furries in schools in maine

Lawyers for the society, in recent years, also have brought legal action opposing vaccine mandates, gay marriage and transgender rights. At the meeting, parent Lisa Hansen said she was "a lot of . Going forward, the team plans to work on various election fronts, including preventing ineligible people from voting, according to the memo the society provided to ProPublica. They had previously joined an Amistad suit he handled. Thats why its doubly important for pro-life advocates to ensure the integrity of state and local elections, one of the groups attorneys wrote in an op-ed last summer. The agreement approved Tuesday is only temporary. It is pushing model legislation to states that would radically alter how elections are handled. Yesterday I heard that at least one of our schools in our town, has in one of the unisex bathrooms a litter box for the kids that identify as cats, a speaker at a school board meeting said, in a video that went viral in January. In January of last year, Brejcha wrote that his group will continue to work with and support Amistad but touted decisive new initiatives., Rest assured, he added, we mean to press this cause of election integrity to the hilt, as is our trademark.. Crosby and Judd dismissed Bendors letter. These people will hiss at you or scratch at you if they dont like something youre doing.. With the overturning of Roe v. Wade, the fight over abortion is increasingly playing out at the state level and local elections for legislators and judges have taken on added weight. " [It has been] circulating around the internet for more than a decade: This claim that there is a pandemic of furries in schools eating out of dog bowls or barking and hissing in class," said. The Ruling. How my high school AND college found out I was a furry! The society declined repeated requests from ProPublica for an interview or to answer specific questions. Cafeteria tables are being lowered in certain @RoundRockISD middle and high schools to allow furries to more easily eat without utensils or their hands (ie, like a dog eats from a bowl), she tweeted. In the same way that cosplayers typically don't believe they are actually Spiderman, furries don't think they are their fursonas . Ladapo was back last week when it emerged that he'd been investigated for allegedly falsifying data for a previous antivax gambit. They were yelling at him about his kid being a furry, McMillan told The Daily Beast. Media and internet exposure also drive VAERS reporting. He brought it to us. At the time, the integrity of voter rolls was very much in the news. (It is unconscionable that this afternoon I am sending this communication, his email to parents began.). Theyre being allowed to growl and bark at their teachers. Social media users are sharing a video of a Midland Public Schools board of education meeting in Michigan where a community member claimed that litter boxes were . Amelia McMillan, a parent in the Pennsylvania district, recognized the four people. Or when 90s teens had a thing for pacifiers? Sixth grader Knox Zajac appeared at the school board meeting on February 15 to . Weve known Phill Kline. Play the long game. The litter boxes in schools hoax (also called the litter box canard) is a false rumor alleging that certain North American schools provide litter boxes in bathrooms for students who "identify as cats", or who participate in the furry or otherkin subcultures. Darlene Edwards is among the parents who wrote in. Furries don't identify as animals; they identify with animals. Long before the Thomas More Society and Kline joined together on election law, they had a different kind of relationship. "He said, 'but mom they're scratching hissing and barking.' The first notable instance of furry panic occurred when right-wing activists pushed a false claim about schools in Michigan placing litter boxes in bathrooms to allow furry students to use them, and the bogus rumors about furry infiltration into the public education system have only grown from there. We are nonpartisan, were bipartisan, but we want the laws to be enforced so that the democratic process is not distorted and destroyed, he said. PORTLAND, Maine Three Portland Public Schools staff members have resigned and two have been verbally warned as a result of an investigation into allegations of misconduct from students within the district. The state Supreme Court ultimately suspended his law license indefinitely in 2013 for 11 violations of professional conduct rules, including misleading a judge and grand jury. Unless theyre actually harming their classmates, I see no cause for panic. Ladapo baselessly alleges that increased reporting must point to safety problems with covid vaccines. LGBTQNation 10/25/2022. Nevertheless, the allegations soon spread to Texas, where a GOP candidate (and activist with the right-wing parents group Moms For Liberty) added her own baseless claims about special privileges for furry students. 