initial problems of pakistan css forum

But the down trodden condition of education in Pakistan bears an ample testimony of the fact that it is unable to defend its own sector. Pakistan was not a wealthy country and its major industry agriculture, did not produce enough of a surplus to create the wealth needed for Industrialization. var hs = document.createElement('script'); hs.type = 'text/javascript'; hs.async = true; (Nehru told General Sir Frank Messervy in 1945, his deliberate plan would be to allow Jinnah to have hisPakistan, end gradually makes things so impossible economically and otherwise for Pakistan that they have to come on their banded knees and asked to be allowed back to India Uneven Boundary Distribution, The Indian Independence Act 1947 provided the formation of two boundary commissions for the division of the provinces of Punjab and Bengal between India and Pakistan. 7 Steps, CSS Essay Impacts of Media with Outline | By Aqsa Imtiaz (CSS/PMS 2020 Qualified), CSS English Essay | Winning without Fighting. He knew that he had little time to live, and so was resolved to make sure the new nation survived. (document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0] || document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]).appendChild(hs); Pakistan refused to accept this result and protested to the United Nations, but the situation was not resolved. Parents and family inculcate good manners and make responsible citizens out of their children. Lack of a, permanent constitution created chances of unscrupulous interference in democratic progress. The government of Pervaiz Musharraf invested heavily in education sector and that era saw a visible positive educational change in Pakistani society. The canal water issue of Pakistan was yet another cause of Pakistans frustration and anger towards India. Welcome to my YouTube Channel Exploring CSS and PMS. (c) Government spends more than it earns as Revenues. The constituent assembly failed to frame a constitution even in eight years. They promised to give Pakistan Rs. The schools in Baluchistan (The Largest Province of Pakistan By Area) are not that much groomed as that of Punjab (The Largest Province of Pakistan By Population). At the time of establishment of Pakistan the Government of India Act 1935 became the, working constitution of Pakistan with certain adaptions. Description. They did not want to see Pakistan become strong military military, especially as they were fighting in Kashmir. At the time of partition there were 462 princely states in subcontinent that cover 1/3 of Indian Territory and 1/4 of its population. Apart from the above mentioned educational systems, another system is also being run i.e. Muslims regiments went to Pakistan and non-Muslims to India. The poliomyelitis virus can possibly even invade the nervous system and cause paralysis; this occurs in approximately one in two hundred infections Humanitarian Aid In Greg Mortenson's Stones Into Schools Partition had been made along religious lines in the hopes of easing tensions between Muslims and Hindu communities-instead it made matter worse. In order to embarrass Pakistan financially, India did a lot of honesty in the matters of Pakistan, which were concerned with its benefits. Its ruler was maharaja hari singh. seminary system imparting children solely with religious education and no emphasis on modern studies, producing a generation that knows well about religion but is deprived of essential modern education. 5.Canal Water Dispute . Radcliffe had four assistants, two nominated by the Muslim League and two by Indian National Congress. _Hasync.push(['Histats.start', '1,3926547,4,408,270,55,00011111']); The largest princely states to join Pakistan were Bahawalpur, Khairpur, and Kalat. Again , the Muslims were disappointed by this decision. Even in areas where there had been no communal violence, there was tension. However, the fate of some states remained undecided. The Hindu Dogra Rule, who was secretly with the Government of India, declared Kashmir as, a part of India. Canal Water Dispute incomprehensible and even perverse award. requirements? Communal violence that had already started reached to its height after the announcement of Redcliff Award on 16tn August 1947. Activate your 30 day free trialto continue reading. Looks like youve clipped this slide to already. Provincial Disharmony 7. Thanks: 842 Thanked 1,879 Times in 593 Posts List of All Problems of Pakistan Most Important Problems 1. Major Industries Of Pakistan Political Instability: Political instability is a major problem of Pakistan which has not only affected industrial production and growth but also many other working bodies of the country. Choose skilled expert on your subject and get original paper with free plagiarism Libya Italy war 4. The outcome of this class difference is that English medium schools students learn least about Islam but they gather a sound knowledge of outside world. The educational system of Pakistan is based on unequal lines. The situation in Pakistan, like many other developing countries, is not very encouraging. Implementation instead of projecting policies should be focused on. (e) We Badly Lag in Social Indicators. Education plays a vital role in human capital formation. Initial Problems faced by Pakistan || LLB || CSS/PMS 187 views Mar 9, 2022 In this video we discuss initial problems faced by paksiatn . Pakistan is facing this problem since its establishment till now. They are not professionally trained teachers so they are unable to train a nation. Your name. The exception to this was in the production of Jute, where in 1947 East Pakistan produced nearly 70 % of the worlds crop. Sub-district of Ferozepur and Zira in Ferozepur district March 16, 2010. Only educated person has the ability to take practical decisions and make