10 reasons why students should not wear uniforms

They are not able to wear what they want, when they want. The technical storage or access that is used exclusively for anonymous statistical purposes. As a result, they can relate to their fellow students as a team, rather than as individuals. of getting that uniform. Pro 4: School uniforms can promote safety. Wearing itchy and tight clothes in class can make it difficult for a student to focus on academics. Uniforms are very unnecessary and get expensive. Rather than a pair of jeans and a tee-shirt that can be worn to school and also worn on the weekends, now a student needs two outfits a uniform and another outfit for street clothing. However, I believe that the arguments against uniforms are stronger than the arguments in favor of them, and that schools should not require students to wear uniforms. that donning ones own clothes brings. As part of reasons why students should wear school uniforms, the academic aspect is at the top of the list. With countless arguments coming up on why students should not wear school uniforms and why they should, there comes about a need to have an analysis done of the same, a pros and cons list that will allow us to look deep into this issue and understand what a school uniform signifies. Brianna Biggs May 6, 2022 at 8:45 AM. One reason I think kids should wear uniforms is that they should be able to wear things that they want to without getting bullied for something that everyone has to wear. In addition, uniforms can restrict students' freedom of expression. Being able to show our true colors and originality is important to us as an individual. Clothing is a form of self-expression, and requiring students to wear uniforms can limit their ability to express their individuality and personal style. In some instances, the study found the opposite to be true. Uniforms don't stop students from being what they are. Or that could be just me. It has also been studied and conclusions drawn that schools that have uniforms have students exhibiting better school results. Students believe that the uniform isnt overly restrictive, given that they are expected to wear it for a short period of time each day. Children who are poor are put at a disadvantage because they are required to purchase clothes for school that they cannot afford. Parents, kids and even the ACLU have noted that growing children need to learn to express themselves as individuals. Many families cannot afford to buy multiple sets of uniforms, especially if their children are growing quickly. Erases Cultural Differences. Wondering if you can write a 2-page essay in 1 hour? So for them, the best way to avoid situations like this is to prevent students from independently choosing their school wardrobe. Despite mixed reactions among students, wearing a uniform is beneficial to a variety of reasons. First, school uniforms make all students look equal. . Sorry, there was an error loading this poll. "Almost 20% of public schools in America now require students to wear uniforms to school." (Rauscher) Most schools don . Students who dress in uniforms may become more rebellious. Finally, requiring uniforms can be a way of limiting students self-expression and individuality. The Pros And Cons Of School Uniforms. 9. This is true in many schools, even in public schools where wearing a uniform is required. In this article, we will give reasons why students should not wear school uniforms to school. This is because everyone is on the same level. In more traditional or conservative settings, students are usually expected to come to school in uniforms. Does Sunlight On Testicles Increase Testosterone? Caine Blake Mar 18, 2022 at 10:54 AM. The second advantage of wearing uniforms is that it makes students more focused in class. Personally all of these are very true because most students do want to express themselves in ways that cannot normally do, but the only thing is that, I understand the uniform policy because it prevents people from bullying those who wear certain clothes and things along that nature. Uniforms strip away freedom, they make you uncomfortable, are wasteful, and celebrate conformity over individuality, making them unfitting. 2. I think, they should just make it optional. There are a variety of reasons why we oppose mandatory uniforms for students. Students should not be required to wear uniforms for a number of reasons. When students wear uniforms, they will no longer feel insecure about their appearance, their social standing, or their lack of self-esteem. Therefore, many parents . Students who do not want to wear uniforms will give many reasons for why they should be banned. Some even added a side note saying that wearing regular clothes is cheaper and comfier than uniforms. Reasons Why Students Should Not Wear Uniforms. Tell us why and vote! School uniforms are being opposed as a violation of students freedom of expression, have no positive effects on behavior or academic achievement, and are used to highlight the disparity between the rich and the poor. In this essay, I would like to share why wearing school uniforms is an outdated and restricting policy that schools should rethink. If you have limited time but need to write a superb essay, fret not! They will not be judged on their appearance, but on their achievements. I 100% agree with everything that was stated in this article, I especially love the one about the students freedom of expression! Here are some proven tips that will help you easily write a 3-page essay in just 1 hour time. That is the advantage of having no uniform to adhere to. Students should be able to express their style. Should We, as Users, be Next? For one, uniforms can be very uncomfortable, especially in hot weather. Packed with options that allow you to completely customize your website to your needs. The argument that school uniforms can make students more safe and help them blend in and focus on learning without worrying about what they dress like has been supported by several proponents. Uniforms are as much about safety as they are about inclusion. They dont even have your color nor the size! Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Should school uniforms be made compulsory? In this manner, students would still be wearing the same theme, and be able to enjoy a form of self-expression. People agree with that, uniform should not be part of dress code. 6. Wondering how to write a 3-page essay in 1 hour? Educators have discovered that uniforms can significantly improve student performance and reduce disciplinary problems. Reasons students should not wear school uniforms. These uniforms can include anything from slacks, dress shirts, ties and vests to polo shirts, khaki pants or skirts for girls. Both points of view present compelling arguments and it is necessary to follow them both through. For one, uniforms can be very uncomfortable, especially in hot weather. One reason kids should not wear uniforms to school is because they can have high costs for parents/guardians to pay for. Ultimately, I believe that there is a safe, healthy, and fun way to champion freedom of expression while adding value to the name and reputation of the school. When schools dont require uniforms, it means that they would have to impose a general dress code that all students would have to abide by. Some may assume that school uniforms lessen a family's clothing expense. . The ability to express oneself through clothing does not allow students to develop into personalities. Uniforms also help to maintain a sense of discipline while reducing the possibility of embarrassing situations. These cookies do not store any personal information. . Personal expression is a fundamental right according to the First Amendment, so allowing students to wear items of clothing that resonate with who they are enabling them to feel heard, and not feel policed. This means these students will have a sense of pride concerning the school they come from. jahmal leith May 9, 2022 at 1:29 PM, dakota meekins May 9, 2022 at 1:03 PM. This promotes socialization. 10 Reasons Why Students Should Not Wear Uniforms. But these days, uniforms in schools have become a widely debated topic. I feel like its so draining trying to find something to wear everyday. I agree. Why school uniforms are bad? This teaches students what it takes to be a part of a group, what it means to have needs and expectations, and how to fulfill them as their own. ). She takes off from her own experience and champions the feelings of teenagers like herself. Classroom is the educational resource for people of all ages. Is a girl's shirt cut too low? Random musings, informative tidbits and intriguing perspectives. Agreed with every bit of this article. I dont think uniforms are that bad and they can be helpful to some people i think a suggestive policy would be best. A dress code is a set of guidelines for what students should wear, unlike school uniforms which . Uniforms can help improve students sense of order and structure in schools as well as help improve their self-esteem. By choosing not to control their outfits, you are allowing them to learn to take ownership of their decisions, which will help them become a good member of their community one day. 2. They may be disruptive for students who are not behaving, and they may be too restrictive for students who want to express themselves through their clothing. Clothing is also likely to be disruptive if a student is disruptive. Perhaps the biggest argument against wearing school uniforms is that it inhibits a students personal expression and creativity. Low-income students in schools that required uniforms showed slight improvements in attendance but only for a single day per year. The average cost of back-to-school clothing is expected to be more than $235. They may make people uncomfortable, they may promote conformity over individuality, and they may cost money. It becomes a question of values, and what parents want their children to learn, not just in an academic sense but in a moral way. Children are frequently made to believe they are not part of the group if they do not wear uniforms, thereby promoting conformity over individuality. Allowing students to filter out their wardrobe is a good way of meeting in the middle: the school still gets to lay down appropriate boundaries for physical appearance, while students are at least able to wear something that they like. Answer (1 of 2): Many students don't like uniforms, their ugly, uncomfortable, and expensive. A serious study environment is encouraged when there is the power of the uniform looming large. I totally agree and stand by everything you said. Students fifth grade self-reports were also used in the study. I went to a school that had a uniform, but luckily, not to a college that had one. Thus, I think schools should require students to wear uniforms to prevent this situation. The National Center for Education Statistics reports that 23 percent of primary schools in America require students to wear uniforms to school. American Civil Liberties Union of Nevada, "Four Reasons Public Schools Should Think Twice Before Instituting School Uniform Policies," aclunv.org, Dec. 19, 2008: 18. . It's official the largest school district in the U.S. has adopted school uniforms. Anecdotal evidence of improved results in a school with mandatory uniforms may be because the school has begun enforcing the rules more seriously and may have nothing to do with the uniforms at all. The most significant impact of school uniforms on the wealth gap is that they may help to close it. Letting