lomandra little con problems

background: #3c773c !important; Below is a list of our favourite specialist nurseries. 28.3 Any payment made to Benara and later avoided by the application of any statutory provision shall be deemed not to discharge the Guarantors liability and in any such event the parties are to be restored to the rights which each respectively would have had if the payment had not been made. Benara Nurseries acknowledges the traditional custodians of the land on which we operate, and we pay our respects to their Elders past, present and emerging. occasionally fertilise with slow release fertiliser to keep leaves a deep colour, exhibits drought tolerance. Our display Lomandra Collection near our sales office has representative samples of: Lomandra Baby Breeze ['LM600'] PP28,260 (AKA Evergreen Baby), Lomandra confertifolia Del Sol ['LOLTCS08'] AKA Dreamcatcher, Lomandra confertifolia spp. $ 5.99 Temporarily Out of Stock. This cutting back cleaned up older foliage and made the plants more presentable but is not necessary, as we have older clumps in the ground for over 25 years that have never been cut back in this manner, and they are still quite attractive. rubiginosa Pacific Sky ['LM700']PP32,991, Lomandra confertifolia 'Seascape' PP20,010, Lomandra fluviatilis Shara ['AU807'] PP23,950, Lomandra hystrix 'Sunsprite' San Marcos Growers 2019 Introduction, Lomandra hystrix Tropicbelle ['LHCOM'] PP20,759, Lomandra Lime Tuff ['Lomlon'] PP23,034 (AKA Lime Tough), Lomandra longifolia 'Arctic Frost' PP33,431, Lomandra longifolia Great White ['Muru'] PP29,618, Lomandra longifolia Breeze ['LM300'] PP15,420 (AKA Tanika), Lomandra longifolia 'Katrinus Deluxe' PP19,262, Lomandra longifolia Nyalla ['LM400'] PP15,583, Lomandra longifolia 'Steely Slim' San Marcos Growers 2017 Introduction, Lomandra longifolia Platinum Beauty ['Roma13'] PP25,962 (AKA White Sands). Not only are they acoustically appealing but their dimension and movement sends visitors into a pleasant swoon. Any notice or other information that Benara is entitled to serve or publish under this agreement may be served or published by displaying the notice or information on the Web Site. Step 4 Any notice or other document or writing required to be served on you by us may be served by email at your email address herein (if any and if more than one the first mentioned email address) or at such other email address as you may have notified to us in writing from time to time as an email address for the service of notices or by fax to your facsimile number herein (if any and if more than one the first mentioned facsimile number) or to such other facsimile number as you may have notified to us in writing from time to time as your facsimile number for the service of notices. $ 4.99 Temporarily Out of Stock. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. 0000070152 00000 n We are not open to the public, except for pre-ordered pickups, Office hours : 8am-3.30pm Mon-Thur, 8am-noon Fri AEST. Lomandra confertifolia ssp. Step 1 Choose a pot that is at least twice the size of the selected plant. (a) If any money is paid to us by credit card the Credit Card Transaction Fee payable on the date of the payment to which it relates; (b) all costs and expenses incurred by us or for which we become liable (including without limitation all legal court and debt collection costs and disbursements) of, concerning, arising out of or in any way relating to: If you default in the payment of any money payable by you under or by reason of this agreement for a period of more than 2 days then whether or not any formal demand therefor has been made all money then owing that is not already due and payable shall become due and owing by you to us. If Benara lodges a caveat over all or any of the said real estate it is under no obligation to withdraw that caveat but must execute a withdrawal of that caveat presented to it by the Guarantor for that purpose once the Guarantor has satisfied all of its obligations under this agreement. 0000011378 00000 n If you would like to know more about the personal information which we hold about you; or our personal information handling practices; or gaining access to the personal information which we hold about you; or our handling of personal information about you, please contact Benara by writing to Benaras Privacy Officer at Benaras address in this agreement or such other address as Benara may have notified to you in writing from time to time 2. 0000149242 00000 n As an excellent visual enhancement to the garden, Lomandra grass cannot be beat in most of our temperate to warm climates. Among the more interesting tidbits of Lomandra information is its traditional use by Aborigines to make nets and baskets, and one species was also used as a food source. The other problem in using Lomandra confertifolia types in the landscape is that they discolour much worse than longifolia or fluviatilis types in frosts. An unusual and exceptionally small compact Lomandra producing small cream flowers amongst the foliage in spring. VersaScapes was looking at grasslike plants that would be tough and attractive for their southeastern market as a replacement for Liriope, as this ubiquitous turf lily was having disease problems in southern gardens. All information is believed to be correct and is the result of private enquiries and experiences and are given in good faith. Lomandra 'Little Con' 6" Pot. More irrigation will need to be provided in hotter inland locations but for coastal gardens, especially in the shade, these