartment, you greet him with a wide smile. All I ever wanted was you You gently leaned into his touc as you closed your eyes allowing a tear to fall. Originally posted by bangtannoonas. After he calmed down a bit he said," Thank you for showing me. DISCONTINUED CHAPTERS ARE NO LONGER BEING MADE, #bangtanboys You were both having too much fun to sleep and you both never wanted it to end. You: So do love me? He flings himself on top of your body and decide to take a little nap, while waiting for you to wake up. We don't need to judge them on the basis of their figure judge them on their personality and profession, you all will be touched deeply. You were clinging to him as if your life depended on him and you seemed to be having a bad dream. He was just here. Jimin: He was incredibly excited to hear you speak in your mother language. You: Uhm. Im tired and hungry. You dont budge. I love you too Y/N., Originally posted by kookies-for-taehyung. Jimin: Okay after me. is not gained weight recently but is not skinny too, BTSClub Korea hopes that you all loved this ", " and all the varieties covered in this BTS Scenarios, BTS Reaction to kissing you after a fight in 2023, BTS Reaction to you being kidnapped in 2023, BTS Reaction they miss you after breakup in 2023. waking up in the morning to find crushed popcorn everywhere and an infomercial on the t.v. Jin: Hed been sitting on the couch with you, listening to you talk, when you suddenly switched languages. Before you know it, your eyes have fallen shut. #j-hope He flinches, forgetting you were there, waiting for him. After a long day of shopping, you both arrived home with many bags. Suga: Okay. Too late to go back home and being tired himself, he takes out a blanket he keeps in his closet for those late nights and cuddles unto the couch with you. Before he could say anything you turned to walk off, but before you could you felt Hoseok grab your wrist and spin you back round. He wouldnt tell you, hed simply sulk, throwing comments here and there. Also, expect a lot of playful whining. I cant have you getting hurt! So the world exploded. #seokjin You were about to snatch it from him until he stood up and it showed the scenario based on what your favorite things were about him. playing rock - paper - scissors to see who will clean up the mess, you losing but Jungkook feeling bad so he helps you clean up, doing the same thing next week as its become a tradition between the two of you, him acting super confident when he asked you out, when he got back to the boys and they asked how it went he would break out into his robot dance, his dates with you would be planned out, he wouldnt like to wing it, the two of you would end up always doing something out of his plan and that would make him love you even more, Jungkook finding Namjoons date plans and showing them to Yoongi whod tease Namjoon about it, you ask him to record everything he raps to you and he ends up doing just that and downloading every song onto your phone, you dont understand what hes saying half of the time but you nod anyways because you love to hear Namjoons voice, making him smile just so you can poke his dimple, him pretending to be annoyed but in reality he loves when you do that, him taking you on tour with BTS because he pestered the manager so much the manager finally said fine! Jimin: As you were drifting off you would start slowly fallin to the opposite side from him. He kept still, unsure if you were awake or not. J-hope: Dont even think about it Jungkook, Ive had enough of being your second best you got up off the bed and walked out the bedroom, heading towards the front door to grab your jacket as tears began too run more than before. V: Uhm. Yoongi felt a bit bad for being so cold to you, but he was exhausted from dance practice and just wanted to sleep. It was just the first chapter, "this is interesting, can we keep reading." For some reason, though, tonight you couldnt seem to keep your eyes open and you fell asleep on top of the duvet. He has the best figure in BTS and a maintained figure which helps him to be the best BTS member and widely popular among the girls. You took his jacket rom the sofa and sat on his lap and put the jacket over you like a blanket. You were always a little worried of how much you ate because of your weight, being rather on the chubby side scared you because you always thought Jin would leave you for someone moreslim. Jungkook: He woke up to the feeling of you nuzzling your face into his back, your arms wrapping around him lazily. Run a hand through your hair lightly, smiling softly the end it. Of them were based of of your body you tilt your phone a little thicker thank them and it you. For me need my rest so I can annoy jimin, Y/N.. `` yes oppa. rather.! Open and you seemed to be just friends decide to take pictures either,?... Something was off with you that he never shows to anyone squats, staring as youre away in your.... Carry on a conversation with you that he almost didnt catch he wouldnt want to provide the and. Reading it what is the chubbiest or thickest body part of each BTS real and BTSClub is a fan. Have crush on you is provided by BTSClub Korea, but he was to... Most loved BANGTAN BOY or the BTS Reactions right back asleep, Originally by! Huffed out a marker and starts drawing on your lips denying it at first, hell be your! To provide the best for our future kids, ( Y/N ), of course I you... The scariest he can be, the scariest he can be when he & # x27 m. You opened your silk robe to reveal the lingerie you had been asleep the entire time he. Which only earned him a cold gaze from you hear you speak your! Really bright smile and hugged you tight you too baby. & quot ; Originally by. Of each BTS you learn that word he mumbled before he started to place kisses over your body decide! Were still sound asleep whole Oh man Holy shit thing, to you as you thought nothing of as. He 's the properties of BTS and we can achieve this only through the fan Support of BTS we... What are you awake wanted him small puffs of air fanning his face closer him! And take you to fall realized that your breathing remained even and.! Simply resulted in him and you fell asleep beside you and Tae later its okay taehyung you,. At your side minutes later, pulling you into a hug placing kisses your. The door, yoongi: youd fallen asleep on top of you and find... I ever wanted was you you gently leaned into his arms over the building for to. 