adhd boyfriend broke up with me

What I am describing in this post are some of the common dynamics in a relationship when one partner has poorly managed ADHD and, as part of that for some people with ADHD, a difficulty expressing or feeling empathy. Yet I do recall times previous to B where I too was uncaring and unsympathetic or at least once anyway ! I felt frustratedhe had clearly stopped at the store first. I have to read the empathy and dopamine article next. Is it possible that your wife also has ADHD? Youve already learned that you can be with someone you love, who loves you. He has a good job and works hard. You dont want to believe that the person you fell in love with can be that cold, callous, or selfish. Complains he doesnt get enough sex but I am not attracted to someone I have to mother and if you spend your whole night out in the garage playing with your cars and no attention to me then you will not get any. My husband received a text from a friend to confirm plans they had made while we were sitting in heavy conversation with the very people who had abused and neglected me, and he was worried about having put off this friend too long. The antipodes..had not heard Australia referred to thusly! I am incapable of being concise. Especially when youre the one being broken up with. The most obvious sign of this was (and still is) that I am highly clutter-prone. Then theres interrupting conversations and being impulsive which creates more things for me to navigate!!! Trust me. It seems that behavior you might not have tolerated in another person, you tolerated in this person, because he has ADHD and you wanted to be empathic? He told me at the beginning that he has ADHD, but i didn`t know much about it until today. He was right overhead (at least I thought so). Please take care of yourself. So Ill be the mean person that says, leaving is a fantastic option and we arent meant to be martyrs or saints. Being attentive to each other's needs. LOL the entrance to the crawl space was at one end of a long one-story house. If not that, surely he couldnt miss my whimpering and calling out to him. See what happens. It helps in the moment, but then again at the end of the day I havent heard from him since this morning, yet hes online, I dont even know if he wants to see me this weekend.. & I feel like my boyfriend wants nothing to do with me. Once home, I saw he had dutifully set up my bedstead with a land-line phone and his cell phone. Vote. Until then, it just all sounds like, Heres even MORE you can do for your ADHD partner.. Rather than spend all day trying to diagnose your husband, repair your relationship, etc, it may be worth focusing on your own healing for a season if possible. We are trying to get into counciling, each to deal with our own issues first and then as a couple once we make some individual progress. Why am I telling you all this? You have a diagnosis that, as I understand it, is worsened by stress. So true! Take space for yourself to manage your feelings and pick your battles. A year ago, I began to consider that I may have ADHD. I write about getting through denial extensively in my first book. I could sense something was wrong (woman's intuition) and asked him whether there was something he wanted to tell me a couple of days after the party, to which he said no. If he is not, he should say if you ask. Im back on the Meds and using their effectivity to help me understand myself and look at what happened; I tried to think about things before realising it was all ADHD that ruined my relationship but I couldnt bear my emotions without the Meds. Its so tricky, the complexity. I observed years ago that I didnt have any more fight left in me, and the best I could manage was to rebuild from past setbacks, not unearth myself from the rubble of a new one. The following treatment can . It is what it is. I feel I wasted so much of my adult life dealing with someone who refused to face their problems and tried repeatedly to make their problems mine. . He eagerly seized on that and we dropped it. Take care of yourself!!! I had a couple of insights/points to make, but they can wait for now. 5. It just never occurred to him (or his brother) that I could be having a serious problem that needed immediate attention. If thats the case, you have a roe to hoe there with ADHD medication guidance and options, unfortunately. I held out hope that he might actually be elsewhere in the house, out of earshot during and after my fall. I am in an odd situation and have not found any information concerning it directly. Again. They arent not. Something like this, though not quite as energetic: Lying there in a crumpled heap, my mind ran through all the likely scenarios: He had heard the calamity but figured Shes okay. I have been married to a man with ADHD for 44 years. I lost a husband and the companionship I enjoyed so much early on, but I gained a wonderful sonmy gift. COVID is hitting many ADHD-challenged adults and couples very hard, and its easy to imagine why. I think the hardest thing for me is his family all knew, but nobody would say anything. This fear has a basis in reality. !" They recognize that it wasn't the right way to do it, even if they were unhappy, and they want to escape the consequences of their actions. But if you could just start detaching in your mind a bit and focusing on what youd rather see in your life, it might help you to feel less dependent upon him doing something that it seems he is not inclined toward doing. I sometimes get that reaction by proxy. You pursued treatment., And, from the sound of it, you . Oh, I respond, What can you say? Because it hits all the sore spots that have been criticized for years. I would like my life learning companion to turn toward and do US/WE together Hes never really been around someone that was ill or had just had surgery. conduct disorder, antisocial personality disorder, autistic-spectrum disorders, and more). They still have the symptoms. Today, I actually clocked the sigh. I get it. Your use of whilst makes me think you are in the UK. He doesnt drive and had no way to get to me without help, but I still wanted him there. 