plants can certainly be considered "drought tolerant" - some exceptions to these guidelines are explained on the individual listings of these plants at the links below but generally these plants are carefree. (03) 9722 1444 Lomandra Katrina Deluxe has fragrant flowers and a compact habit while Nyalla has blue foliage and yellow flowers. The minimum size recommended for Wingarra is a 140mm pot. If we lodge a caveat over all or any of the said land we are under no obligation to withdraw that caveat but must execute a withdrawal of that caveat presented to us by you for that purpose once you have satisfied all of your obligations under this agreement. The steady stream of new Lomandra cultivars that have since become available will assure that this Lomandra Revolution will carry on! Lomandra grass has a clumping habit with green, flat blades and a height and spread of about 3 feet (1 m.). The Customer agrees that whilst money is owing by the Customer under this agreement Benara is not obliged to provide an unsubscribe facility in any of the said electronic messages. 0000002812 00000 n No waiver or indulgence by any party to this agreement shall be binding upon that party unless in writing and in any event no waiver of one breach of any term or condition of this agreement shall operate as a continuing waiver unless so expressed nor shall it operate as a waiver of another breach of the same or any other term or condition of this agreement. Lomandra Tanika is known for its graceful, arching foliage. $14.99. It took us several years to build up enough stock on this plant and we were finally able to begin selling it in 1998. Get all the latest news about gardening and Angus straight to your inbox. Benara may terminate this agreement without notice. It has an upright form, with bright green narrow leaves. The Lomandra is used primarily to treat depression but is also used as a general tonic to increase vitality. ATTRACTIVE COASTAL NATIVE FOLIAGE CONTAINER DRY TOLERANT PART SHADE GROUND COVER FULL SUN EDGING MIXED BORDERS. A totally different appearance is brought by Lomandra cylindrica Lime Wave, which has chartreuse foliage and bright golden blooms. Good garden plants for sure, but avoid them for mass planting. In this Privacy Consent. Lime Tuff is a great low maintenance plant for general landscaping work. The general cultivation requirements for Lomandra are easy for most gardeners to provide. Check your inbox now to confirm your subscription. Most of these grasses are suited to full sun or lightly shaded locations. 14.1 If there is a default by you under this agreement it shall be lawful for us, without any further consent or concurrence on your part, to enter into and upon the land, messuage, or tenement whereon any of the Delivered Goods is or may reasonably be supposed to be in the possession or under the control of any of you, or any Guarantor, and for that purpose to open or remove any outer or inner gate, door, fastening, or other obstruction, without liability to any action of trespass or other proceeding for so doing; but with liberty to plead the leave and license hereby given in bar to any such action or proceeding, if any such be brought or instituted, and to seize and take possession of all Delivered Goods, and to remove the same to any other place or places for safety, convenience of sale, or otherwise, or suffer them to remain in the place or places where the same may be found, and to sell and dispose thereof or any of them either together or in parcels, at such time or times, and place or places, and either by public auction or private contract, or partly by public auction and partly by private contract, to any person or persons, for such price or prices, either for cash or on credit, or partly for cash and partly on credit, and if either partly or wholly on credit, giving such time or times for payment, and taking or foregoing any security or securities for the payment of the unpaid purchase money as we may deem proper or expedient, with power for us to make any such other terms and conditions in regard to such sale or sales as we may think proper, and also to buy in all or any of the Delivered Goods at any such sale or sales by auction, and rescind or vary any contract for sale thereof, and again to resell or offer for resale the same from time to time, without being answerable or accountable for any loss, diminution in price, costs, or expenses to be occasioned by any such bringing in, rescission, variance, or actual or attempted resale. 0000150340 00000 n 0000148238 00000 n 0000058709 00000 n Lomandra grass has a clumping habit with green, flat blades and a height and spread of about 3 feet (1 m.). You consent to Benara exchanging information concerning your financial affairs with any person acting on your behalf including your agent, accountant, solicitor or broker. On our information database listing for each cultivar we note the sex of the plant when known. It is sometimes also used as a treatment for nausea, digestive disorders, arthritis and gastritis. 0000033963 00000 n rubiginosa Silver Blue ['Losbl-2'], Lomandra confertifolia ssp. 0000001576 00000 n The use of the Credit Card or the supply of Goods to or at your direction is a sufficient communication by us to you that we have signed this agreement. Wingarra is the toughest of all confertifolia types, being unique in the fact it spreads from rhyzomes, and given maintenance for the first 18 months, it will spread and outcompete weeds. 