first year assistant principal checklist

For many assistant principals, the move to the role comes straight from the classroom, the counseling office, or a dean position. Worried about? If you do not take care of yourself, you cannot take care of others. . Assistant principals should supervise teachers and students in order to ensure that they are following school policy and behaving appropriately. Cover a duty occasionally, deliver a latte, be proactive in parent communication over discipline issues, etc. This first year is the hardest as every "first-year" is. The people you meet with will no doubt repeat your words to others through their own lenses. He inquired about sick wives, graduating children, and recent vacations. Prioritizing is essential. Take the time to ask your principal to observe or facilitate tasks that may not be traditional to the assistant principal role. Here are the first days of school scripts for three teachers. This article has given me some things to think about as I start my first year as an Assistant Principal. I believe that most teachers are more concerned with the new administrator validating their work, as opposed to wanting to be awed by that administrator's expertise. What challenges do you anticipate during your first year in this new position? I had to seek mentorship, professional development and resources, but most importantly, I had to rely on support from the staff to build my background knowledge . This is definitely a resource to re-read and refer to in the future. Zero in on those issues that directly affect teaching and learning. But if you put in the time required for that journey, you'll have the opportunity to positively affect the hearts and lives of many people. (This also applies to your personal balance. A new principal must provide social/emotional instruction to students and be familiar with current research-based models. The "ghosts of the school" rule long after their formal leadership tenures have ended. What could you do with 25 minutes a day? When advocacy is needed, it's invaluable to have friends in the central office. Changing the culture of a school is a long, hard process. This will truly be a. All leaders know the power of buy in, but its not always the quickest road to a solution. Though that trust must be earned, your work as an AP is far from overwhen you reach that point. Year 2: Mentees will receive 30 hours of 1:1 mentoring, 7.5 of which are direct support through our mentor program virtual implementation sessions. When I began as principal, I offered time for staff to come to visit with me, either on their own or with their teammates. The role of assistant principal comes with many responsibilities. Home No part of the articles in NAESP magazines, newsletters, or website may be reproduced in any medium without the permission of the National Association of Elementary School Principals. And I appreciate your commitment to thriving in your role. Rememberyou were hired for who you are. Although a summertime hire -- allowing for more one-on-one training time -- might have been nice, I had to come up with a plan for helping the new AP assimilate. The superintendent and central office team must provide effective instructional coaching, no matter what evaluation plan ones district implements. 5. Meet with interim principal, assistant principal and curriculum facilitators. I remind myself that this list isnt anyone elses worry or focus, and that in every moment, I need to be present. One thing I force myself to do, especially at this time of the year when everybody is starting to come back to school is really take time to listen. After receiving my list on such short notice, I had to work past 6:00 p.m. to complete all the tasks. Touch device users, explore by touch or with swipe . Matching our practice with our message builds trust with teachers. This is an encouraging blog to help assistant principals find their voice and strength in their role on campus! We need to keep ourselves current, and we need to keep investing in our teachers. Where you spend your time is where your values lie. I still use this trusty notebook to take notes in throughout the year at all the meetings I attend. Take time to get to know teachers in the classroom and out. Check on school photo plans for coming year . Visibility 2.0 is about engaging in conversations with others to increase the value of your presence. Unlike the principal, the vice-principal does not have quite the decision-making authority that the principal carries. Principals need to manage just how accessible they are, especially with regard to text messages, voicemails, and emails. These actions can be empowering as they send the message that thoughts and opinions can make a difference. March 30, 2021 Step 5: Mid-Year Conference: Meeting to discuss progress of goal attainment The assistant principal, assistant school administrator, and coordinator of a school-based program is an educational leader who assists the principal with developing the professional capacity and practice of school personnel to promote each student's academic success and well-being. On his first official day as the new superintendent, Dan appeared at the central maintenance facility with a bag of donuts and a carafe of coffee. The First 100 Days of a First-Year Principal, Online Course: Principal Leadership forTheEarlyGrades, National Mentor Training and Certification Program, Assistant Principal Community of Practice, Early Career Principal Community of Practice, National Distinguished Principal Program, National Outstanding Assistant Principal Program, American Student Council Association (ASCA), Student Council School of Excellence Award, Presidents Education Awards Program (PEAP), National Elementary Honors Society (NEHS), SEL Leadership Cohort: Cultivating Healthy Relationships in the Workplace, 5 Fun Ways to Instill a Love of History in Kids, Online Course: Principal Leadership for The Early Grades. 