students wear what they want is the best option for schools because it allows students to express themselves how they want and it limits the money that parents have to spend for school or college. In one survey conducted by the Volusia County, Florida school district, nearly 70% of students said they did not want a uniform policy. Why Is Uniform Important Debate? Based on the Word Net lexical database for the English Language. You produce a mass effect, a common generation with that uniform, is what you do. Disadvantages of uniforms include making students uncomfortable and limiting their learning opportunities. Having a school uniform is advantageous to students in a variety of ways. Some children, particularly in the lower grades, may benefit from having them. Normal clothes are easier to find in your size. Your donation will support the student journalists of Charles Herbert Flowers. The comfort that donning ones own clothes brings. The Pros and Cons of School Uniforms. 5 steps to write a 3 page essay in 1 hour, 6 steps to write a five page essay in one hour, 7 STEPS TO WRITE A 2 PAGE ESSAY IN ONE HOUR, How Will Our Society Be Remembered In 100 Years, How is Psychology Used In Everyday Life (Essay Sample), Why Do Immigrants Come to the United States (Essay Sample), What Does Beauty Mean to You (Essay Sample), American Dream in Death of a Salesman (Essay Sample). These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Teachers can keep track of everyone in class by wearing the same clothes, making it easier to identify students and what they are learning. Some students believe that these actions lead to a false sense of elitism and an oppressive atmosphere in the school. The reason for this is that uniforms make children believe they are not good enough or that they cannot perform well without them. Furthermore, items on a schools uniform list are much more reasonably priced than brand-name items that children are expected to purchase. Uniforms save teachers and administrators valuable time. Families that are not financially stable may struggle to pay for a school uniform. Definitely a school uniform cant satisfy that need. Second, uniforms can be expensive. Write a letter to your schools administration outlining the reasons why you think a uniform policy would be beneficial. They would have freedom within a reasonable guideline and they might just enjoy the process of putting together their everyday outfits. Casual clothing can carry messages that uplift, inspire and unite schoolchildren. Uniforms are considered a barrier to student self-expression by opponents. Not to be looked as just a part of a group, but as someone who has their own personality and behavioral patterns. To many people, this sounds like a reasonable solution to the pervasive problem of bullying. Students therefore interact as a group, and issues of groupism do not make way. I think uniforms are best set in place because not everyone can afford to wear different outfits everyday, plus you only need to buy the unform once for your 4 years of HS [unless ofc you grow out of it or it becomes unwearable]. Think of a situation where students choose what to wear to school. When the school creates a safe space for them to flaunt their own style without violating the values of the institution, they will be more relaxed and happier in class. Children are frequently uncomfortable wearing uniforms, and they feel limited in their freedom of expression. Persuasive essay sample: Why Students Should Not Wear Uniforms. Writing a 5-page essay in one hour is a tough nut to crack. Uniforms are too plain and ordinary. What are the kind of things that can rise from being recognized as a group? The uniforms break the barriers between the haves and the haves not. It saves money. Deyoni Butler Apr 25, 2022 at 8:57 AM. In conclusion uniforms is a bad idea. . Top website has the answer to "10 reasons why students should not wear uniforms 2022" : School Uniforms Pros and Cons - 13 Arguments For and Against. When everyone is dressed alike, it fosters a sense of community. Additionally, uniforms can be a source of embarrassment for some students, who may feel they do not fit in or look their best in them. Students still come to school wearing stuff they are not suppose to wear. Draa surveys school administrators and examines proficiency test scores, attendance rates, suspensions, and expulsion rates. I also agree that trying to find uniforms are difficult because they sell out fast and then its difficult to find a place that still has them in time. School uniform policies have been shown to improve school grades, reduce tardiness, and reduce suspensions and absences. The effect on this is that kids will either want to come to school. Nobody wears their uniform now as is and it hasnt been that big of a deal. So not having a uniform allows for self expression, maybe more so a factor for adults than school kids. The cost, comfort, and uniqueness is what makes normal clothes so much better than uniforms. When everyone wears the same clothes, the question of analyzing socio-economic backgrounds and money making powers dont come into the picture. Jhanyre Hames Mar 17, 2022 at 8:19 AM, Avery Thomas Mar 17, 2022 at 8:17 AM, I agree because uniforms make a school feel prison like, Skye Mitchell Mar 17, 2022 at 8:15 AM, eugene greeley Mar 17, 2022 at 8:09 AM, Sharon Madu Mar 17, 2022 at 8:06 AM. Another reason why it is necessary to introduce uniforms is that they will help students to save money, especially those ones coming from poor backgrounds. Despite the belief of many parents and teachers that wearing school uniforms reduces student behavior and attendance, a new national study has concluded that wearing uniforms does not appear to have an impact. Uniforms contributed to a positive school culture at Van