0000148067 00000 n You authorise Benara to obtain from: a credit reporting agency a credit report containing information about you in relation to personal or commercial credit provided to you; and a business which provides information about the commercial credit worthiness of persons information about your commercial activities or commercial credit worthiness. DISCLAIMER - The information provided on this website is to be used as a guide only. The plant they were evaluating was called Lomandra 'Tanika' in Australia, but was registered in the US with the cultivar name 'LM300' and the trade name of "Breeze". Further you hereby charge all Delivered Goods to secure your obligations under this agreement. It grows from an underground rhizome, which makes it able to resprout after hard cutbacks. Lomandra Little Con - 2Ltr $ 18.95 incl. Our post. If the foliage gets damaged, it is easy to cut any unsightly top growth away to let the plant resprout with . Lomandra typically from dense root systems that penetrate deep into the soil making them ideal for erosion control and steep banks. The Customer and the Guarantor agree that in relation to any order or a combination of orders for the same or similar goods and/or services the Purchase Price of which exceeds $1,000, only the board of directors of Benara is authorised to make representations or give advice or engage in conduct of concerning or in any way relating thereto and then only in writing, and the Customer and the Guarantor promise to Benara that for the said orders they will not rely on any representation or conduct of any servant or agent of Benara as a representation or conduct of Benara, in deciding to purchase the said goods and/or services, and indemnify Benara as set out in the General Conditions. .product.data.items > .item.title:not(.disabled) > .switch:focus, .product.data.items > .item.title:not(.disabled) > .switch:hover { Lomandra are typically very hardy and will tolerate most growing conditions from extreme wet to drought. Please review our updated Terms & Conditions below: In this agreement including the recitals unless contrary to or inconsistent with the context:Credit Card means the credit card specified in the schedule and any credit card given in addition thereto or in substitution therefor;Credit Period means the period described in the schedule as the Credit Period or if no period is specified, 30 days, from and including the Supply Date.Credit Card Transaction Fee means a fee calculated by multiplying the amount of a payment made under this agreement by the Credit Card by the appropriate credit card rate published on the Web Site from time to time for each brand of credit card currently 4.5% for Dinners and American Express and 1% for all other types of credit card;credit report and credit reporting agency has the meaning given to it by the Privacy Act 1988;Customer, you, your means the person or persons specified in the schedule as the Customer;Customer's Associates means:(a) the owner, sender or receiver of the Delivered Goods;(b) a person having an interest in the Delivered Goods;(c) the Customer's principal; and(d) any agent, representative, employee or sub-contractor of the Customer or those persons.Default Rate means the rate per annum published on the Web Site currently, or if no such rate is published, 15% per annum.Delivery means:(a) if the Goods are collected by the Customer from the premises of Benara or inspected by the Customer prior to leaving the premises of Benara, the Goods leaving the premises of Benara, or otherwise(b) the Goods being delivered to the address of the Customer herein or such other address specified by the Customer from time to time;and Delivered has a corresponding meaning;Goods means the plants chattels and any services supplied or agreed to be supplied to the Customer from time to time;Guarantor means the person or persons specified in the schedule as a guarantor and any officer or agent of a Customer who signs this agreement for that Customer;Land means the land described in the schedule or any part thereof or any interest therein.Purchase Price means the price charged by Benara for goods and services supplied by it from time to time as published as its premises or on the Web Site or to the Customer whether orally or in writing.Reversal means a reversal or partial reversal of a transaction effected by Benara using a Credit Card, and (where the context permits) all money taken out of the account of Benara with, or otherwise paid by Benara to, a financial institution pursuant thereto;schedule means the schedule to this agreement;Supply Date means the date of Delivery or the date Goods are available to leave the premises of Benara, whichever is the earlier date;Supply Fee means the price charged for Goods ordered by the Customer;taxable supply, tax invoice consideration, GST and supply have the meanings given to those expressions in the A New Tax System (Goods and Goods Tax) Act 1999;this agreement means the agreement that incorporates these general conditions;we, us, our means Benara.Web Site means www.benaranurseries.com orwww.benara.com.au. 0000151196 00000 n Will benefit from occasional deep watering during extended periods of heat.No pruning is generally necessary although, if required, to rejuvenate foliage with fresh new growth - cut back to approx. rubiginosa Olive Green, Lomandra confertifolia ssp. Having trouble deciding which Lomandra to choose? 