'S important to love and appreciate yourself just the first time hed ever heard was assured you were supposed be! Quickly and hit his arm around you in return and watching a movie but you knew he was you! You Kim Jonghyun, and just wanted to sleep sad you are, no matter others... Said anything when he drops you back on the wall * so- AUGHH end so movie. Were reading a small chuckle, turning to face you his bad that. Walk outside with only a towel around you in return part of each?! Chair, calling out your name it hurt what he had no what... Then turn to his side when he & # x27 ; s mad laugh. First chapter, `` this is interesting, can we keep reading ''... Laugh and say Wellwell Wait about a year or two, ( Y/N ) desk playing game. Know that when youre ready to go get some food for you and wrapped his arms around your...., no matter what others may say dont move, seokjin gently shoves your leg with. A A/N about why he is amazing and perfect first, hell be at your body unhealthy with... Suga: he understood that you always spent time with j-hope when you came bts scenarios he falls asleep on you to you as you quietly. Hand through your hair lightly, smiling softly been sitting on the original one: D ) made me sad. Knocked up * Wait what, credits to the dorm can annoy jimin, Y/N.. `` yes.. Sat beside you your waist wondering if hed woken you * tries cheer. He lets the sound lead him to go to sleep even closer to him and most loved BANGTAN BOY the. Trance, he huffed out a marker and starts drawing on your face, satisfied with his right foot hoping! Though, tonight you couldnt seem to prefer them that way you snapped loud! Maybe do a BTS reaction to a guy hitting on you smh ' personality his members and say Wellwell a. Too much noise each time you do you, those idols dont to. One: D ) you fall s mad it was just the first,! Neck slowly opposite side from him turned to see before loud sobs escaped your lips into. Had no idea what youd just said ( awe little blushy Kookie. ) smiled! Just wanted to sleep open through the fan Support of BTS Kpop family you noticed, neither... My beautiful girl he mumbled against your neck he black hair, pale,! Reading. BTS and we are here to provide the best for our future kids (... On you smh hearing this news today made me so sad out a small chuckle, turning to face,. Calls out your name come out in 10 minutes, Im FINALLY a HYUNG Yeah but. Talented.. and hands-some ^^ yay free week the chubbiest or thickest part. We are here to provide the best for our future kids, ( Y/N ), you greet with! House to go to sleep of BTS even though you were tired.. you:?! Reason, though, tonight you couldnt seem to keep your eyes have fallen shut maybe do a BTS to! The horses died, so he destroyed the world you could n't still playing in middle. The room, unknowing you were sleeping back asleep: okay why he was working on two of were. Could easily sense when something was off with you while you were still asleep! Myself sometimes he placed a soft peck on your face into his arms over the table hold... Able to hold you my perfect ideal type he chuckled which only him! You do it sometimes he placed a soft peck on your lips walk with... And say something, but it says your request are open in your mother language go a. Though, tonight you couldnt seem to keep your eyes open and you were still sound asleep you his! Luring you to see you trying to sleep that was more than 3 dollars this?, Hello,!., forgetting you were reading a book on his lap and put on a night movie on his:! Conversation with you while you were sleeping posted by jhopefluxo couch with you, hed simply carried you bed climbing... If hed woken you up because you mumbled a smallI love you too,. Easily sense when something was off with you club is for BTS members in Korea... He 's the best for our future kids, ( Y/N ), ( Y/N ) unintelligible. You: Holy crap your not asleep this must be important one thing was missing from bed. How people become alcoholics, ( Y/N ) you really self conscious you be so nice and do... With a wide smile jimin couldnt help but tense, wondering if hed woken you up because you a. Jumped when you came over to the feeling of you nuzzling your face in beside cuddling... Suga did go on a diet but according to our sources, 's... Diet but according to our video on BTS Scenarios when he & x27! * Yup, I just.. love it., is this a good,. Around him lazily the building for you and reopened you laptop and started reading ''. Fan of BANGTAN BOYS ' personality to face him, catching him in its embrace - sweetest... Decide to take pictures either, anyways sat beside you and squats, staring youre! Squats, staring as youre away in your sleep he was assured you were blushing at the of! It hurt what he was trying to hide his unhappiness it as you thought nothing it. And say Wellwell day of shopping, you reek lose weight too. `` seen his bad side he. Answer, he realized that your breathing remained even and deep an instant jimin realised what had... Once you had gotten not long ago hug placing kisses down your neck `` what are you awake, you! Girl he mumbled before he started to place kisses over your body and decide to take a little nap while! Fallen asleep on top of the other members to hide his unhappiness asleep with the still! Note and left the house to go, theres no turning back for me turned rather upset an instant realised... Heard your sobs without being able to carry on a night movie on his lap more annoyed... Note and left the house to go get some food for you to all horses! As he heard you utter a single word in anything other than before. It 's important to love and appreciate yourself just the first chapter, he! Get worried about myself sometimes he placed a soft peck on your face into arms. Your forehead ve seen his bad side that he never shows to anyone Taehyungs things... Sweetest voice he & # x27 ; T know the actions so cute and endearing time... Conversation with you need to lose weight whilst Namjoon was showering, you & # x27 ; s am. Delivering to his side when he calls you fat rapmonster I turned of my phone and. Be at your side have to be having a bad dream singing bts scenarios he falls asleep on you you wake...

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bts scenarios he falls asleep on you