Slater's Garage Ads & Audio

Helping Your Small Business Find Its Voice

Advertising is Not “Art”

People who make ads shouldn’t confuse their work with that of an artist. An artist, by definition, creates something uniquely beautiful  — makes tangible some otherwise intangible emotion or idea from inside him/herself.  And then the appreciation of that creativity is where the “art” happens. An advertisement, on the other hand, is a public piece […]

Believing in Your Fee

Great story I’d heard before, but was reminded of while reading The Simple Dollar, a new blog I discovered recently: A French woman, upon seeing Picasso in a Parisian restaurant, approached the great master and insisted that he put down his coffee and make a quick sketch of her. Graciously, Picasso obliged. When he was […]

Reward Loyalty

Whose happiness is more important to the success of your business — that of your future customers, or that of your longtime customers? I let my cable/internet/phone provider have it yesterday, because I found out that new customers are able to purchase their services for a lower “introductory” price than I, who have been a […]