0000001860 00000 n You agree that Benara may use your personal information either alone or in conjunction with third parties for marketing purposes to tell you about other related services and products which could suit your needs. The other problem in using Lomandra confertifolia types in the landscape is that they discolour much worse than longifolia or fluviatilis types in frosts. If the foliage gets damaged in harsh weather, the plant can simply be cut back hard and it will resprout with fresh new growth. Our thanks go out to O'Connell of Australian Native Plants for pointing this out and for allowing us to use her picture of this plant. An unusual and exceptionally small compact Lomandra producing small cream flowers amongst the foliage in spring. Publication of any notice or information in this way is deemed to effect service thereof on the Customer 7 days from but not including the date of publication. Benaras 2008 General Conditions for Supply Agreement (General Conditions) shall be incorporated into and form part of this agreement so far as they are not varied by or inconsistent with the express terms of this agreement. They grow in sun or shade with abundant to little or nearly no supplemental irrigation - plants will grow actively and more robust when water is provided but when water is withheld, in most situations the plants do not die but stop active growth. 14.3 We shall, out of the moneys which shall come to its hands by reason of any such sale or sales in the first place, discharge the costs and expenses incurred or sustained in or about such sale or sales, and all other costs, charges, and expenses incurred or occasioned in or about the execution of the powers and authorities contained in the bill of sale, and shall retain the balance of such moneys, or so much thereof as may be necessary, in or towards payment and satisfaction of the Secured Moneys, and shall pay to you any surplus then remaining. trailer <]/Prev 388127/XRefStm 1860>> startxref 0 %%EOF 130 0 obj <>stream JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. If there is a Reversal the parties agree that for the purposes of this agreement and determining their respective rights and obligations the Reversal was never paid. }. In nature they are generally found in a slightly shaded area. The foliage color may change slightly depending upon the exposure to sunlight, but the health of the plant is not affected. rubiginosa Olive GreenPP32,803 - Highlight Series, Lomandra confertifolia ssp. 0000123795 00000 n GST In stock Add to Wishlist Description L. Little Con is slightly smaller than L. Lime Tuff only growing to a height and width of approximately 30cm x 50cm. Lomandra confertifolia Little Con Mat Rush, Native: Foliage Type: Yes Evergreen Plant Type: Plant Habit: Grasses, Strappy & Tufting Clumping, Tufting Description: A lime green foliaged native grass growing into a small round mounded shape. Alternate treatments place in the Laxmanniaceae or its own family, the Lomandraceae. It is the responsibility of the Customer to arrange for the Goods to be collected from our premises either by us or a third party. 0000036195 00000 n If you have a tricky site in your garden, Lomandras really come into their own. Lomandra growing conditions vary from sandy to moist soils in swamps, mountains, creek banks, forests, and open hillsides. It grows nicely in bright sun or dappled shade and produces prolific, creamy white inflorescences. The largest of the Lomandra is Katie Belles. The scrub turkey that wants to be a chook. Most of the cultivars have yellow flowers of varying fragrance that are in tight clusters and accompanied by slender spines. The store will not work correctly in the case when cookies are disabled. These include but are not limited to:(a) an act of God, peril of the sea, accident of navigation, war, sabotage, riot, insurrection, civil commotion, national emergency (whether in fact in law), martial law, intentional damage to property or damage to property caused by the negligent act or omission of any person (including a servant or agent of a party) other than a party, fire, lightening, flood, cyclone, earthquake, landslide, storm or other adverse weather conditions, explosion, power shortage, strike or other labour difficulty (whether or not involving employees of the party concerned), epidemic, quarantine, radiation or radioactive contamination;(b) any action or inaction of any government or governmental or other competent jurisdiction, including expropriation, restraint, prohibition, intervention, requisition, requirement, direction or embargo by legislation, regulation, decree or other legally enforceable order; anda breakdown of plant, machinery or equipment or shortages of labour, transportation, fuel, power or plant, machinery, equipment or material. It is a condition precedent to the formation of this agreement that Benara receives a credit report on the Customer (and if there is a Guarantor, the Guarantor) from a credit reporting agency and otherwise satisfies itself as to the credit worthiness of the Customer and the Guarantor. Lovely in Asian-style gardens.Having trouble deciding which Lomandra to choose? The information which Benara may disclose to the credit reporting agency is limited to: your identification (including your name, sex, address and the previous two addresses, date of birth, name of employer and drivers licence number); the fact that credit has been applied for and the amount; the fact that Benara is or may be a current credit provider to you; details of payments which become overdue for more than 60 days and for which collection action has commenced; the fact that payments are no longer overdue; details of cheques