positive emails to parents examples

When youre sending an email to parents, remember to include a few examples of how you have helped your child become more confident. Ill be able to tell my grandchild, You know, when I was a teacher I had to spend a big part of my day emailing parents., Hopping off of his hoverboard, hell frown and call out, Mom! If you have any questions, please contact our district lead for [CONTENT AREA], [NAME], at [EMAIL]. Here are some questions to ask your child, Most parents would love a deeper insight into their childs school life, but they notoriously get stuck on questions to ask, other than How was school today? (See Alternatives To How Was School Today?, The teacher can help parents overcome this challenge by recommending open-ended questions. Amanda Morin is the author of The Everything Parents Guide to Special Education and the former director of thought leadership at Understood. Building a childs confidence is one of the most important gifts you can give them. Through digital communication tools like sending updates and pictures to parents, direct messaging, and social media sharing, positive school-to-home communication can be painless and even transformative. Scroll down for a summary poster. Ideas, Inspiration, and Giveaways for Teachers, One day, well repair the education system. Note: Like the I want to know why my child got this grade email, this approach actually saves you work (and the risk of tone being misinterpreted). ", "Your student was so patient today. But with these email templates, you have a framework of how to respond professionally, kindly, and in a way that protects everyone involved. Check out this comprehensive post! Research also shows the positive impact of praise on student learning and behavior. As a parent, hearing something positive about your child, especially from their teacher, is powerful and touching. With confidence, your child will be able to do just about anything. One way to do so is to acknowledge special moments for individual students. Sometimes even a simple encouragement, saying that by attending school events you show your child you value education goes a long way. Betty is a qualified teacher with a Bachelor of Education (Arts). Children learn best by example, so try to include an example of kindness in your email. Note: As of mid-2020, this blog and my newsletter have been archived. End on a positive note and invite further communication. Im sorry to hear that you were caught off-guard with last weeks [TEST/QUIZ/EVENT]. Whether its with a phone call, direct message, or face-to-face communication, keeping in contact with parents or guardians is essential to building a positive school climate for all stakeholders. She has been doing well in class and Ive seen her confidence grow each week! I look forward to hearing from you! Would you be able to come in for a tour on Wednesday at 1PM? Our past survey indicated that 40% of teachers rank a supportive family as the number one factor in achieving student success even ahead of their own teaching skill, this is simply not good enough. In the past, teachers reaching out to parents would most likely mean that a child is misbehaving or having learning difficulties. With this specific issue, I think its better to try to build a positive relationship by showing parents you respect their wishes (even if you might not agree with them). Your child has successes that we can share. Kids LOVE the recognition as well as parents. There are lots of benefits to be enjoyed. I saw them bring over extra glue bottles for his classmates during art time. It was a pleasure to meet with you and discuss your childs progress. That will be such a great learning experience for [STUDENT]. Two-way communication, developing parent-teacher relationships, providing support at school and at home, and community building all contribute to the academic success of students. I want to take this opportunity to introduce myself and to let you know that I am pleased and excited to have your child in my fourth-period Expanding Academic Opportunities class. Once your child is done reading your email, begin the letter by introducing yourself and thanking the parent for their kind gesture. Im proud of you. Hi Mr. Dominguez, just checking in to tell you thatSofia was super focused in class today! Help support a growth mindset by praising effort and positive change! So, a positive letter to a parent is a must. Use a specific subject line that will attract the attention of parents. In the past, teachers reaching out to parents would most likely mean that a child is misbehaving or having learning difficulties. As it turns out, this one video significantly impacted student success by dramatically increasing the number of projects completed. Parents are fundamentally responsible for their childs school attendance, and often determine the resources they use to get to school. I know, I know it seems like a daunting task to reach out to all your parents but it becomes a lot more doable if you tackle a few each day. A positive email to a parent can help you establish a positive relationship with the parents. Yet, its no secret that teachers have a lot on their plate. Explore a teachers guide to having difficult conversations with families. I love spending time with you. This is poor email etiquette. ", "Your student was so lively today. Good afternoon Mrs. Johnson! Please find below some resources that may be useful as you work with your child at home. Sign up for the latest ParentSquare news, K-12 comms resources, blogs, PD webinars, and more. Seven best practices for sending home positive messages to help build a foundation of meaningful connection with your students families. These 12 tips will help keep your email exchanges professional, productive, and positive. Let me know if that works for you. Classroom ideas, free printables, and great teacher ideas right here. I wanted to let you know that Im looking forward to starting the new school year together. I check my emails on school days and will reply within 24/48 hours). We talked about the why and the what of parent communications, now we are down to the how.. Your continued support together with that of his team member and the coach has seen him become a better student each day. Im truly impressed with him! It can be best to deal with difficult, sensitive, or complicated issues via a call or meeting. CC a school leader into the email if they need to be aware of a conversation (dont use CC unnecessarily). In the past [student name] has been disruptive, used inappropriate language and would distract other students during study time, but Ive seen a great improvement over the past two weeks! You will be glad you did! Keeping in touch with parents and showing your interest in their childs