once upon a time fanfiction emma baby

Later, before Emma can put the sheriff badge on, Regina fires her and plans to put Sidney as the new sheriff. "He doesn't know. The women hide long enough for Henry to leave and soon set out to find Pinocchio, who agrees to carve a new magic wardrobe to help them go home. She informs them about her and Hook's adventure to the past, and then asks for her brother's name. Emma hurries to the diner where the other townspeople are gathered. Emma brings her mother home, where Regina puts some of the flower dust in a vial for Snow to use. She is assigned to push back the townspeople away from the mine damage, but is called, along with Archie, to the sidelines by Henry. With a little help from some magic, Regina ends up carrying their child. The trio go through the woods to August's trailer. Tamara says nothing and takes the paper back. She notes Graham isn't in today and it must be because he spent the night with Regina. Before I could stand up a nurse knocked on the door and then entered. From a puppy to a child, it was said. In the mirror realm, they nearly gain Henry's attention when he hears them calling him, but the Queen draws him away before he realizes anything is wrong. Due to Henry's belief that Regina possesses light magic, she uses it to defeat Zelena once and for all. This helps her realize Sidney was spying on her, not August. Later, Emma begins talking to Merlin about Henry, but when she turns around, the sorcerer is mysteriously gone. Hurt by his choice of words, Emma grabs her bag of belongings and storms out the back door to the bus stop, where Lily finds her. Emma asks for a message to be delivered to Henry, reminding Devin that he once had a home and family but stopped believing return was possible, while promising to help him leave the island. Noticing a wall opening, Emma explores inside and startles a woman, Elsa, who created the blockade. Finally there was a knock on the door. Emma's cheeks somehow burnt even hotter and she furrowed her brows deeply while pouting. Before the woman frisks her, Lily approaches with a cart and thanks Emma for waiting until she got a card to buy their things. She wants Emma to be less formal and call her Mom. They head to the vault where Regina took "Henry" for protection. She looks in the backroom, but she is sidetracked by her hand tremors, which are accompanied by her vision again. I leaned over and my dad rubbed my back. Emma notices a girl, Lily, watching her, but the latter walks away. Grabbing coffee and aspirin at the diner, she mindlessly sits at a table until she sees a familiar looking star tattoo on the waitress's wrist, making her realize she is Lily. Upon returning to the apartment, a quake rips through town. Hook is impressed by this, and Emma agrees that it couldn't hurt to talk things after everything she's been through. Emma assures him that it was still worth it because, for a moment in time, he made people believe in magic. Prince Charming | David Nolan. Snow expresses hurt over Emma's decision to keep it a secret, but she forgives her. She then goes to her car that is hidden in a tunnel, where she approaches Merida, who is tied to the front of the vehicle. She then returns everyone's memories, including her own, causing her to realize Hook intends to open the underworld gateway to let the previous Dark Ones into town. "Dad, what are you doing here?". She hears Hook tell her that Gideon forced him out of town and his plans to get back to her, but when she tries to respond back to him, he doesn't hear her. Emma throws her a welcome home party in the apartment as many town residents show up for the celebration. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Archie suggests that, instead of living in constant fear of bad things happening, she should live happily in the moment. Overhearing her words, Henry runs off as Emma realizes Regina purposely made her look bad. Neal is relieved that his fiance is not involved, but in the next instant, Tamara clocks Emma in the head. In an instant, Emma magically sets up their meal and changes herself into the same dress and hairstyle she had on their first date. Later, Emma joins up with Mr. Gold, who speedily introduces her to Milah, his ex-wife, as well as Neal's mother and Hook's ex-lover. ("Second Star to the Right"), With her parents, Emma heads to the park to pick up Henry. "You're gonna have to get ready to push. However, when Emma reaches the elevator, Killian decides he won't be going with her because there's nothing else that can be done for him. The newspaper clipping in Emma's case file says: According to Jennifer Morrison, Emma is like an overgrown teenager who doesn't know how to eat properly or take care of herself properly, because she's never had a family unit. Emma looks to Hook for answers about Neal's weird behavior, to which he admits telling him about their kiss. While examining the hole, she finds a shovel shard. Instead, Neal frees a young prisoner, Wendy, who he asks about Henry. Regina promptly takes off, but Emma is dissuaded by Hook into not going after her. With a hint of mirth in his voice, he assumes when Neal finds out Tamara is evil, his father and Emma will get back together. Emma declares her love for him and then parts from him after a kiss. Furthermore, Mr. Gold details the spell is the only way Regina can get Henry and the love she craves, but also vengeance from Mary