james 3 commentary spurgeon

One source of catastrophic destruction among believers in Christ, however, is not a mystery. Bitter waters were made sweet at Marah when a divinely revealed tree was cast into them (Exod. James Of course not! Faithful: Whose son is he? Barclay says that "The true wisdom is anupokritos, without hypocrisy. In contrast to the wisdom of fools, Paul exhorts believers at Rome to bewisein a godly sense, wise about spiritual truth and how to live in an evil world opposed to God (Ro 16:19+), referring to God Himself aswise. "You can't hold a fellow down in the ditch unless you stay there with him." No one (oudeis) means absolutely no one (absolutely no exceptions) in reliance on his or her own natural power. Anon. NJB James 3:10 the blessing and curse come out of the same mouth. But the tongue no one in the human race is able to control. Most of them answered no. Grieve not (present imperative with a negative) the Holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption. This was a shameful sin, and James would not tolerate it!" NET James 3:12 Can a fig tree produce olives, my brothers and sisters, or a vine produce figs? James is echoing his half-brother Jesus Who taught "It is not what enters into the mouth that defiles the man, but what proceeds out of the mouth, this defiles (koinooin the present tense)the man.(Mt 15:11, see also Mt 15:18-20, Mt 12:34, 35, cf Mk 7:15). Spurgeon -It would be a monstrosity, a thing to be wondered at, and stared at as unnatural and absurd if a fig tree started bearing olive berries and it is just as unnatural for a Christian to live in sin. Spiros Zodhiates, The one who has wisdom in his head and heart does not need to shout at others. (James 3:13-18 Wisdom for Harmonious Relationships), There is disorder and every evil thing- Amplified has "here will also be confusion (unrest, disharmony, rebellion) and all sorts of evil and vile practices", The church at Corinth was experience "disorder" which prompted Paul to write. The waters of Marah were bitter, unhealthy and poisonous but the water from the cleft rock different: wholesome, sweet and plentiful. It can be smooth as butter or as sharp as a knife. No alloys, not tainted by any impurity (in 1 Ti 5:22 hagnos is translated in NASB as "free from sin"). (The Interpretation of The Epistle to the Hebrews and The Epistle of James), Augustine -He does not say no one can tame the tongue, but no one of men: so that when it is tamed we confess that this is brought about by the pity, the help, and the grace of God. John It is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison (James 3:8). To seek ease at the cost of righteousness, is to make peace for ever impossible. But there were warning signs posted all over the park: DO NOT LEAVE YOUR CAR! GWN James 3:8 Yet, no one can tame the tongue. One of the marks that a man has been born again is that his tongue is now controlled. My brethren, these things ought not so to be. True wisdom is a divine revelation. Instead of being helpful, they are destructive. Reprinted by permission. 3 Your gold and silver are corroded. Of course the tongue of Jesus was tame, but not one tongue of all those born in Adam and with his propensity to commit sin (Ro 5:12+). Forgive me for careless, thoughtless, and angry words. And the tongue is a fire, a world of iniquity: The fire of the tongue has been used to burn many. All rights reserved). Over the years weve been able to train Gentle Ben, Lassie, Flipper, Shamu, even Barney! His partner wisely replied, "It had to be in you or it couldn't have come out of you." Once I even heard him use the Lords name in vain. A. P. Herbert, There will come a time when three words, uttered with charity and meekness, shall receive a far more blessed reward than three thousand volumes written with disdainful sharpness of wit. He asserts that every trial we overcome helps us mature as Christians. Yes, better than he knows himself. But peace has the power to break out anywhere. Reprinted by permission. Does the fig tree bear olives? "Seest thou a man that is hasty in his words? Seek His guidance before you express yourself. Rightly understood, then, brethren, you cannot but feel how searching and scathing this word of the apostle is; and it is interesting to notice, that the very same tempers which are here denounced as unspiritual, merely of the soul, are those which the Apostle Paul specifies as peculiarly grieving to that Divine Spirit through whose indwelling alone mans spirit has rule over his lower nature. -- Psalm 141:3 Gilbrant on restless evil -The tongue is an "unruly evil," literally, an evil which cannot be held back. May I speak only words that please You and bring health and healing to others. James gave us another word picture about words when he said, The tongue also is a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body. Anon. All rights reserved), The tongue can spread suspicion, "Commentary on James 3". (Exploring James), Guzik -James points to the ultimate impossibility of such a contradiction. There is a simpler and a surer . 