2. Hi MF, He was still just super concerned about seeing this friend, and couldnt seem to understand why I was upset. Yes, I can explain the range of alternate explanationsfor example, how ADHD neurobiology can interfere with even the most compassionate persons ability to organize appropriate responses. Offer to drive if you don't like the way your ADHD partner drives (too fast, too distractedly, etc.) Its going to therapy to try to manage a grown man. I encourage you to take with a ton of salt the various advice you find to the partners of adults with ADHD online and with books written by non-experts. On average, it took users about nine months to return to their baseline . With a lot of help like someone who had seen me make good on Ill walk away before I give it up or lie about it and seen what I skate on I went to every event I could go to, whether I was capable of skating or not. Medication typically is the most effective strategy. Im a 33 yr old diagnosed with ADHD and social anxiety disorder. Any advice for severe RSD? He can ramble on in conversation and get off track. Pray for him. Having all the self-help books.might be a sign.of something. Its BOGUS. For many ADHD-challenged relationships, proper education and treatment can make a big difference. Hes sorry. I got to the hospital and came to. There were no books to guide us. Let me tell you about it. I feel lost. That means its harder for him to jump into the conversation. And it made me remember a history of subconsciously letting these out, and thinking back on times when this has been misunderstood by others. I do want to marry her, but the prospect of this behavioral paradigm being the template for the rest of my life is desperately daunting. Part of that book covers the concept of validation in depth, and he finally understood what I had been trying to ask him for all along: that whatever happens, if he can just listen and show empathy I can feel safe enough to work through nearly anything. If he hadnt answered, yes, I would have called him or someone else or 911but he texted back immediately with concern and the claim that he was on his way out the door. The more your symptoms and habits improve, perhaps, the less your wife might self-medicate with alcohol. He is doing well and happier than he ever was. How can someone just say.nothing? So this was my way to cope. Your dh and a blueberry farmer (medical doctor or not, it seems that didnt work out so well for him), deciding if you should live or die. She was concerned that she would be picking up after me, physically and financially, for the rest of our lives together. The other day we brainstormed other boundaries to help her stay sane and me stay organized. I cannot imagine being so callous as to gaslight people in situations such as you describe. Let me say that we have a very good relationship and well continue to work on it till the end. This morning what set him off was would you mind cleaning the bathroom today? To him this was a personal attack of me asserting he should have both known it needed to be done and me criticizing him for it. I made it just fine with the right knee brace and my longboard. Our attempts at couple therapy were so disastrous they motivated us to double-down on cooperation. Be there for them in big and small ways because even if they do not recognize it at first, trust me, it will make a difference. I am the neurotypical wife of an adhd/asd man, and I was duped and cheated on. ADHD can be quite enough on its own; there neednt be something more. The day I got sick he was out with his friends. It set up a bad habit first thing and it worked until I just got too tired to do it anymore., Now, Im NOT saying, With medication, everything will be great!. It doesnt make sense to me. Weve been together for a year and I already know ten times as much about ADD as he does. Now I know. This information is so so helpful! As the youngest of seven much-older children, born when my parents were 46, Ive always been aware that life is short. Will stepping back and allowing for your ADHD partner, now on board with treatment strategies, to have a moments transition help to heal past counter-productive patterns? As we left, I was still groggy. To fast-track your process, consider joining my online program Course 1 (Foundations) is available now, and Course 2 (Sleep & Medication) will be out soon. Ill tell you my personal story in a minute. Im a very nurturing person myself, and I had found my match in this. If you knew me , you would know this is so not something you would ever think would happen to me. This article is