13, 2022 4:31 pm. I was uh. Throughout the struggle, he had a key ally from Chicago: attorney Tom Brejcha, president of the Thomas More Society. It happened every time a school board member spoke up about changes to the Central York School Districts COVID-19 plan. We were told there are students allowed to wear cat ears and tails while other students cannot even wear a hat. The 23-page blueprint calls on legislatures to set up bipartisan standing committees that would issue a report recommending whether to certify election results. Last week, a Tennessee school board banned the Holocaust graphic novel Maus, ostensibly on the grounds that its illustrations of unclothed mice were inappropriate. Republicans furious after Democrat questions 'God-given' rights at House hearing, 'Toxic sludge': Paul Ryan torches Tucker Carlson when questioned about Fox News' election coverage, 'Beyond parody': Critics torch Marjorie Taylor Greene for her latest appeal to Republicans, 'Liar, liar': Joe Biden amuses crowd with quip about Marjorie Taylor Greene, 'Really unacceptable': FBI shredded following new watchdog report, Watch: Anti-drag GOP governor bolts from reporters who unearthed photos of him in drag, This multi-millionaire with a cushy desk job wants you to work until youre 70. What we shouldn't be promoting is delusion and the idea that personal desire trumps education. Privacy Policy | For corrections contact corrections@rawstory.com, for support contact support@rawstory.com. A Facebook post says schools are putting litter boxes in bathrooms to accommodate kids who identify as furries. ", Edwards says she wants school administrations to issue a public statement that sets the record straight, saying parents and kids deserve that, "I will continue making waves, I will continue going to his principal, I will continue contacting Jefferson County until they acknowledge that it's happening and they need to address it.". We saw that time and again on abortion.. There are no furries or students identifying as such. Still, Secretary of State Adrian Fontes told Votebeat on Tuesday that historically, Arizona counties have made this type of decision on how to delegate election responsibilities and they should have the right to do so. Together, the society and Amistad moved aggressively. Thomas Mores role in the push to change election law should not be underestimated, say abortion rights groups familiar with the legal societys tactics and record. As China threatens to invade neighbors, were cringing when someone tells us hes an antelope and we better acknowledge hes got hooves whether or not visible, he opined. In August, for instance, an anonymous grandparent told Kentuckys WLKY that her grandchildren were being bullied in class by students who made hissing noises. Trumps legal team was making similar efforts, and that team included Jenna Ellis, a former Thomas More Society attorney. Lisa Hansen asked other parents to join her to . Amistad shared the results of its investigations and analysis with numerous organizations who requested it, including the media, Kline told ProPublica. They identify with animals. Does Alan Cumming Really Live in a Scottish Castle? litter boxes in schools for furries in mainethe hardy family acrobats 26th February 2023 / in was forest whitaker in batteries not included / by / in was forest whitaker in batteries not included / by The recorder is close with former GOP secretary of state candidate Mark Finchem, who built a campaign on false claims that the 2020 election was stolen. Right-wing parents are attacking school boards over furries in the classrooma proxy for the larger culture wars over race and gender. Kline said the fees were for the full length of the contract and helped cover hundreds of thousands of dollars in expenses, including payments to contractors he employed. When vaccine safety is in the news, people are more likely to attribute their symptoms to vaccines and more motivated to report those symptoms to VAERS. We have a corporate oligarchy thats trying to control this election process, Kline alleged on former Trump strategist Steve Bannons War Room podcast on Dec. 14, 2020. What's more, the government worked to educate doctors about their new responsibilities. / CBS Colorado. 0. Last week, someone identifying themselves only as an MCHS student started Change.org petition that has so far garnered almost 1,000 signatures, calling out Meade County School District for hypocrisy: Theyre demanding that the district nix their dress code policy against wearing hats if students are allowed to wear animal ears, tails, and leashes. We respect him terribly, Brejcha said in a 2020 webinar. Copyright 2023 Raw Story Media, Inc. PO Box 21050, Washington, D.C. 20009 | The agreement Cochise County approved Tuesday is not that specific and it gives Stevens some of the elections directors duties, such as presenting final election results to the board for approval. "I'm hoping we all learn from this and we can address the inconsistency and/or the communication breakdown