2:35; 1 Ki. Every time Susan opens her mouth, it sounds like the blare of an ambulance siren. . (BDAG)Pragmamay denote a deed or event that has occurred with no indication of its moral quality. Gustafson, There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death. It is thus fitting that geenna is where sin and unrepentant sinners will one day find their "resting place". Reprinted by permission. My tongue control today; "A worthless witness mocketh at justice" (Proverbs 19:28). Richard Sibbes, Some mens tongues bite more than their teeth. 9:45; Mk. Morse concluded by suggesting that rather than protesting the dictionarys treatment of words, We can choose our own words responsibly and protest the use of the word by those around us and by influential people in the media, the entertainment industry, and elsewhere. Thats good advice! If the flesh is reigning, then out comes bitter water. With my students, I go back to the basics to erase old habits. The small church in Umbarger, Texas, was an unlikely place for an international work of art. Yet, with the same tongues we curse people, who were created in God's likeness. Wuest says "The tongue is so constituted in our members.". Do Christians speak with the tongues of angels? Wuest For every creature, quadrupeds and birds and reptiles and marine life, is controlled and has been controlled by mankind. ", This person behind the curtain reminds me of a problem we as Christians experience today. KJV James 3:10 Out of the same mouth proceedeth blessing and cursing. Counselors tell us to listen to each other. (Pr 10:19) When there are many words, transgression is unavoidable, But he who restrains his lips is wise. So yespeople still reflect God's image, albeit badly marred by sin. Genesis (From Fedco Reporter, April, 1987.) This "extraterrestrial" wisdom isthe gift of Godand is only given to believers(Eph 2:8), Proverbs commentson the Source ofwisdom from above, "For the LORD gives wisdom; From His mouth come knowledge and understanding." Anothencan speak of place or time (from the beginning). Will be reflective of Your grace; "It is a snare to a man rashly to say, It is holy, And after vows to make inquiry" (Proverbs 20:25). This wisdom is not that which comes down from above- This wisdom is the "counterfeit" wisdom. That is to say, it is not a pose and does not deal in deception. He rages at faith because he sees therein his own defeat and the victory of grace. you may be sure of it; remember the proverb, "They say and do not." GNT James 3:10 . My brethren, do not hold the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord of glory, with partiality. The words we speak reveal our hearts, especially when we are under pressure. That's not a bad description of our tongue which is capable of such evil that it cannot be "calculated numerically!" So the mind corrupts the whole person.". Steven Cole applies these two negative traits noting that "they are traits that those who teach the Word may easily yield to. It has a vast potential for evil. THOUGHT - PRAY - Lord, help me to think before I speak, to check my heart. No fountain yields both salt and fresh water. For every kind of beasts, and of birds, and of serpents, and of things in the sea, is tamed and hath been tamed of mankind: But the tongue can no man tame; it is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison. -. Anon. A country merchant once visited New York. James minced no words in warning about the power of the tongue. Good grammar matters to me. . He said that with the tongue we bless our God who created us, but we also curse those whom He has created (v.9). Without hypocrisy(It is sincere; free of pretense)(505)(anuopkritosfroma=without +hupokrinomai= to pretend fromhup= under, indicating secrecy +krino= to judge) is literally without play acting, without playing the part or without hypocrisy. Reprinted by permission. Dictionary publisher Merriam-Webster recently came under attack. ", I can talk to you until I am blue in the face and it doesnt do any good., If you dont like it, you can just leave., You deserve a taste of your own medicine.. Paul writes that he and his demons are able fire "the flaming arrows"(Eph 6:16) into our minds. THE WHOLE MACHINERY OF SALVATION. All rights reserved, A memoir of the life and labors of the Rev. 5:23; Gal. Those who profess religion ought especially to govern their tongues ( v. 1-12 ). The message is the heart of the messenger. If God lights the fire and controls it, then the tongue can be a mighty tool for the winning of the lost and the building up of the church. If you are being polluted by bitterness, isn't it time for God's freshness? His house is as empty of religion as the white of an egg is of savor. Bless (present imperative- Need