Slater's Garage Ads & Audio

Helping Your Small Business Find Its Voice

Advertising is Not “Art”

People who make ads shouldn’t confuse their work with that of an artist. An artist, by definition, creates something uniquely beautiful  — makes tangible some otherwise intangible emotion or idea from inside him/herself.  And then the appreciation of that creativity is where the “art” happens. An advertisement, on the other hand, is a public piece […]

Selling Small Pleasures

* By Brett Slater and Kelly Slater I guess it’s official now: We’re in a recession. Businesses are cutting back, and consumers are tightening their belts — maybe not going out to eat as often, or not treating ourselves to extravagances we once did. So does that mean no one’s buying ANYthing anymore? Obviously, not. […]

Another Venue For CGA: Local TV

If you ask me, the only definition of “Broadcast Quality” video production is that it be, well, broadcast. These days, no longer does one need thousands of dollars worth of camera equipment, lighting, actors, post-production equipment, monitors, playback and editing gear, etc. As equipment and software become more advanced, amateur and semi-pro producers can do […]