role of proteomics in drug discovery slideshare

Saxon, E. & Bertozzi, C. R. Cell surface engineering by a modified Staudinger reaction. Lemmon, M. A., Schlessinger, J. Nat. Chemical proteomics reveals target selectivity of clinical Jak inhibitors in human primary cells. Google Scholar. 24, 805815 (2006). Science 287, 20072010 (2000). 2, 185195 (2016). Nat. Thiazolidinediones are acute, specific inhibitors of the mitochondrial pyruvate carrier. 14, 294 (2015). J. Overview of common steps of the various chemoproteomics workflows described in the text with specific areas of active optimization and method development. Such a "random" approach entails testing numerous compounds and developing countless highthroughput screening assays. Golkowski, M. et al. Identification of KasA as the cellular target of an anti-tubercular scaffold. Biological matrices where the dramatic range of protein concentrations poses analytical challenges are whole blood or serum, where antibodies may be present at concentrations as high as 1 mg/nL but immunomodulatory proteins such as cytokines or chemokines, popular targets for biological exploration or biomarkers of disease etiology are often present at a mere ng/mL concentration [Citation12]. PubMed Rep. 9, 14159 (2019). Disrupt the hydrogen-bonding network between water molecules, thereby perturbing the stability of the native state of other molecules in the solution, in particlular, biological macromolecules. Huang, L. H. et al. Another orthogonal strategy to increase proteome coverage is to utilize enrichment approaches for PTMs. Proc. 62, 56735724 (2019). 14, 14001410 (2015). Nat., The human protein atlas: Recently, two deep learning algorithms Prosit [Citation54] and DeepMass:Prism [Citation55] have demonstrated remarkable accuracy in predicting MS spectra given the peptide sequence, modifications, and fragmentation mode. By improving the algorithm that determined which peaks within an MS spectrum are candidates for sequencing instrument analysis time was optimized and the depth of proteomic analysis was substantially improved [Citation22]. In the pharmaceutical industry, proteomics has long been utilized as a drug-discovery tool to help understand changes in protein profiles for disease states or protein expression in relation to genomic studies for target discovery or identification [ 1 ]. demonstrated that this combination of analytical approaches allowed single cell-sized protein quantities to a depth of 1600 identified proteins with a median CV of 10.9% and correlation coefficient of 0.98 [Citation9]. In addition, for any given approach run in an unbiased fashion for de-novo target deconvolution, success is to some extent target-dependent, i.e., not every binding event leads to detectable thermal stabilization or conformational change under the selected set of experimental conditions. Proteom. Yang, X. There is a good reason for this as one needs a contained search environment to mitigate false negative and positive results. A 45 amino acid peptide containing 5 hydroxy-proline residues was the most abundant neoepitope peptide in human urine, and a quantitative immunoaffinity MRM assay for this neoepitope (uTIINE) was developed and validated [Citation142]. 30, 652664 (2016). Identifying the proteins to which small-molecule probes and drugs bind in cells. For both applications, the identification of peptide sequences enabled triggering of additional scans to improve stable isotope labeling using amino acids in cell culture (SILAC) quantitation through dedicated selected ion monitoring (SIM) scans, improve isobaric labeling quantitation through additional quantitative scans, or localize post-translational modifications (PTMs) by changing the fragmentation parameters. A perspective article on this process has recently been published [Citation140]. Proteomics plays a critical role in drug discovery and development. 10, 4760 (2011). Youn, J. Y. et al. Savitski, M. M. et al. And imagine if one could rapidly analyze all of the proteoforms from just tens of cells from a xenograft model, or a few microliters of biofluid in a high throughput manner? MultitaskProtDB-II: an update of a database of multitasking/moonlighting proteins. Duncan, J. S. et al. Loh, K. H. et al. Trends Endocrinol. This has led to the recent report of a scaled-down TMT-based streamlined cysteine (SLC)-ABPP workflow [Citation91] which allows profiling of 8,000 cysteine residues in 18minutes per compound with reduced input material requirements. Krastel, P. et al. The basic premise of screening is that biological assays are reproducible, reliable, and robust and biologically relevant. ISSN 1474-1784 (online) Nature 509, 582587 (2014). Technical issues such as analytical platform changes, e.g., shotgun proteomics to targeted MRM also contribute to lack of translation. As proteins constitute the majority of targets in drug development, these workflows have become indispensable at various stages of the drug discovery process: in phenotypic or cell-based drug discovery, where screening of large compound libraries in a cellular or organismal model of disease is used to identify chemical starting points, chemoproteomics can generate target hypotheses and in extension provide information about the mechanism of action (MoA) by which the compound exerts its phenotypic effect. Drug Development. Thul, P. J. et al. [Citation149] developed a targeted MRM panel of 30 candidate biomarkers for AD, based on CSF discovery proteomics and literature review. Cell Chem. This has changed with the current rise of chemical biology-inspired modalities and in particular those utilizing compound-induced recruitment of an effector protein to a (neo)substrate. Mass. An approach to spatiotemporally resolve protein interaction networks in living cells. The cost of bringing a new drug to market has increased significantly for the last several decades and is now estimated to be between 1 USD and 2.8 billion [Citation68,Citation69]. Oda, Y. et al. Nat. Chem. Ko, C.-C. et al. The reasons may include poor appetite, loss of taste sensations, loss of teeth, insufficient financial capacity . The target landscape of clinical kinase drugs. The promise of systems biology and multi-omics approaches, 4. You are using a browser version with limited support for CSS. This approach is attractive because it has the potential to sequence peptides in an unbiased manner and could potentially be used to specifically sequence post-translationally modified peptides. Saleh AM, Wilding KM, Calve S, Bundy BC, Kinzer-Ursem TL. 2. However, multiplexed approaches analyze many samples at once and provide an avenue to analyzing thousands of samples within a reasonable timeframe. Biol. Tandem mass tags: a novel quantification strategy for comparative analysis of complex protein mixtures by MS/MS. Kronke, J. et al. Methods 18, 8491 (2021). Imagine if one could dissect a metastatic tumor and be able to analyze the T cell epitope repertoire directly for the development of a personalized cancer immunotherapeutic program, rather than rely on a combination of genomic analyzes and in silico prediction tools? 140, 47574760 (2018). Methods 16, 809812 (2019). Rhee, H. W. et al. Biol. Ito, T. et al. Chem. In the past decade we have seen advances in various omics techniques including genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, and metabolomics. Paananen, J. Angew. On the other side, increasing throughput will enable screening applications to proactively generate protein interaction profiles for compounds in screening libraries. Pharmacodynamic and monitoring biomarkers are especially valuable in drug development and typically not discussed in the context of proteomics biomarker discovery, so we will describe a few of these examples in more detail. Proteomics technologies present a means of providing evidence early in a drug discovery program that a target is not worthwhile, yielding significant cost savings to pharma companies whilst also ultimately helping patients and the healthcare systems . By limiting carrier proteome levels and optimizing data collection parameters, data quality drastically improves, albeit at a cost to protein identifications. While the future may see global, quantitative proteomics use as a diagnostic tool, most biomarkers will require validated clinical assays. First application of chemoproteomics to screening a compound library to identify ligandable pockets for covalent ligands across a cellular proteome. Kelly, T. K., De Carvalho, D. D. & Jones, P. A. Epigenetic modifications as therapeutic targets. The Biomarkers, EndpointS and other Tools (BEST) resources developed by the FDA-NIH Biomarker Working Group is a valuable resource which classifies and defines biomarker categories and also describes biomarker validation and qualification [Citation138]. This is followed by 3) separation of compound-interacting proteins from the rest of the proteome by a variety of means including affinity enrichment or detection of changes in protein stability upon compound binding. BReast CAncer genes 1 and 2 (BRCA1/2) mutations may be used as predictive biomarkers when evaluating women with platinum-sensitive ovarian cancer, to identify patients likely to respond to Poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP) inhibitors [. A subcellular map of the human proteome. Ong, S.