for the Holy Spirit) those who persecute you;bless (present imperative- Need for the Holy Spirit) and do not curse (present imperative with a negative). (2 Cor 12:20, recall that in 1 Cor 3:3 Paul had characterized them as "still fleshly. Thomas Goodwin, If the mouth be bad, the mind is not good. "The scoffer is an abomination to men" (Proverbs 24:9). He could read by the age of 2 and was composing original works in French by age 4. More self-denial, like His in Galilee, Elsewhere the rendering is natural, as in the contrast between the natural body and the spiritual body in 1 Cor. NJB James 3:7 Wild animals and birds, reptiles and fish of every kind can all be tamed, and have been tamed, by humans; GWN James 3:7 People have tamed all kinds of animals, birds, reptiles, and sea creatures. Some animals are poisonous, and some tongues spread poison. Rather than building up our friends, our words can tear them down. The characteristics of this wisdom (James 3:17) --Havergal. But David refused to harm Saul because he was theLords anointed (v.6). As a writer and former English teacher, Im bothered when I hear the wrong word used by people I think should know better. The tongue, a world of unrighteousness, is placed among the parts of our bodies. This is some of the rotten fruit of worldly wisdom. As the apostle James put it, Every kind of beast and bird, of reptile and creature of the sea, is tamed and has been tamed by mankind (James 3:7). (ED: AND BY BEGINNING EACH DAY "filled with the Spirit" - Eph 5:18+)(Ibid), Guzik has an interesting comment -The human spirit has incredible capacity for sacrifice and self-control. "Jehovah by wisdom founded the earth " (Proverbs 3:19,20). On Listening Washington Irving. (June Hunt). By the deeds that you do, by the words that you say; NLT James 3:9 Sometimes it praises our Lord and Father, and sometimes it curses those who have been made in the image of God. Johnstone on demonic/devilish -But something more awful still has to be said of this wicked wisdom. (MacArthur New Testament Commentary James). Heart transformation begins with confession and repentance. 5:9), never troublemakers.ByDave Branon(Our Daily Bread, Copyright RBC Ministries, Grand Rapids, MI. NJB James 3:17 whereas the wisdom that comes down from above is essentially something pure; it is also peaceable, kindly and considerate; it is full of mercy and shows itself by doing good; nor is there any trace of partiality or hypocrisy in it. KJV James 3:17 But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be intreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy. Our motive for seeking wisdom or for using wisdom must always be to glorify God and to build up the person to whom we are speaking. I do not ask for mighty words My friend is a Texas Aggie and has a little Dachshund dog ("weinerdog") and when you ask him "Do you want to be a Texas Longhorn," he rolls over and plays dead! Hagnos implies sincere, moral and spiritual integrity. What Do You Do with a Broken Relationship? Those who are engulfed in self-serving worldly wisdom resent anyone or anything that comes between them and their own objectives.' Those words are not meant to be heard by the senior officers." Therefore, the rich person and the poor person stand together on the common ground of Calvary. It is a divine endowment and not a human acquisition.Therefore we Christians, who have accepted Christ as our Savior and who have the Holy Spirit indwelling us, are the only ones who can say that we are wisenot of ourselves, but because of the presence of God within us. Amplified This [superficial] wisdom is not such as comes down from above, but is earthly, unspiritual (animal), even devilish (demoniacal). to be subject to another, Id. b. Now James says that when the unbridled tongue begins to spew forth evil, this evil stains and pollutes the entire personality (the soma- a few commentators say soma may also refer to the Church which is often called a body)! By:David H. Roper(Our Daily Bread, Copyright RBC Ministries, Grand Rapids, MI. Geologists had given the project a favorable report, but there was still some risk. This is unfortunate, since his works contain priceless gems of information that are found nowhere except in the ancient writings of the Jews. One of the little girls asked the visitor, "Do you know who it was?" KJV James 3:15 This wisdom descendeth not from above, but is earthly, sensual, devilish. Only when we allow God to control the content that proceeds out of our mouths can the violent tongue be truly tamed. Ask for His forgiveness and begin to enjoy a renewed sweetness. The first recorded words of an organized human society were words of rebellion against God, humanistic and self-centered: "Let us Let us Let us" (Ge11:3-4). To tame our tongues, we need Gods help. If James were addressing unbelievers, than good and evil speech from the same mouth would in fact be the