Margaret. In a risky move, she calm Emma's magic by linking hands with her. After this gruesome end, Emma awakens from the nightmare and apologizes to Hook for sleeping on the job. Out of nowhere, Aurora entraps all of them inside the cell, which is later explained when Cora reveals she has the girl's heart in her possession. Instead of David journeying home to Storybrooke, he forfeits his freedom so Snow can go instead. This wasn't how it was supposed to be, Killian was supposed to be with me, he was supposed to be the one holding my hand. That night, Emma turns up on Regina's doorstep, asking to see Henry. Emma doesn't see how she still owes him anything since returning the favor. Henry is afraid of what might happen if she tries to take him back. Miraculously, the necklace grants her wish; bringing Anna and Kristoff to the shoreline. He suggests that their re-meeting was fated, though Emma brushes his comment off. All three attempt to dissuade him from the sacrifice, but through Pan's manipulations, Henry chooses to give up his heart. Seeing Mr. Clark wearing her trademark red jacket, Emma callously questions who he is supposed to be, and out of annoyance, she turns him to stone. Emma returns to Archie and tells him about a theory she has, in which the cloaked enemy in her vision is Regina. Because Emma threatens to tell Belle everything, Mr. Gold agrees to reopen the portal to the Underworld so she can rescue Hook. She hides dark coils of her magic inside the box containing the flame, which traps Zelena against a tree after the box is opened. Aesop, morphing into Gideon, reveals the tear-stained napkin is his way of cutting off Emma's communication with her beloved, and she won't get Hook back unless she helps him kill the Black Fairy. Hook asks her to find him in Central Park when she is ready to talk. She pauses to confess that he can't know the whole truth until she's fulfilled her mission, otherwise, he'll try to stop her. In the aftermath, Snow recalls the vow she made to never leave Emma alone again and that she can't keep her promise now that the final battle is near, although Emma assures her that there wasn't anything she could've done to change her fate. My phone started ringing and I was hoping that it was Hook, it was Regina. Later, Neal sneaks them into a closed amusement park where Emma learns he once had a loving home but ran away once his father changed too much. Emma looks at the art scrawls on the wall and is surprised that Neal liked drawing. Emma had managed a few smiles herself as Killian cooked the frozen chicken and French fries for her brother, teasing the little boy over whether he was eating a chicken or an ancient reptile. so far nobody had. Later, Emma remains tight-lipped about her emotions when Regina tries to get her to open up about what she is feeling. Ordered by Elsa, Emma tells David to find Anna. Cleo follows her in and convinces her to give up, but before the two can leave, the cops arrive. Hook presses further, though she simply walks away. "Use your words, sweetie." Enraged, Regina blasts fire at her, but ends up burning away the ribbons. She stood by my side comforting me for a little while and then she helped me stand and we walked out of the bathroom. Emma restores Hook's heart, followed by a passionate kiss, and later joins a sullen Regina at the counter for drinks. "Mom, did anyone get a hold of Killian?" Outside the bed and breakfast, Emma and Henry have a stakeout inside the yellow bug car. All I could think of was how much I want to kill Hook, and how much I wanted to be in the room with Emma. While Walsh is away from the table during dinner, the pirate man, Hook, gives her an apartment address that she must see to know the truth about her family, who desperately need her help. Emma narrows her eyes at Robin when she speaks her voice is tight "I did not sleep with Marion or Zelena. Like her, Sidney has been nursing a grudge against Regina since she fired him from his editing job. Little Emma wants to tickle her mommy.Do you think she'll get permission? In it, Emma is stabbed by the enemy, an end that the Oracle warns will happen, no matter what path she takes to get there. Shortly after, Hook passes out from the kiss' effects, and Emma shackles him in the basement. "Ow, ow, ow, I can't do this.". In actuality, the more Emma's belief in magic fades, the more rapidly that magical realms cease to exist. Only after delivering it to the nuns for the counter spell, Elsa's duplicity is revealed. With real physical proof he's alive, Emma is overwhelmed. From Henry, Emma learns Graham consulted with him. Ashley is in deep despair that no one believes she can be a good mother, to which Emma advises her to make changes if she is truly serious about keeping the baby. The whole idea pushes the limits of his imagination. Joining hands, Emma and Mary Margaret leap into the portal. she shrugged her shoulders. As the daughter of Snow White and Prince Charming, Emma was given the unwieldy weight of being the Savior of the fairytale characters who found themselves trapped in our world. As they travel to the stones, Merida tells Emma about going to save her kidnapped brothers, and her desire to wage war with the clans if necessary. Later, she is on night duty patrol since Graham excused himself with other priorities. After finishing the net, they lure a Lost Boy, Devin, into falling into the trap. "Just get out now." As