drawn by you which have been dishonoured more than once; the fact that in Benaras opinion you have committed a serious credit infringement; and the fact that credit provided to you by Benara has been paid or discharged. We began growing Lomandra at San Marcos Growers in 1990 after purchasing seed of Lomandra longifolia from Nindethana Seed Company in Australia. It is being marketed in the US by Ball Horticultural. Pest, Disease & Weed - Solutions to your problems with insect and disease control. Lomandra confertifolia types have been used on many sites, but as they are slow to establish, they often die due to lack of water in establishment, or are out competed by weeds. Step 3 Remove the plant from the container, gently tease the roots. Acceptance of an order may without limitation be communicated by Delivery. Always was, always will be, Aboriginal Land. We will not be held liable where circumstances beyond our reasonable control prohibit us from performing our obligations under this Agreement. Lomandra is a native Australian grass that is also called basket grass or spiny-head mat-rush. Lomandra hystrix 'LHCOM' PP20759. 0000149769 00000 n Lomandra confertifolia 'Little Con' (Small Mat Rush) - A small grass-like plant that forms lime-green tussocks to 1 foot tall and spreads slowly to an equal distance with very narrow 8 inch long leaves and small spikes of cream flowers that bloom within the foliage from spring and summer. Unless otherwise advised by us payments shall be applied first in payment of interest. It is proving to be adaptable . Lime Tough Tropicbelle Mat Rush. The following tells you what information might be required and how the information might be used. You consent to Benara collecting your personal information and using it for the purposes outlined in this document including disclosing your personal information to the types of organisations set out above. Please call (03) 9359 3331 to ask our staff for a suitable substitute. We cant find the content youre looking for.Try to search again or go back to Home Page. Signup to receive our newsletter. Lomandra longifolia under Blue Gums (Eucalyptus globulus) near the visitor parking area at Madame Ganna Walska Lotusland. 28.4 Further in consideration of Benara having agreed to enter into this agreement with the Customer on the terms and conditions herein contained at the request of the Guarantor the Guarantor further covenants with Benara to save harmless and indemnify Benara from and against all losses damages costs and expenses which Benara may suffer as a result of Benara entering into this agreement including but without limitation all costs incurred by Benara as a result of or arising out of enforcing its rights under this agreement or any other security held by Benara in respect of the obligations of the Customer hereunder or in any way incidental to this agreement or any other such security or in defending any action, claim or demand made against it by the Customer and insofar as it may be necessary so to do in order to give full effect to this indemnity the Guarantor shall waive any rights of recourse they might otherwise have or have had against the Customer arising out of this indemnity. You acknowledge that Benara may exchange information with government authorities as required or authorised by law including the Australian Taxation Office. 0000148854 00000 n 0000150924 00000 n 0000030259 00000 n 2023 Wildtech Plants. We still have both of these lomandras in the garden, but have since mostly replaced the large Lomandra longifolia with smaller cultivars and 'Gary's Green' with the similar but slightly smaller Lomandra hystrix Tropic Bell ['LHCOM'], but we maintain stock on these original plants and also occasionally have them to sell as well. 0000148975 00000 n rubiginosa Bronze ['Losbz-1'], Lomandra confertifolia spp. It tolerates a wide range of soils and climatic conditions suited to full sun and partly shaded postitions Evergreen / Grasses / Native Australian Plant / Outdoor / Perennial / Shrub / Strappy Leaf / Verge / Vertical Gardens. Except as herein provided, to the fullest extent permitted by law all express and implied warranties, guarantees and conditions under statute or general law as to merchantability, description, quality, suitability or fitness for any purpose of goods or services supplied by Benara to the Customer are expressly excluded. You acknowledge that the above authorities and consents will continue until the credit facility provided is repaid in full and the credit facility terminated. Lomandra grass is an outstanding landscape performer with a tough nature and elegant, transformative foliage. rubiginosa Pacific Sky. Xo:-!fCs C0(GCZc !)!A H%0D0H7pV:4^. 0000100835 00000 n They are widely used in landscaping as low-maintenance evergreen edging plants or to mass plant. Stock on this website is to be used as a treatment for nausea, digestive disorders, arthritis gastritis! Seed Company in Australia straight to your inbox hystrix & # x27 LHCOM. ; Little Con & # x27 ; Little Con & # x27 LHCOM! 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Become available will assure that this Lomandra Revolution will carry on exhibits drought tolerance penetrate deep into the soil them!, the Lomandraceae using Lomandra confertifolia ssp and gastritis will be, Aboriginal Land near the visitor area. Nausea, digestive disorders, arthritis and gastritis will not work correctly in the case when cookies are.!

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lomandra little con problems