norm and would be totally expected. In short,The nature of the restless tongue is evil(kakos), base, and degraded in character, and prone to be injurious. bIf anyone does not stumble in 1what he says, he is a cperfect man, able to dbridle the whole body as well. James 3:17. Already in the Antiquity James' epistle needed quite some time to be generally accepted. Morgan was interested until Baruch said, Youve taken bigger gambles than this.. Every now and then you read a horrible story of a child mauled by some wild animal that had supposedly been domesticated. Life Application Study Bible. This is nature's way of trying to get by contention what it desires to possess,-fighting, and warring, and killing, yet the result of all this is nil. Earthly wisdom is often associated with qualities like mental ability. Wisdom, the wisdom of God, is not something that is acquired by man, but something that is bestowed by God upon His elect. James used the word wisdom to describe bitter envy and self-seeking (3:14-15). The classic example is the supernatural fruit of the Spirit (Gal 5:22-23+). C.H. Louw-Nida - "to produce something new, with the implication of using materials already in existence.". Robert Johnstone gives us an excellent extended explanation of natural (sensual) wisdom (It is long but worth reading--I had to read it twice.) Jesus alluded to this principle in His Sermon on the Mount when he said, But let your statement be, Yes, yes or No, no; anything beyond these is of evil. Sophiais used frequently in the New Testament to describe the ability to discern and conform to Gods will. All rights reserved), Lord, guard our tongues so what we say 20:11; Deut. Let all readers, then, first examine their own hearts before reading beyond the question posed in James 3:13. Piety is disgraced in all the shows of it, if there be not charity. Members (3196) see preceding discussion onmelos. Jon Courson has an application to help us guard our tongues -When you hear gossip, pray silently in the Spirit to keep your tongue busy lest you join in the hellish discussion. (Holman New Testament Commentary), Osborne on set on fire by hell - "..would mean the tongue becomes a tool of Satan to destroy the individual and the church. Anon, The tongue is the hinge on which everything in the personality turns. BBE James 3:14 But if you have bitter envy in your heart and the desire to get the better of others, have no pride in this, talking falsely against what is true. When we are filled with the Spirit and under His control our speech will most likely be "fresh water," that which honors God. "He kisseth the lips Who giveth a right answer" (Proverbs 24:26). -. "A word in due season, how good is it! BBE James 3:13 Who has wisdom and good sense among you? For out of the overflow of his heart his mouth speaks (Luke 6:45). "A man shall be commended according to his wisdom" (Proverbs 12:8). De Haan The Bible abounds with illustrations of such use. Neither can a salt pond yield fresh water. It's when you feel like you have to say something that you end up saying the dumbest things. (Ibid), Barton adds that "Flames of hate, prejudice, slander, jealousy, and envy seem to come from the very lake of fire where Satan will be punished (see Revelation 20:10, 14-15), Kent Hughes -The uncontrolled tongue has a direct pipeline to Hell! And, ask God to open the persons eyes and grant repentance. NLT Study Bible - Such brackish springs could not support a town. Lord, please guard my heart and my words today. Adam blamed both Eve and God for what he, himself, had done. Sometimes in Scripture, as commonly among ourselves, man is spoken of as consisting of a body and a soul, in which case soul is used in the widest sense. b. "A liar giveth ear to a mischievous tongue" (Proverbs 17:4). -Sper. James 3:16 For where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there is disorder and every evil thing. Such a life also will be full of "good fruit" (karpn agathn). For my part, I am of opinion, that he has, by his wicked life, caused many to stumble and fall; and will be, if God prevent not, the ruin of many more. Knowing that we That all who thrust themselves into the office. Our old sinful nature opposes our new life in Christ. Utley on without hypocrisy -This term implies free from prejudice or divided loyalties and may relate to 2:4 or even 1:6. (BEC), Brian Bell has an interesting thought that "All the filth of the city accumulated there (Gehenna), so toothe evil of our sinful hearts seems to accumulate on our tongues. 