101 JFK Parkway | Short Hills, NJ | 07078 | (973) 921-5500, 10 Amazing Art Projects Inspired by The Dot. The work of building a really good school is an endless journey. Relationships are important. The most important lesson in leadership is be you.. Asking about a teachers family can help us get to know teachers as a whole just like we often ask them to do with their students. An AP needs a foundation of credibility before he can earn the relational capital that creates trust. The first year assistant principal checklist is designed to help new assistant principals become familiar with the important tasks they need to complete during their first year. Field Tip: Make a list of five students each week. % Good points really care. A free printable checklist to help you get the school year started off right. This is not sufficient to grant a thorough understanding of the expenditures, revenues, and allocations of resources. Mark attended a parentteacher association (PTA) meeting with Caroline, and both spoke about their commitment to children and to the school. Other teachers might become inspired and start blogs of their own, or have their students start blogging. These findings can then be brought in-house to enhance what is already taking place. 4E}]x_'5hyw+q4 Z|8CUq}i}p(1@v{k34mfggFdfl[2s[K5TBTgfRdIq*rF J`?[[PZ)Mgf/ SfMsGju\4 {Om'/W'2$jEjInNHA 9IzW! |B}]N=.~ve\Y9T}`5(_f 7O1t*"/k1{Qv4DLSj@OJ@S3~9hkcwWMWq(:T ae Id worked in the school district for the past 10 years, first as a middle school English teacher and then as a middle school assistant principal. To streamline the Facebook process, consider starting a Facebook group that includes members of your staff. Thank you. Principal's Checklist August 2018 QUOTE OF THE MONTH People may hear your words, but they feel your attitude. Above all, build the best possible relationship with the school secretary. So it would be better to use that time to extend the other 3 lunch periods. Field Tip: When you need to communicate, start by identifying the purpose and critical information. The beginning of the school year is one of the busiest, most demanding times of the year. Throw a good-bye party. available to help principals work smarter and faster in many aspects of the job as a school administrator. 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Ive learned what being present means in my role as principal, and I hope to increase my presence more for students and teachers. To enforce the shared responsibility for discipline, principals should insist that teachers join them in responding to students who misbehave in the classroom. When Im at my best,Im often asking these questions: We do a lot of talking to teachers when it comes to professional development. ASCD empowers educators to achieve excellence in learning, teaching, and leading so that every child is healthy, safe, engaged, supported, and challenged. Being a school leader is difficult. Real Estate Communicate with new teachers and invite them to the new teacher orientation. Edutopia is a free source of information, inspiration, and practical strategies for learning and teaching in preK-12 education. One common role is to support the principal, which can look different in every setting. Taking that time to engage makes a huge difference! Superintendents should remind principals to go home at a reasonable hour and shut down the technology. Theres a difference in feeling capable at a job and feeling that you thrive in it. I have also picked up on the culture and expectations that are in the school. Sincere care about those with whom you work coupled with open and frequent communication are essential building blocks to healthy cultures. Lori learned the hard way. The Problem: A new assistant principal was assigned to our school about six weeks after the . July 2014- August 2015 Hold individual meetings with each faculty and staff member. In your first months, change absolutely nothing that isn't essential or directed by your superintendent or school boardexcept the pictures on your office wall. Mark promised to listen, be available, and carry on the school's good work. Do something to engage in a different way. As a fourth-grade teacher, I once had the pleasure of working with a phenomenal assistant superintendent. As you complete them, mark them off, but make sure you keep your nonnegotiables at the top. <> I hope you end up managing each of those pulls well this year. Begin faculty duty schedules 7. Review and revise Principals Planning Calendar The goal was to get me away from the leadership style of guiding dialogue and toward the style of actively listening. As the students enter school in the morning, do your best to pop your head into every classroom just to be present and touch base with your teachers and students. The importance of a solid team. Much respect for leading like you do and helping others become better. Additionally, this checklist should be completed with appropriate modifications for Educators who have received a promotion or transitioned to another role. Use your opportunities in classrooms and hallways to ask for perspective and guidance. Beginning in the 2013-14 school year, principals and assistant principals shall be evaluated based on quality standards as part of the pilot process. However, getting buy in on the front end of change can make a profound difference on the success of any attempt at change in a large organization like a school. He smiled as I rattled off a laundry list of items I both knew I needed to accomplish and that I would never have time to actually fulfill. When it finds me, your list and all which concerns emotional intelligence, empathy, and engagement will be the driver of my leadership M.O. As the interview winded down, the man sitting next to me asked me this: Whats your plan for the first 100 days as principal?. You need to take the initiative to make it what you want from it. Meet with outgoing principal to obtain information about the culture, strengths and challenges of the school and community. Baby As a first year principal, I have a formal mentor, which is a required (and helpful!) Perception is reality, and if most teachers feel a certain way, act (or react) appropriately, instead of telling them "Too bad" or convincing yourself that "they deserve what's happening to them." To download the free checklist, just complete the short form on the right, and we will send it to you right away. This leadership position includes interactions with students, and administered state TERRA NOVA testing. If you cannot establish relationships, you are going to struggle to maximize your effectiveness. Find their voice and strength in their role on campus you spend your time is where your lie... Sincere care about those with whom you work coupled with open and frequent are... With each faculty and staff member shut down the technology demanding times of the,. Focus, and we need to be present the 2013-14 school year, principals and assistant principals supervise! And teachers earned, your work as an AP is far from overwhen you reach that point of a is... 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first year assistant principal checklist