right moves at the right time. Water Shortage 4. The inadequate system of transportation, The railway system and river transportation in East Pakistan was in depleted condition. Quaid-e-Azam called it an unjust. Before partition the Hindus, with the blessings of the British Government, had acquired complete monopoly in trade and, commerce. Sub-district of Batala and Gurdaspur in Gurdaspur district But Supreme efforts were made by the Quiad-e-Azam and his colleagues to grapple with the situation .His golden principles Unity Faith and Discipline gave way to Pakistan for a bright future of a strong and well developed country .In his last message to the nation on 14th August 1948, he told the nation: The foundation of your state has been laid and it is now for you to build and build as quickly and as you can.. Biswas. Redcliff Award Handed over Some of the Muslim Majority Areas that were Contiguous to the Boundary of Pakistan to India: These areas included. the North West Frontier Province) was on the borders of the subcontinent and had not been linked to the Industrialization that had taken place in Central India. But some states were cause to problems. All the jute mills were in the new India. Powered by Team CSS Times. Most of the problems of Pakistan were related with Pakistan dispute with India, such as the accession of the princely states, canal Water dispute, refugees' problems and distribution of armed and military assets. After the death of Quaid-e-Azam though there were great leaders too, but unfortunately none of them was of the caliber of Quaid-e-Azam. refused to give. The princely states of Dir, Swat, Chitral Amb, Hunza, Gilgit and Bahawalpur also joined Pakistan. As one historian has since stated Most of leaders of Congress subscribed to the view that Pakistan was not a viable state politically, economically, geographically or militarily and that sooner or later the areas which had ceded would be compelled by force of circumstances to return to the fold. This was the challenge for the Quiad-e-Azam; to establish the new country and to hold it together, despite the many initial problems it faced at the time of partition. Now a days, the economic situation in Pakistan is under stress and education is the worse effected sector in Pakistan. to India hence providing them a gateway to Kashmir. 750 million but the, Indian Government refused to give. Nobody can deny that in the early year predominant leadership of Quaid-e-Azam was a source of strength for Pakistan. The Maharaja was forced to turn to India for help to crush the Muslims. Email. All rights reserved. However, Pakistan was angered that India retained the largest area of Kashmir, including the capital, Srinagar. By the end of 1947 India and Pakistan were so concerned about the communal violence that they began to cooperate in trying to control it. After the establishment of Pakistan, there was huge language controversy speared over Pakistan. migrants were looted and had to be provided boarding immediately as they reached Pakistan. You will get quality content about CSS and PMS through my Channel Exploring CSS and PMS. [ CSS/PMS FPSC/PPSC EXAM]. Report "Initial Problems of Pakistan" Please fill this form, we will try to respond as soon as possible. The major industries were also in, those areas which were part of India. For the last few years there has been an increase in the growth of private schools. Pakistan had none of these. This is an Essay on "Democracy in Pakistan" for CSS, PMS, and Judiciary Examinations. a number of steps to overcome the administrative problems of the new state. It is being explained here aboutInitial Problems Of Pakistan After Independence. Education is the simple process of learning and knowing. Unfair Boundary Distribution AL BERUNI?, There are following important Points of Pitts India Act : 1784 East India Company to do trading only., Table of Contents Hide Finally peace was declared of the 1857 War of Independence on By 1869 only, Table of Contents Hide In June 1945, Lord Wavell convened the conference and invited Muslim League and Congress., EARLY PROBLEMS OF PAKISTAN. Representatives of Bengal boundary Comission. Muhammad Ali Jinnah espoused the Two Nation Theory and led the League to adopt the Lahore Resolution[7] of 1940, demanding the formation of independent states in the East and the West of British India. Required fields are marked *, Pakistan General Knowledge MCQs provision is primary purpose of the website. The primary completion rate in Pakistan, given by Date Center of UNESCO, is 33.8% in females and 47.18% in males, which shows that people in the 6th largest country of the world are unable to get the basic education. Education is considered as the cheapest defense of a nation. Infect most of these problems were deliberately created by India, itself so that Pakistan would not maintain its independent status, and soon merged with India. Kashmir. Analysis of the Boundary Award According to that agreement India was allocated the use of two Eastern Rivers namely Ravi and Sutlej whereas three western Rivers Indus, Jehlum and Chenab were given to Pakistan. Over 10 million people had removed from India to Pakistan or in the other direction by January 1948. Karachi alone received nearly two million refugees in 1947. In spite of their promises, on 1 April 1948, India shut off the waters flowing into Pakistan from the Ferozpur headworks in East Punjab and stopping the water supply for Lahore and threating more than 1.65 million acres of agriculture land. Human existence without education is just like fecund land. Later the Pakistani province of East Pakistan will declare its independence from Pakistan which became the country Bangladesh. From india, Justice maherchad mahajan and justice tej singh. Democracy is a form of government in which the people have the authority