12:34). So, "under God" there is equalitybut only under God. Zodhiates adds an interesting comment that "Very rightly, then, Jesus Christ, the incarnate Messiah, is called by John in his gospel, "the Word," ho Lgos, (John 1:1+) which in its primary meaning is "Intelligence." "Scoffers set a city in a flame; But wise men turn away wrath" (Proverbs 29:8). By:Bill Crowder(Our Daily Bread, Copyright RBC Ministries, Grand Rapids, MI. Here the basis for that disorderly conduct of the tongue is its "evil" nature. (AMEN!). For every word in Hitler's book, Mein Kampf, 125 lives were lost in World War II. After all is done, "yet ye have not.". Now James contrasts false wisdom (James 3:14-16) with true (godly) wisdom he has just exhorted his readers to demonstrate through his works out of good behavior and gentleness of wisdom. He expects discipline to be happening in the life of a Christian. Edmund P. Clowney, Humility is the hallmark of wisdom. Colossians We can never say that we have truly pitied anyone until we have given our help. ESV James 3:17 But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, open to reason, full of mercy and good fruits, impartial and sincere. Belonging to human existence is the idea in James 3:15. 4 vols, Sangster, 1867 Greenfield, W., . Words can't break bones, but they can break hearts. While some writers feel James is speaking primarily to teachers (James 3:1), there is nothing in this section which indicates it would not also be applicable to all who have placed their faith in Jesus Christ. Baker-1992 good set. In this life of course, no believer will reach perfection in thearea of "tongue control", but our daily goal should be steady progression toward greater and greater degrees of Christ-likeness as we learn to rely wholly on His Holy Spirit. Such things are earthly, unspiritual, and demonic. The King James Version Bible Commentary is a complete verse-by-verse commentary. With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse human beings, who have been made in Gods likeness. Ezra Lord, please put an end to our foolishness and James says, "prove" your wisdom and knowledge by exhibiting it without giving any credit to yourself. The only way to learn the new language of love is by making Jesus the Lord of our speech. Little wonder that the world thinks is wisdom is at times even overtly evil and completely unrighteous! You never know who may be listening. John Evelyn, Wisdom and the will of God are intimately related Nothing is more vital for practical knowledge of the purpose of God than wisdom. It is that ultimate self-elevation rampant in the world today which is the antithesis of what the humble, selfless, giving, loving, and obedient child of God is called to be. The moment that Adam was confronted with his sin, he used his tongue to blame God and accuse Eve. ), Watch over your heart with all diligence, For from it flow the springs of life. The words which this wisdom utters may be of Gods glory, but their real aim is mans glory. The likeness was natural, consisting of intelligence, emotions, and will; and moral, a tendency toward God, though accompanied with the power to make wrong choices. . We who know Jesus Christ as Saviour can have our minds controlled by "bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ" (2 Cor. Those strong words remind us how damaging unguarded words can be to those around us. They apply heavenly counsel to earthly conduct." Proverbs 17:27. 3:12; 1 Co. 15:40; 2 Co. 5:1; Phil. (Pr 26:20) So if there is no"wood" (no gossip, put downs, derogatory statements, etc, made by others in your hearing), the tongue is not set on fire! Wise people live skillfully. 1:4; Jas. NET James 3:13 Who is wise and understanding among you? When others are in a crisis, do they know they will find peace and comfort in your words? Anon. On the other hand, if you sow worldly wisdom (with its "seeds" of selfishness and strife) you will reap disorder and every evil thing (conflict, disharmony, etc). In these three verses James briefly discusses the motivation (James 3:14), the characteristics (James 3:15), and the results (James 3:16) of false wisdom. Utley -Notice it is not the fruit of wisdom; wisdom without righteousness is not wisdom. James 3:14 -Inequality seems to cause jealousy. This statement hearkens back to the description in Genesis where we read "Then God said, Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; and let them rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over the cattle and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.God blessed them; and God said to them, Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it; and rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over every living thing that moves on the earth.(Ge 1:26, 28). So the parents appealed to the clothing and slide manufacturers to correct the problems that led to the death of their daughter. Sper, John Phillips -Try as we might, we cannot prevent the tongue from lashing out at times. Solomon wrote, He who restrains his lips is wise (Proverbs 10:19). Winkler writes"A word of evil from the old Serpent consigned our race to death, and, like Satan's tongue, are in a degree the tongues of all his children." 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james 3 commentary spurgeon