Nuys, and nearly every parent supported their adoption. Expressing yourself with your clothes and creating your individual style is a coveted sentiment, especially for adolescents who are just about finding a way in the adult world. Makaiyah White May 6, 2022 at 9:03 AM. How do uniforms protect students? Furthermore, we discovered that students who wear school uniforms significantly outperform those who do not, as well as lower noise levels and lower teaching waiting times, when compared to other countries. Kyle Chichester Apr 22, 2022 at 11:06 AM. After graduation when they head to the work world and have to wear collared shirts and long pants, they will be comfortable doing so. Uniformed students have a sense of pride, unity, and community spirit that is lacking in non-uniformed schools. There is a sense of community among students, a sense of identity and belonging to the school, a reduction in random attraction and its effects, a reduction in suspensions, and a reduction in bullying. School uniforms are unequivocally beneficial to the community. Paying for school uniforms can be a waste of money, especially if they attend school for up to 5 or 6 days weekly. Sometimes they have other children too and they have to buy for them as well. All of these reasons show why students should not wear uniforms in schools. I dont understand why high school student have to wear uniform especially since they call us young adults but dont give us the freedom to wear what we want. And, in the interest of fairness, we also present counterpoints from the other side of the argument. Students "may not like every item of the uniform" but it gave them a sense of belonging, which was "good for the mental health of our young people." There was also an argument for sustainability. For the sake of everyone, weve created a dress code thats both comfortable and dependable. Most students who are required to wear uniforms consistently express strong distaste for them. Instead of imposing a uniform dress code, schools should encourage students to express . Some people feel that school uniforms help create a sense of unity and pride within the school, and help to reduce bullying and gang violence. For every report citing decreased crime and bullying, or increased test scores and school pride, there is another report that has found these benefits to be exaggerated or simply non-existent. Wes Moore Proposes Gap Service years for graduating high schoolers, would it be beneficial? Unless we have 100% of the students wear identical uniforms, there will always be unwanted attention drawn to gender nonconforming students. Whats next? The second supporting reason for kids not to be required to wear uniforms is that if the kids wear uniforms they will not be able to spend their money. Students with the highest levels of performance are more likely to be disciplined. When youre younger, a school uniform seems a matter of pride, when youre older, the same uniform seems a shackle. Im still unsure of my stance on this debate, because both sides pose good arguments. Schools can get creative by even occasionally imposing an easy theme to follow, such as a uniform color, a fun accessory, or a conversation piece that could be in partnership with a specific class, lesson, or holiday. School Uniforms Deprive Students of Freedom of Expression Being able to express yourself is a right that every parent wants their children to learn from a young age. According to the findings, schools with strict uniform rules are more likely to have a difficult time identifying targets for bullies. According to the data, the students with the highest scores are the most disciplined. Good things happen when students are able to avoid worrying about their designer clothing choices and how much they will have to spend on school clothing. The implication of this is that they would need an extra set of uniforms. 1. Apparently the same casual mind-set toward revealing outfits is cropping up in the . As a result, forcing students to wear uniforms that don't respect these values consider a big misconception. Be sure to back up your argument with facts and evidence. Why Students Dont Have to Wear School Uniforms? So, wearing of school uniform does not affect a students performance. When young women are forced to wear skirts when they don't feel confident about their legs, for example, it can lead to low self-esteem. Often, faculty perceive students as sharper and more disciplined because of the uniforms, but on a national scale, the uniforms prove to be only a superficial fix to other serious problems. Students may still express their views through other mediums during the school day. For one, uniforms can be expensive, and not all families can afford to purchase them. See disclaimer. An American student has been raised in terms of freedom and individualistic culture. Pros : Students have been sent home from school for wearing clothing that is inappropriate for their ages. The first supporting reason for kids to not be required to wear a uniform is that if your outfit is to be chosen for you, how can you still have creativity? Fill out our order form with detailed instructions and give us some time for writing magic. The information that was offered wasnt what I was looking for. For example, if a student wears a skirt that is too short, she may be asked to leave school. Some parents believe that uniforms are costly. In conclusion, students should not be required to wear uniforms. And what about the clothes you already own? And, once a student is ambitious and hard-working, academic excellence isnt far ahead. When teachers look the whole class, they will feel that it is not so different from a big and colorful mess. 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10 reasons why students should not wear uniforms