to deliberate and decide legislation, or to choose governing officials to do so.". In some areas attacks were carried out to allow for migration. The vast distance between them also meant that there were significant differences and outlook between the people of the two different regions. Accession Of Princely states Estimates for the death toll vary considerably, but it is likely that as many as a million men, women and children died as a result of the violence or the rigours of the long journey. [2][3][4][5] By the 18th century the land was incorporated into British India. Hyderabad decan was the largest and richest state rule d by Muslim ruler Nizam who decided to remain independent. When the boundary Awards was announced in August 1947 things even worse. Get original paper in 3 hours and nail the task. It is said in this policy that all the public schools will be raised up to the level of private schools. As a prominent member of the Constituent Assembly said in 1951: On 14 August, 1947 Pakistan finally gained its long-fought for independence, but it immediately faced very serious initial problems. The leaders of India had accepted the partition of the subcontinent in the expectation that Pakistan would not be able to survive. Most of the problems of Pakistan were related with Pakistan dispute with India, such as the accession of the princely states, canal Water Three of the Punjabs great rivers-the Indus, Jhelum and Chenab-flowed from Kashmir. Due to the majority of Kashmirs population is Muslim so it is the part of Pakistan naturally. The education board of Punjab has projected a plan to give tech- education to the children of industrial workers. Choice of Capital and Establishment of Government: The first problem that Pakistan had to face was to choose a capital to form a Government and to establish a secretariat. The people of Kashmir were demanding to join Pakistan. The decision of the Boundary Commission (known often as the Boundary Award or Radcliffe Award.) Pakistan came into existence on 14th august 1947. 5. The violence was sometimes orchestrated by the local authorities and many Muslim historians believe that Hindus and Sikhs had an organised programme for the massacre of Muslim refugees. It changes a persons mindset and makes him more flexible and poised in his attitude towards various aspects of life. Unfair Boundary Distribution 3.Division of Military Assets 4.Division of financial assets: 5. Unfair Boundary Distribution 3.Division of Military Assets 4.Division of financial assets: 5. Reason. India agreed to allow water from east Punjab to flow into west Punjab, but only if Pakistan agreed to try to find alternative water supplies. The Canal Water issue of Pakistan had its origins in the partition of Punjab in 1947. Lets discuss upon with some of the major initial problems of Pakistan after Independence. The low enrolment rates at the primary level, wide disparities between regions and gender, lack of trained teachers, deficiency of proper teaching materials and poor physical infrastructure of schools indicate the poor performance of this sector. Pakistan also needed armed forces and military equipment to ensure its security. Pakistan received only 200 million. These were mostly at the highest rank, for this was where were no Muslims officers at all. Soon after its establishment Pakistan faced number of problems. Developed By Perfexcode. The teachers in government schools are not well trained. A big initial problem for Pakistan was that its army comprising of 150,000 men needed 4,000 officers. This creates a sort of disparity among people, dividing them into two segments. All 16 Ordinance factories were in India, and it refused to hand over any. Education is very important for every human being. However, the Muslim-dominated region of Kashmir was disputed and split between the two countries, while Pakistan believes it belongs entirely within its borders. Division of the subcontinents assets, Pakistan did not do well. Arrangements were to be made to bring the. Dont PMS : Provincial Public Service Commission Examinations. But independence was short lived after a day; the country was split up into 2 different countries which became Pakistan. Pakistan is facing a health crisis with rising rates of heart disease, diabetes, obesity, and other non-communicable diseases (NCDs), which disproportionately affect poor families, with possible side effects of disability and premature death, and worsening poverty as people pay for medical treatment out of their own pockets. Maharaja hari singh wanted a free state of Kasmir but large muslim population wanted to merge them with Pakistan. The two wings of Pakistan were separated by about a thousand miles of land that belonged to India. No plan of action have been discussed, yet a notice is issued to private schools to induct government course in 5th and 8th class and these classes will bound to take board exams. On 14 August 1947 Quiad-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah took oath as the Governor General of Pakistan. Instruction in Youth is Like Engraving in Stone | Complete Essay with OutlinePublic Office is a Public Trust | Complete CSS EssayEssay Outline Good Governance is deeply rooted in Human DevelopmentCSS Essay Outline | The Importance of Water Conservation and ManagementHow to Write Effective Essay for CSS ExamsHow to Write Effective Essay on Economy? Pakistan lacked both the administrative and the government machinery to run the affairs of a new country. But Pakistan was to face many more problems. Pakistan in particular, as a new and not wealthy country, did not have the necessary facilities to house millions of new citizens. such as the accession of the princely states, canal Water dispute. 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initial problems of pakistan css forum