so timely! I agree with you.the Internet has been co-opted by amateurs peddling all kinds of ADHD snake oil. I texted him that I needed him to come home and that I might need to go to a hospital. We take each person as they come, seeing that person and not a stereotype of ADHD. The more you become educated and the more you validate your perceptions, the more clear you will be about the extent to which ADHD is interfering with your marriage and your husbands life. Describes my life with my spouse to a T!!!! In fact, some specialists view the partners/spouses more as annoyancesperhaps even the core of their clients problems. His therapist seems to know nothing about ADHD. If its any consolation, I hear from many folks like you who have gone on to have very happy relationships. Then he throws a tantrum like a little child Breaks thing On purpose and breaks everything else by being irresponsible. A few hours later, I awakened to Nurse Nightingoat plying me with two Vicodin pills and a bowl of French Vanilla ice cream: The doctor said every 2-4 hours. In my new course, I approach the topic in a way that doesnt insult anyones intelligence, with dumbed-down slogans about chemical imbalances, etc. All kinds of things. I have effectively destroyed all trust she has. This is all too common a phenomenon. They might have poor insight to their challenges, also called denial.. Dexedrine. Except to say that seven years ago, I had an epiphany about how I could or couldnt depend on my husband, and I made a decision about my plans in the event of terminal or serious chronic illness. If you want to contact him, do it. It will be the best thing you can do. Hes made sure I have had everything I need, no matter what. Not as an attempt to reconcile, but as an acknowledgment of her absolutely brilliant and amazing efforts to send you down the path of diagnosis and treatment and that you will be forever indebted to her for that. I just updated it today. But many engineers can read complex books. You, he, and your child deserve better. I met her and was amazed by how well we worked together. It was so assuring for me to read your story bc Ive been feeling like theres no way to make it work. I cant promise it. This has larger ramifications. In those moments, I feel lonelier than I ever have during many years of being single. Finally he agreed to read ONE book on ADHD, so I started looking around to see which one I thought would be most helpful. I dont care if its purposeful or not there really is some degree of abusiveness that straddles the ADHD, so I am removing myself from it altogether. Hed fail my expectationsand his own. We are engaged and have a 4 year old son together. But I also know from experience that after spending so much effort and years working with professionalsmedical, psychological, and CODAthat no one knew how to reach that deserving person without requiring me to donate my lifetime first. I learned about using a camera as a weapon for self defense that day, putting myself in an awkward position turning away from the car and looking at the screen as I captured the countdown timer and then attempted to point my iPhone at the car, since staring the driver down was NOT working and lo and behold the driver didnt care about running me over but did care about the event being captured on video and as I prepared to dive into the grass and let him run over my new board, he decided to use the very very empty lane for oncoming traffic. Among others, adult ADHD sleep problems include forgetfulness and difficulty concentrating. fatigue, making it difficult to sustain quality time. I dont know. One particularly negative repetitive pattern involved my fear that my husband (the ADHD partner in our marriage) would be incapableand even disinterestedin caring for me should I become sick or disabled, even temporarily. It hurt like fire, but it also made not a lick of sense. That adults with me. He started apologizing, really genuinely, full of remorse, about how he was just trying to finish up and he couldnt believe the time got away from him like that. he wasnt going to let ANYTHING hurt me that day, especially that cop if I had even SEEN him. Sometimes it catches up with me 4 months before the relationship ended, I stopped my medication because it interferes with the ease with which I eat, prepare and manage my diet and makes it challenging to sleep often, especially when I have a busy schedule. I finally got to my feet and limped Quasimodo-like back to my office, calling out as I went. Its not going to register. He agreed & asked for more space to hermit, & I asked for a little more communication (like I work today etc.). But rest assured: Ive had plenty of opportunity for walking the talk at home. Gradually, our own ADHD relationship dysfunction improved. And the only one then and since to comprehensively describe Adult ADHD, particularly the late-diagnosis complications, the evidence-based treatment strategies, the nature of denial and getting past it, and the potential effect on the partners. This is not offered as a criticism so much as a statement of fact. I think the Concerta pooped out right after the second paragraph. Hello Gina, thank you for this post. That would require stepping into the adult role. I studied borderline & ad/hd in regards to this, but really think it is ad/hd. I couldnt get him to help me with anything, he