in some way, shape or form so that our parents do believe that when they write to us that we are responsive. It says that he will have the ability to appoint the permanent elections director. Ive been very online for more than half my life, and Ive witnessed every possible expression of furrydom that one can imagine: the costumes, the fanart, the porn, the meetups, etc. But efforts to cast anthropomorphized animals as a niche issue are misguided, anyway. Both Dunn and Joe Strike, another furry historian and community member . Counter-protestors stand and hold signs at the intersection of 10th Street and . It is set to end on Dec. 31, 2024, just after the November 2024 presidential election. Kline considered the case against him to be political and denied acting unethically. Republicans Tom Crosby and Peggy Judd voted yes, and Democrat Chairwoman Ann English voted no. Shaun Boyd is the Political Specialist at CBS News Colorado. I tried to help them talk to the police, he said in an emailed response. Who cares? So, of course, furries should be allowed into school because there is nothing necessarily wrong with it. The investigations will be rigorous and continue whether or not the Electoral College vote is held December 14, the report states. Weve covered everything thrown at us this past year and will continue to do so with your support. If you actually look at whos doing this, at some of the political groups getting involved, theyre all far right., The rumors simmered for months in districts like Central York last year, where a concerned parents Facebook group promoted fears that furries could be in your childs classroom hissing at your child and licking themselves.. Remember vampire kids post-Twilight? Sometimes, as in the case of Central York, the same people who supported book bans are the same people now promoting furry rumors. One month after Jefferson County school administrators denied that kids were dressing up as so-called "furries" at school, CBS News Colorado has obtained emails showing the district was aware of the issue and yet denied it was happening. Its culture war, its control, and its not about protecting kids, OFurr explains. That evening, Kline sent an email to participants on the call encouraging them to sign on to a joint letter to Vice President Mike Pence urging him to postpone the counting of the electoral vote. Bannon applauded that action. The story was made up by the TikTok user, who later posted an update expressing . For the sake of American democracy and to strengthen our fraying social fabric, it is preferable to address the fraud issues before determining who is the next President. A faculty committee convened by Ladapo's peers at the University of Florida condemned him for "careless, irregular, or contentious research practices.". You are reading: "Litter boxes in schools for furries in maine". The tragic "furries" phenomenon is merely a symptom of the horrific and systemic child abuse masquerading as "education" that is taking place in government "schools." It is the next logical step in the schools' descent into total madness and depravity. Luke Macfarlane's Hallmark Channel Past Prepared Him for Gay Rom-Com 'Bros'. Since taking office in July, he said, the committee has advised him on the appointment of an interim elections director and helped him make decisions about the location of drop boxes. But there is one major difference with the agreement, which Yuma County Recorder Richard Colwell provided to Votebeat on Tuesday. If you actually look at whos doing this, at some of the political groups getting involved, theyre all far right.. The investigation was closed after the tipster clammed up. Furries are a subculture of people who craft alter-egos as anthropomorphized animals. Cheerleader. Ron DeSantis and Florida's Doctor Antivax, 'The maths are hard': Marjorie Taylor Greene mocked for not understanding what 'seized' means, Marjorie Taylor Greene garners few sympathizers after claiming she was 'attacked' in a restaurant, 'Thats weaponization': Dem smacks down Jim Jordan for ignoring Trump DOJ corruption, 'Im not gonna yield!' Some argued that giving Stevens more control over elections threatened to derail the integrity of the countys system. The politicization of furry school rumors comes amid a sweeping conservative assault on public schools and how they approach issues like race and gender. We filed several preelection lawsuits on election integrity., But Kline and Northon told ProPublica that Northon was not, in fact, working for Amistad at that moment. Thats when a local news story about a Pittsburgh furry convention led to unfounded speculation that hotel staff would have to clean up convention-goers poop. In Pennsylvania, Maine, Michigan, and Iowa in recent months, school board meetings have been disrupted by allegations that educators are giving special treatment to furry students. "It's something called furries," he said.. . A Michigan school district has debunked a wild claim that a school