Emma is flagged down by a police car, Neal helps her by telling the officer that she is driving his car. As Regina becomes distracted by the sight of Robin, Emma tries to urge her back to the portal, which eventually closes, leaving them stranded in this realm. She leans in to kiss him, but he turns away, still hung up over how easily he gave into darkness as the Dark One. In order to save everybody in Storybrooke, Regina sends Emma and Henry - the thing she loves most - off to a fresh start in New York. "I'm coming, okay. While it makes sense for Hook to want revenge on his worst enemy, Emma suspects there is more to it than just that. Close to blacking out, Emma bites the giant's finger. Regina then questions why she is still the Dark One if they freed the sorcerer, but Emma refuses to say and instead asks again for Henry. ("Sympathy for the De Vil"), After learning the truth about Cruella, Emma blames Mr. Gold for manipulating her into killing her. He offers her insight about all fairytales being about transformation, such as the duckling turning into a swan, but Emma believes the duckling was always a swan without knowing it. They meet the Queen, who reveals her plan to keep Emma from intervening in Ashley's story, as all stories have bad endings once the savior is gone. Once they are alone, Emma cannot hold back from containing her disgust at Regina's scheming ways. ("The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter"), At some point, Emma learns the result of the autopsy and tells Henry that Graham died of natural causes, but the kid does not buy it. When Emma visits Hyde again, he tells her that all saviors have been cut down by villains and that the villain she'll face could be one of the newcomers from his realm. Emma is still reeling from finding out who they are and asks for time to adjust. Please go check out her work! He urges to her to let go, but she stubbornly refuses due to his wound, and confesses her love for him. ("Best Laid Plans"), Emma tracks the Author to the woods as David and Mary Margaret trail her. Cleo suggests she give up on finding her birth parents, pay for her crimes, and then start a new life. He presents the possibility that Henry's need for his father will cause him to run away to New York. They admit crossing paths with the Author in their past and he manipulated them into making the deal with the Apprentice. More and more evidence builds against Mary Margaret, but Emma remains a staunch ally. ONCE UPON A TIME CHARACTER EMMA SWAN WEARS A PYRRHA WAX SEAL NECKLACE THAT'S TRUE TO HER NAME. Hoping to fix the mistake, the two head for Rumplestiltskin's castle. Inside, Emma begins unearthing a creaky floorboard that is interrupted by Henry kicking the door. Eventually, Zelena learns the truth about Hades from Regina after he has killed Robin, and she kills Hades to stop his reign of power. "Emma, you are indeed pregnant, about one month. David once again dislikes the location, so Emma proposes that they might have to work with it since they can't use the royal castle in the Enchanted Forest. She tells him to get some firewood, which he obeys with "As you wish", drawing a secret smile from Emma. On the way to Dark Hollow, Emma lends Neal a weapon to cut through tall grass. Work Search: ("Awake"), Emma, now eleven years old, lives in a group home in Boston. Dad started driving too fast. She leaves him an ultimatum to help her find the evidence Regina is behind Mary Margaret's false murder charge, or go down with Regina once incriminating proof is found. Inside, the cell's occupant is gone, but a spinning wheel with strands of spun gold litter the floor; evident proof that Mr. Gold is alive. "Hey Em's what's wrong? Arriving at the mayoral office, Emma discovers Marian has been afflicted with a freezing spell, but it's not Elsa's magic. They also confess to trying to burn the illustration so the Author wouldn't darken her heart. A few years later, after a desperate call for help from her son Henry, Emma arrives in the New Enchanted Forest and excitedly announces to her now-adult son that she and Killian are expecting their first child together. With Regina's locator spell, Emma becomes linked to Aladdin and is able to track him down at a crypt. Learning Nicodemus likes pumpkin, Emma takes her son to a pumpkin market, Peter Peter's, where the horse is hiding. The rest of the group, having similar experiences with the other Dark Ones, learn from Mr. Gold that they've all been branded with the mark of Charon, who will take them to the Underworld, so the Dark Ones can exist in the real world. Abruptly, Henry leaps out to reveal knowledge about where John Doe is because he's looking for Mary Margaret. Mad Hatter | Jefferson. At an alleyway shortcut, she slams into the man, who is revealed to be her ex-boyfriend, Neal. Ingrid then appears; advising Emma to accept herself since it's the only option. Robin Hood, spotting the truck near his camp, informs Emma, to which Hook and Regina also join in the investigation. Before Emma can stop her, Nimue walks through Henry's body, leaving him shaken. Snow suggests the diner, which David believes is too small for a princess like Emma, to which Snow offers the town hall instead. Using Neal's lock-pick method, she frees both of them and regroups with Hook, Prince Charming and Red Riding Hood only to witness Snow White's execution by the Queen. Reluctantly, Emma admits that the boy had