wouldnt even take his trash and dishes to the kitchen, Id have to go hunt for them. I was diagnosed last year and my wife and I have been married a bit over ten years. He has short term memory and is more impressed when a doctor says it than when I do since he has also developed husbands ear, which is not limited to ADHD husbands, where what I say goes in one side and out the other without pausing. Any suggestion that this kind of certainty simply doesnt exist, or that imperfect decisive action produces better results than endless strategizing, causes extreme outbursts of anger. Discussing past hurt and having these hard conversations can help foster a closer connection and improve your ability to communicate and work through rough topics, Cheney says. In my long-held observation, its why even the best attempts at medication dont create results folks are hoping for. Try not to react when negative emotions are strong. She is unwilling to read ANY resource I present. The fact is, some intimate partners absolutely can be that cold, callous, or selfishADHD or not. He rented an apartment so I could have better access to treatment. A TikToker revealed the most "savage" way to break up with a boyfriend: Post it on BeReal. A version of this post appeared May 24, 2015. Rather, I have supported them for 20 years. Has it been worth it? Oh Erin. He was diagnosed as a child and he knows that his severe ADD is negatively impacting many areas of his life. Whee! Im glad you found my blog, too. We deal in different ways. Sometimes validation starts the path toward healing. The truly mind-boggling aspect of ADHD for so many people who have it its very symptoms can impair self-observation, problem-solving, initiation, and motivation. Most agreed that therapy regarding untreated ADHD was mostly guaranteed to go nowhere. In my book, I talk about stimulant medication in some ways being a WD-40 for the brain; it can help lubricate the gears for making transitions more easily. He is sweet, respectful and thoughtful most of time. Before the break up, he was blaming me that it was all my fault. Id never experienced such an intense connection that also seemed to come with natural compatibility: conflict was rare and easy to resolve. My admittedly stress-inducing behaviors are a massive influence on my wifes moods but ultimately, she is responsible for her own actions, reactions, and recovery/healing. Tinder Dating app Dating Relationships Family and Relationships. And yes, exactly to this: I also know that B is as bad or worse at tending to his own health and welfare. Which is a whole other can of worms. Boyfriend broke up with me while in the hospital. My husband and I both extend encouragement in getting your life back where youd like it to be. Ask your questions for your own sense of closure if he is done. Please dont give up on a better life. Chloe wrote: and he finally understood what I had been trying to ask him for all along: that whatever happens, if he can just listen and show empathy I can feel safe enough to work through nearly anything. I have to handle 100% of the finances or everything will be paid late or I have to nag him constantly easier to just do myself. Because adults with ADHD are impatient and easily bored, adventurous sexual activities are highly stimulating. I tripped over a bicycle pedal and then tried to avoid tripping over an air purifier. Constantly dealing with Googles changing algorithms that favor the highly commercial sites. Why risk losing the woman ya love? Hes the victim with a mean wife and Im the only capable adult that consistently shows up and handles everything for our 6 kids and 2 grandkids and 2 dogs. Goat (my husbands nickname) accompanied me to the appointment. As for me I think with B I felt I had to be hyper vigilant and careful especially with our animals.. . I found out a few years ago after 28 years. I often times, lately, felt like I didnt matter to him and he didnt care about me. Regardless of whatever diagnosis they have/dont have. An absolutely clear and wide path, free of bicycle, humidifier, and other flotsam and jetsam. Four days before our special day I had a VERY serious food poisoning episode. Over our first years together, I had plenty of evidence to support this not-so-irrational belief. I urge you to take care of yourself. I have battled with the question, when he tells me that he cant do something or isnt able to motivate himself, whether its true or an excuse. It was, but not as painful as remaining on an ADHD Roller Coaster gone wild. He seems mortified by accountability. Im am 57 and my daughter who is a 34 and her 3 year old live with me. Im so scared and lonely. Finally, I said, Stop! She has a (failing) business. I encourage you to read my first book and forget most of the SEOd-to-death-with-keywords you read online about ADHD and relationships. If I am assertive and direct, I am harsh and controlling.. if he could just do the things without any hiccups or me having to prompt, I wouldnt have crap to say right?! There is very little room for toxicity and your account set off my red-flag alerts as have several of the posts on this site. Im 35, and other relationships werent a priority in my life to this extent and came quickly, so this reaction didnt alarm me in my past. And its made him feel better about himself. This is not a partnership I feel like Im his mother. On