provided litter boxes for students who identified as "furries" people who dress up as anthropomorphic animals. The website is a online portal for scheduling meet ups and sharing information. According to a 2014 press release, the Thomas More Society underwrote Klines appeal of his suspension. Theyre demonizing minorities by proxy, with a target behind the target, OFurr wrote in a recent blog post. Piano Sign Up. Researchers found they reported "significantly more bullying than the average person." According to furscience.com, 61.7% of furries. Roberts, the furry expert, said the furry community can act as a safe home for young people who might be jeopardized by efforts to ban school books about autism and LGBT issues (like Central York schools did earlier this year). A lot of furries have some kind of bullying history. An examination by ProPublica of Thomas Mores 2020 election-law initiative shows it helped fuel skepticism over President Joe Bidens victory and the fairness of elections in numerous states. Knox Zajac, an 11-year-old sixth grader from Maine, spoke out against "pornographic" content in his middle school and wants the administrators to be prosecuted. The organization also considers its efforts to ban ballot drop boxes in Wisconsin a success. Furries allowed to defecate in schools : r/Maine r/Maine 1 yr. ago by Reaper_Survivel Furries allowed to defecate in schools So, my parents were saying that a school board in Skowhegan, or, doesn't really matter, had a meeting to allow kids who identify as furries to defecate and pee in school. A school board in North Carolina considered a proposal to ban furry costumes in schools after they say they received numerous complaints about students dressing up as . The Daily Beast reports that in "Pennsylvania, Maine, Michigan, and Iowa in recent months, school board meetings have been disrupted by allegations that educators are giving special treatment to furry students.". She says when her 14-year-old son came home from school and said classmates were dressing up in animal costumes, she initially urged him to just ignore them. Screenshot from video. Like Bugs Bunny, Mickey Mouse, team mascots. Kids being dumb: The Meade County School district is dealing with an unusual situation: a group of high school students is attending school acting like and dressing as cats. READ MORE: This popular church app has become a 'dark' hotbed of anti-vaxxer extremism: report. And others, who call themselves "furries," create animal alter egos and interact with others who do the same. Stevens helped propel the full hand count against the legal advisement. That generally is the case, but that doesnt mean theres not evidence that requires further investigation and effort and I believe there is.. References to slavery are common in the anti-abortion movement, where the historical denial of personhood to Black people is likened to not treating a fetus as a person. Last week, Dr. Joseph Ladapo issued a meaningless "health alert" to the people of Florida about mRNA covid vaccines. Another Wisconsin judge, in state court, rejected the Thomas More Societys lawyers characterization of the grants as election bribery, calling the assertion ridiculous., Likewise, a federal judge in Iowa ruled in a case brought by the Thomas More Society that the record contains no evidence supporting accusations that the grants pose an actual risk of shaping the outcome of any election or of favoring any particular party or candidate.. One of its strategists, Phill Kline, tried to convince state legislatures in swing states to hold off on certifying Joe Bidens electors, a maneuver that drew the notice of the House Jan. 6 committee. As others in the anti-abortion movement distanced themselves from clinic protestors accused of trespassing, vandalism and sometimes violence, the Thomas More Society defended them in civil and criminal court. The antivax site OpenVAERS now gets more traffic than the real VAERS website. The briefing included Giuliani; John Eastman, the attorney behind the theory that Vice President Mike Pence could reject the Electoral College results; White House trade adviser Peter Navarro; economist John Lott; and Trump, who reportedly told the lawmakers they were more important than the courts and had the power to change the results. Safety problems with covid vaccines how they approach issues like race and gender investigations and with. We shouldn & # x27 ; t identify as animals ; they identify with...., parent Lisa Hansen asked other parents to join her to states that would a... Were told there are no furries or students identifying as such a niche issue are misguided anyway... In maine & quot ; he said.. counter-protestors stand and hold signs the. It emerged that he 'd been investigated for allegedly falsifying data for a previous antivax gambit appeal of suspension. Boards over furries in the classrooma proxy for the larger culture wars over and. 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furries in schools in maine