progress. Please let me know if there is anything that I can do to help prepare [name] for her first day back. Parents have given you their baby for the majority of the week! She has been teaching and offering part-time accounting services for the last 10 years. so helpful and will make my teaching so much better! [Name] has been doing well in class and Ive seen her confidence grow each week! Making your email sound enticing and calling parents to action without sounding too pushy is not always easy. If a parent doesnt respond, you can simply leave a message and follow up with the same message in a text or email. Today, [student name] helped another classmate on an algebra problem and then got back to their own work after helping them!, As we discussed, [student name] was struggling with long division when we first started the unit. Holding a weekly reading competition or choosing a Student of the Week and sharing their successes with parents creates an atmosphere that makes parents comfortable and willing to partner with you should the problems arise. If you are a ParentSquare user, sending direct messages home to parents is easy, and is a powerful way to improve student behavior and strengthen the bond between students, teachers, and parents. His ability and willingness to show kindness is incredible! I wanted to send you a quick update on [Name] s progress. The key to successful communication is sharing frequent positive messages to build trust and over time, a I like to open emails this way, not to suck up, but because I truly believe that that is where questions about education come from. She is passionate about education, accounting, writing, and traveling. On the other hand, teachers should be ready to communicate not only negative feedback but also positive review that parents should know about their kids. [emailprotected]). Two-way communication, developing parent-teacher relationships, providing support at school and at home, and community building all contribute to the academic success of students. What is the GPA Requirement for UC Irvine? Note: I know its tempting to want to engage, explain, and justify your teaching. Digital communication can be harder to read and you dont want to come across as blunt. Be a little more friendly and polite than you think you need to be. Consider how your child might respond if they were in the situation of a fellow student. Recognizing. When there are strong lines of communication between home and school, everyone wins! Want to learn about 8 different ways teachers and schools can communicate with parents? 1. Is it safe? Building a childs confidence is a crucial part of their development. Snap a photo of each child during that important first day, and you are guaranteed to start the relationship with parents on the right foot. Sharing their progress will not only help create a more positive and trusting relationship with the parent, it will also help reinforce the positive change for the student. Id love to chat with you about some ideas I have for reducing the overwhelm [STUDENT] is feeling. Tip: Paste the copied text into an email as plain text. Here are some examples of emails that are more effective at conveying your appreciation and kindness. Where you able to find one? Alondra has been working extremely hard on her math project and I really hope you can come see it during open house next week! You make me happy. should be saved just in case. She is also working on writing her name independently, as well as learning other letter sounds. From parents who have to pick their child up early (or drop them off late) to staff meetings, team meetings and meetings to plan other meetings, a good 80% of my inbox is email about scheduling. For those reasons, its one of the primary ways that teachers and parents like to communicate with each other. to get involved and send positive messages home will also strengthen the sense of support and love within your school community! Per our grade-level policy, late [TESTS/PROJECTS] are [NUMBER] points off per day. Your child has lightbulb moments you should know about. ", As a teacher, your student is someone I can't imagine class without!, "Your student was so focused today. First, frequency and consistency are key. Likewise, if the email exchange is going back and forth for too long, consider a phone call or meeting. Thank you for sharing these tips. If you cant find positive email to parents examples, try rephrasing your words to reflect your feelings. Holding a weekly reading competition or choosing a Student of the Week and sharing their successes with parents creates an atmosphere that makes parents comfortable and willing to partner with you should the problems arise. Weve also been working on math skills, including basic addition and subtraction. Parents and teachers have a common goal: to facilitate the best educational experience possible for students. phone). Include an action plan if necessary what will you do to help or what suggestions do you have? Dear Parent/Guardian, We are very happy to have your child in our class. She has been working hard to improve her skills in this area and I think shes doing great! Copyright 2014-2023 Understood For All Inc. teachers guide to having difficult conversations with families, break down barriers to better engage with families, tips for building a positive relationship. Clarity about why and how of specific recommendations empowers parents to make informed decisions about how to engage and realize the value and impact of their support. Please find below some resources that may be useful as you work with your child at home: Here are some email templates to provide an update on a childs progress: I hope youre having a great summer so far! Here are some examples of notes that I have sent home for communicating with parents in a positive manner: "Hi Mr. and Mrs. Smith - Today, Kiley finally got all 100 problems correct on our multiplication test! Its important to me that homework is meaningful, but also that each of my students is challenged appropriately. WebPositive news can help to build trusting relationships and family engagement. We know that teachers and parents want to share experiences and stay connected, but. Im so sorry to hear that [STUDENT] was feeling [UPSET/FRUSTRATED] about what happened yesterday. These poems can include lullabies, rhymes, and wise words from famous poets. But where to begin? You can write out a response addressing these questions and save it. I saw them earnestly say thank you after I gave him a new pencil after his first one broke. You can convey information about a positive experience your child had or about a problem that you encountered with their child. Its important to remain kind but confident when emailing parents, and you can achieve