the same look of despair she had while growing up in the foster system as a lost, unimportant girl desperately longing for the parents who gave her up. As they wait for the plane to take off, Emma reassures him that it is going to be okay and they will find his son. She takes Cleo's past advice to her and begins wearing the jacket as her "armor" to protect herself emotionally from other people. As justification for her lies, Emma explains her assumption that Neal would never reenter her life and that she wanted to hide her past. In the end, she grudgingly lets him leave and advises him to get a lawyer. In passing, Sidney hands over flowers for Emma, though he is regretful to not finding anything in the case showing Regina is involved. Now they're not just staying together for them, but fo We arrived at the hospital in 20 minutes Emma looked like she was terrified. After a warm farewell to Emma, Elsa walks into the portal as Kristoff follows her in. You are with child?, "Yes! Bilbo exclaimed, feeling a sudden sense of horrible dj vu. Emma offers Mary Margaret the option of taking her car and leaving for Boston or going back to the jail. An argument breaks out between Emma and Regina as Elsa pleads for them to mend fences. And for a while, she thinks shes found her happy ending. Mama Mal helps Emma with her hair routine. She discovers that Mr. Gold has been robbed by Moe French and recovers all but one of the stolen items, which makes him very angry. Emma is 22 and pregnant. When someone gets fairydust in her hair at a party, that someone gets someone else pregnant. However, Emma hasn't told Henry about her relationship with Hook yet. Recalling what she had said last night, Henry apologizes for failing her, but Emma assures him that she meant everyone except him. Megara tells them about Hook helping her escape Cerberus, whom she describes with terrifying detail. Before she can finish, an incoming storm forces her, Snow and Hook to seek cover. Emma then explains her plan to have Merida make a coward brave. However, when Regina tears down Henry's castle for so-called safety concerns, Emma becomes angry and calls Sidney. From a prompt that requested "I'd love to see maybe like a three parter with Emma and Regina's kid as a newborn, then as a toddler, then maybe like starting school or something. I'm going to let Mary Margret in." He walked out of the room. Emma falls into headspace easily when needed, and sometimes forced when Regina needs to take over for her. At home, Emma packs up Hook's belongings into a chest and longingly looks at one of his rings adorned on a necklace. Since Mr. Gold is the only one without a shadow, he regains the box and goes up alone. As they dine at a restaurant, Hook promises, for the evening, to ease her worries about the Snow Queen. Even Mary Margaret now approves of the idea and by going back to the Enchanted Forest she could have a chance to heal her own heart from Cora's death. Emma used to wear glasses, but later, she switched to contact lenses. one of the nurses pushed me into a room and Dad came in with me, while Ruby waited in the lobby trying to get a hold of Mom and Killian. Later, Rumplestiltskin describes a place where she can find Merlin and asks her to picture it in her mind, leading Emma to magically blink herself there. The nun provides a clue about the location of the other half of the wand, but before she can say any more, Snow starts to choke her and revealing the Black Fairy in disguise, with David as Gideon, before kidnapping her. Ingrid reminds her of how the crane game flickered and implies it wasn't an accident, but Emma just shrugs it off. Emma has doubts whether she did her best for Hook, and she vows to never lose anyone else. A woman, Cleo, correctly guesses that Emma is the baby that was abandoned. Overwhelmed by using magic, and realizing it's causing her skin to turn scaly, Emma kisses Hook, who senses something amiss. Having heard about Emma and how she forced Violet to break Henry's heart, Zelena recalls knowing what it's like to be betrayed by a mother and being angry about it for a long time. Seeing papers from an agency in Ingrid's bag, Emma assumes she will be sent away again, however, Ingrid happily admits she is adopting her. I did have her approval to write in her universe and appreciate her openness in letting me write this filth! Henry asks for the truth, or else they go home. Unsure of his own skill, Dr. Whale consults Mr. Gold for help, but he refuses and only warns that they should hope Greg dies so an outsider can't spread their town's magic secret to the whole world. ("Ruby Slippers"), Regina, after spying on Hades and Zelena's interactions, tells Emma and the rest of the gang about Hades putting their names on tombstones, and his plan to leave for Storybrooke with Zelena. Combing the woods with David, they soon find Mr. Gold. Actuality, the sorcerer is mysteriously gone him in Central park when she is ready to push, Emma... Only after delivering it to defeat Zelena once and for a while, she uses it to Zelena! Gets someone else pregnant before she can rescue Hook things after everything she 's been through hold back from her! Of his imagination new York Search: ( `` Best Laid plans ). About Hook helping her escape Cerberus, whom she describes with terrifying detail, into falling into the.... 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once upon a time fanfiction emma baby