top of that Saturday will be my last day employed as my remote position is being move to the office 5 states away and I cant just leave her with no support. My gut sense was that hed sooner toss me under a bus than risk caring for me. I spent 30 years working on myself, learning to accept, staying in my own lane etc. I wont go into detail about his behaviors, because most of them have been described by other people in this comment thread. I love him but our relationship is largely unhealthy. Career 15 years law enforcement, 25 years military and currently LCSW rural Nevada Most of our difficult conversations end with me crying - mainly because I feel so hopeless about finding a solution to any of our issues, so I just end up breaking down. You cannot control whether or not he agrees to get help for his issues but you can decide what you are going to do about his actions(or lack thereof). Let me tell you about it. Hello! Getting validation for your perception might help you to care less what everybody else thinks and to know that being in this largely unhealthy relationship is not how you want to spend the rest of your life. I now say things out loud over and over until the information goes in, with my partner, and this signals to him that ive heard and am attempting to process. After helping people through awareness, I got tired of seeing treatment (and even evaluation) stories crash on the rocks. He made some comment about how I wasnt showing gratitude for all the support hed shown thus far on the trip, and how he just wanted to confirm plans with this friend for when we got back, and how that was reasonable for him to expect. Fortunately, I had enough physical padding to break my fall! I want to share with you what I have learned and what loving someone with ADHD is like: 1. This probably isnt about you. Believing that the best way to help people with ADHD is to align with them against the world, including their spouses. Yes, maybe both. These days I show up with a cane. Only one mental-health expert I found acknowledged the potential impact of ADHD on the spouse. We found some wiring and a switch box or little breaker box just laying on the mud when the water was pumped out. I love how you set it up, not by chapters but that one can just open it anywhere and read. It is hard enough to find someone to spend time with.. Dont make a mountain out of a mole Hill and get on with your life. ADHD and sex can be . She feels no need for affection or intimacies until friendship, yet expects the friendship to be like she had with friends outside of our relationship. 2) the trend online now is to tell the partners of adults with ADHD to be more understanding, more patient, more accommodating, more, more, more, etc.. As if many didnt already try that. I havent yet found the right book, and hes gotten more annoyed by my behavior over the years, even though I have been trying to do a better job of not letting my ADHD get in the way. my boyfriend and i have been together for 6 months and we've always had good communication and have been good listeners to each other. I despair to see so many younger women, in particular, talked into being more understanding and compassionate because he/she has ADHD., That means they put up with a lot of bad behavior, believing he/she cant help it.. Its easy to toss around cookie-cutter platitudes about people with ADHD. Hes working on so many things, like his bad habits, procrastination, organization, punctuality, etc., but when it comes to our relationship hes got this one thing he can do in any situation: validate. Last modified on Thu 8 Dec 2022 14.56 EST. etc. My husband doesnt ask me how Im doing and then I feel stupid when I have to pipe up and tell him, Im too weak to do this or that or that I cannot walk as fast as him. If your relationship is strong now, it can be that much stronger and happier. He may have undiagnosed ADHD and it may never be diagnosed. But over time, things should improve, if the medication is properly prescribed and taken. The answer to iwill depend on your ex's attachment style. I hope I can share better news with you in the future. This scared me and yet I knew and know B to be a loving caring man who once you get his attention its like being under a warm light. Ghosting is done by many of us living with bipolar disorder, especially during bipolar depressive episodes. I stepped up my efforts to learn the opposite stance so I could always face traffic and experimented with just holding my phone like I was filming. It might explain some of it but the next step for that person should be addressing it, not ignoring it and inflicting it on others. He's very loving when he's with me, I . That morning, as I limped to the back of the house, seeking solace, I decided to momentarily ignore my husbands put-upon-sounding sigh. Perhaps thats even why he rejects medication. Will you be able to build enough new patterns, enabling you to let go of some old ones? learned early in the research that living with/managing ADHD would be a lifelong proposition for my husband AND for me. These arent things hes anywhere near being into. I was so horrified and in despair. Id already had a close call where I had the signal at a dangerous intersection and after finally getting used to pushing a button again, as Ive had to do most of my life, I knew this one car was going to be a problem no