this by remembering the 3Cs of communication: be courteous, use correct grammar, avoid slang, and avoid using too many emojis. Im looking forward to seeing [name] on the first day of school, as well. Break up text into short paragraphs. (Keep in mind your schools policy about where and when to use a childs name in an email.). Example email from a teacher to a parent This simple example email is professional yet friendly, brief but addresses the issue at hand, and hopefully leaves the parent satisfied that their concerns are being addressed. Find more information on inviting parents here. Refer to something positive that their child did in class (or via Zoom) that you appreciate! I hope the tips Ive offered above prove helpful to you or someone you know. Ask students to identify meaningful words and phrases and quotations from the text. Open Records Requests: 3 Challenges for K12 Education. The Your Words Matter Kit Volume 2 contains many positive words that can help boost your childs confidence. Hopefully you dont have that many students! WebAs you can see, writing a goodbye email may take a little time, but it's an important step to take. Want to share appreciation of parent support? This would look like: Dear Ms. Ciccarelli, instead of Dear Parents. Please find below some resources that may be useful as you work with your child at home. You are kind. WebMy Winter and Christmas Edition of positive notes home to parents are easy to print, fun and engaging, and the perfect way to build the bridge between school and home. Webcommunication. Thats a great idea! How exciting! A positive email to parents is also a powerful tool for teachers. Show that you notice their child and that you do really care. We still have a few spots available, and we would love for you to come and see our school first hand. While its best to keep your email communication personalised, canned responses can be a useful tool for busy teachers. I saw them excitedly describe in their break out room how a caterpillar metamorphoses into a butterfly. I hope all is well. I am delighted to share the progress of your daughter from the time I joined her class. The body of your letter should be concise but should contain positive adjectives. , a simple and powerful communication and scheduling platform that brings research-based practices to help teachers turn parents into partners and improve the quality of family support in education. Consult with a school leader. But the past few days his understanding has really improved! Review several text sources, including primary source documents and classroom work. Theyll learn that kindness is a rewarding and effective way to make a positive impact on the world. This post originally appeared on our ParentSquare Learning Network blog on September 28, 2020. Show that you notice their child and that you do really care. Teachers often wonder if they should be communicating with parents via email. I hate to think [STUDENT] has been feeling confused or lost in class. Are you available to come in to fill the enrollment forms this Thursday at 10am? As a student teacher that is about to enter the teaching profession, this post really opened my eyes to the steps I need to take when emailing my students parents next school year. Check out these 6 effective examples to help craft your own follow-up email to parents! Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Get Specific. I hope all is well. Here are some ideas: Letting parents know you value and support their child with a personalized note will go a long way in creating a more welcoming classroom environment and encouraging parent engagement. Be sure to include a closing note and your contact information at the bottom of the letter. If as a teacher you prefer sending a note instead of an email or a letter, find a sample of a note from a parent to a teacher. Its not easy, but its worth it. Effective communication with families can be a game-changer for parent involvement, with a positive ripple effect on long-term relationships and community. Try to summarise all the information in the body of your email. They usually are very shy, but shared their thoughts three times during the class discussion on Of Mice and Men and reacted to 5 other students shares in front of the whole class! If you use Gmail, its easy to save canned responses and insert them in an email. Thats called a canned response. WebSample Letter to Parents Dear Parents/Guardians, Hi. Check out these 6 effective examples to help craft your own follow-up email to parents! If you opt for phone calls, chances are you will reach a lot of answering machines! ], Brought so much positive energy to the classroom. Kids love to see acts of kindness, so make sure to model it in your own life. I am reaching out to you to seek your assistance in improving the behavioral conduct of your child, especially with other students and teachers in the school. These instructions explain how to set up a canned response in Gmail. of teachers sharing one 12-minute video, which outlined how parents could help their Grade 8 child with a science research project. Show that you notice their child and that you do really care. Positive Emails to Parents: At one point as a teacher, you want to give some feedback to your students parents. Say thank you and please. At Sample, we offer Montessori education for K-6 in the Avondale area. I forgive you. Teachers who successfully engage families dont miss opportunities for spontaneous in-person interactions at drop-off or pick up, arrange home visits, or organizing valuable parent workshops. Phone calls, though timely, became a worthwhile investment often making a parents day and creating a lasting partnership. Tell her to keep up the amazing work. Pinterest is a great source of ideas for tokens of appreciation that can be shared with parents, but acknowledging parents effort does not have to involve gifts, obviously. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Confident children believe in their dreams and have the courage to pursue them. He even grasped the concept of adding decimals very well when I introduced it in class today. I know you did your best. Please find below some resources that may be useful as you work with your child at home: We are very excited about the upcoming school year! Thank you for helping me. You do really care learning Network blog on September 28, 2020 lively today up the... Doing great home positive messages to help build a foundation of meaningful connection with your students parents would be! What will you do really care in their childs progress conversation ( use! Originally appeared on our ParentSquare learning Network blog on September 28, 2020 his... 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positive emails to parents examples