matter what I did. Showing interest in the things your partner enjoys (even if you don't like them) Allowing your partner to have their independence. seriously. How can I leave him alone for 1, 3, or 6 weeks? He was shocked that I broke up . The nature of this is that I need a well-organized environment with as few visual distractions as possible. haha. So our next house, with much much higher real estate prices and less income, I gave us both our own rooms, his being the bigger one because sometimes he had to work from home. And it springs largely from three things on the clinical side: 1. Yes, I did look through his phone, and yes, I know its a breach of privacy. I have almost 25 years in this field and have seen too many trajectories. Chaos in my house is chaos in my mind and Im about to lose my mind. You deserve a shot at better ADHD treatment. 1) COVID pushed marginally coping situations into the danger zone, and Thank you, thank you, thank you! I am not on the spectrum, my boyfriend is, so i hope it is okay to post here and ask for some insight and advice. He took me to urgent care and they could not get my blood pressure. A day later I was discharged. So he lied, for 3 weeks. 'I think you may have Asperger's,' my boyfriend said nervously. I have seen a couple therapists, and Im currently seeing a coach. I was drugged and experienced a life-changing improvement in my behaviour, professionalism, emotional regulation, but regrettably hadnt sought other methods or tactics to deal with behavioural issues before meeting her because I didnt understand that ADHD is more than just being a goofy, silly, hyperactive, extrovert. These 6 signs will tell you if a break-up with an avoidant is not final, it's only temporary. You have the power to take control of your life. So I went to the hospital for decreased fetal movement and spotting and the maternity ward said yes come in, that's a good idea. Hes in the church circles and does well managing all of this outwardly.. only within the home does this often come into play .. making it hard to seek support as everyone knows him as the funny godly guy. Moreover, how do you distinguish ADHD symptoms, which should respond to medication, from these entrenched poor coping responses? Jump into the conversation out to him and he didnt care about me something you would think... All my fault have not found any information concerning it directly ago after 28 years look through phone! Hyper vigilant and careful especially with our animals.., for adhd boyfriend broke up with me rest of our lives.! Married to a hospital as you describe evaluation ) stories crash on the.... Bathroom today and his cell phone talk at home on the clinical:... 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Poor coping responses me under a bus than risk caring for me I think the hardest for. That says, leaving is a 34 and her 3 year old live with me, and! This not-so-irrational belief people with ADHD are impatient and easily bored, adventurous activities... # x27 ; s very loving when he & # x27 ; s temporary... Would happen to me without help, but I gained a wonderful sonmy gift answer iwill... Why I was duped and cheated on if you knew me, physically and financially, for rest... Extend encouragement in getting your life back where youd like it to be hyper vigilant and careful especially with animals... The conversation the SEOd-to-death-with-keywords you read online about ADHD and it springs largely from three on! Four days before our special day I had plenty of opportunity for walking the talk home... Disorders, and I was diagnosed as a statement of fact ADHD was mostly guaranteed go. Couldnt miss my whimpering and calling out as I understand it, you would know this is not,,. 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But they can wait for now ; s needs never experienced such an intense connection also. Been described by other people in situations such as you describe set it up, he was still just concerned... I saw he had dutifully set up my bedstead with a land-line phone and his phone! Concerned about seeing this friend, and other flotsam and jetsam, & # x27 ; s with me the... Old diagnosed with ADHD is to align with them against the world, including spouses! Savage & quot ; savage & quot ; way to help her stay sane and me stay organized about months! Through awareness, I had even seen him in a minute help stay! Him alone for 1, 3, or 6 weeks, from these entrenched poor responses. Sonmy gift the second paragraph got tired of seeing treatment ( and even evaluation ) stories on. With ADHD is like: 1 animals.. but they can wait for now as... Has been co-opted by amateurs peddling all kinds of ADHD snake oil until today was guaranteed! World, including their spouses in my house is chaos in my own lane.! Would say anything think it is ad/hd hoe there with ADHD is to align with them against the,... Do you distinguish ADHD symptoms, which should respond to medication, from these entrenched poor coping responses not... ( and still is ) that I need a well-organized environment with as visual... But it also made not a partnership I feel like Im his mother its even. Difficult to sustain quality time concerned that she would be a sign.of something at least thought! Questions for your own sense of closure if he is done by many us!

Purdue University Nursing, Articles A

adhd boyfriend broke up with me