-E. et al. 18, 40274037 (2019). Chem. Accordingly, for an unbiased analysis of a whole proteome which will cover a wide range of melting temperatures for individual proteins, a 2D-TPP workflow has been introduced which combines compound dose responses at multiple temperatures to increase coverage of target space and allowed e.g. Janes, M. R. et al. Soc. Spectrom. The emerging role of RNA as a therapeutic target for small molecules. High throughput analysis is critical for the analysis of large clinical cohorts for biomarker discovery but comes at a cost in terms of depth of proteome coverage. Nat. Paolini, G. V., Shapland, R. H. B., van Hoorn, W. P., Mason, J. S. & Hopkins, A. L. Global mapping of pharmacological space. Therefore, approaches that enable live cell applications are increasingly gaining popularity. 11, 20022010 (2016). Syst. Ghaemmaghami, S., Fitzgerald, M. C. & Oas, T. G. A quantitative, high-throughput screen for protein stability. Cell. Aebersold, R. & Mann, M. Mass-spectrometric exploration of proteome structure and function. Proc. Lyons, S. P. et al. (2D-TPP). Am. 32, 10361044 (2014). In parallel to label-free detection methods for low level proteomic analysis, a method called Single Cell ProtEomics by Mass Spectrometry (SCoPE-MS) has gained significant momentum. 7, 21312141 (2015). Hagenstein, M. C. et al. Chem. Defines the theoretical relationship between the measured IC50 of a competitive inhibitor of a given Ki, the concentration of labelled ligand and the Kd of the ligandreceptor interaction. Evidence of protein detection in public, previously collected proteomic databases provides an avenue to detect target-protein expression in tissues that may trigger on-target toxicity in patients. Publication types MeSH terms Drug Discovery* / methods The study showed that these two complementary approaches targeting different components of the proteome could have significant advantages for biomarker candidate discovery. [Citation45] and Ouspenskaia et al. Several approaches use differences in susceptibility to limited proteolysis upon compound treatment to identify proteome-wide compound interaction, including DARTS [Citation110] and LiP-MS [Citation111]. 140, 932939 (2018). Rev. Applications include profiling of metabolite interactions in bacterial lysates (LiP-SMap [Citation113],) as well as target deconvolution in yeast and human cell lysates using the more extensive LiP-Quant workflow based on dose response treatments and machine learning [Citation112]. Substrates of type I PMRT were identified using a methylated arginine enrichment proteomic strategy (MethylScan) [Citation146]. Bowes, J. et al. Rev. This article is a foundational study for quantitative proteomics. Ruprecht, B. et al. Nat. Protoc. By closing this message, you are consenting to our use of cookies. A biomarker used to identify likelihood of a clinical event, disease recurrence or progression in patients who have the disease or medical condition of interest. Lysine acetylation targets protein complexes and co-regulates major cellular functions. Martinez et al. 14, 475486 (2015). The authors continue to demonstrate that chemical modification of the amino acids can lead to the detection of the remaining 7 amino acids within this system. Nat. While inherently biased toward a given target class and more specifically a conserved binding pocket, the recent characterization of 243 clinical kinase inhibitors for off-target identification and drug repurposing shows the general applicability to higher throughput selectivity profiling [Citation79]. This method was initially implemented within the native instrument code, but later adapted to utilize the flexible vendor method file format [Citation20]. Soc. 47, 513539 (2007). 54, 1014910154 (2015). Wilhelm, M. et al. Confirm target engagement, PKPD for dose selection, demonstration of activity, proof of mechanism. Cancer immunotherapy. Gharbi, S. I. et al. 14, 206214 (2018). Selective USP7 inhibition elicits cancer cell killing through a p53-dependent mechanism. Shao, W. et al. 28, 499516 (2012). This can guide the real world use of the novel therapeutic, without necessarily requiring new biomarkers. Mol. J. Biol. Analysis of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) immunopeptidomes using mass spectrometry. This study provides an analytical framework to assess selectivity when targeting functional cysteine residues in proteins with covalent strategies. The importance of the throughput vs depth will vary depending on the specific application. 6, e004453 (2017). The authors contributed equally to all aspects of the article. Kinobead and single-shot LC-MS profiling identifies selective PKD inhibitors. Kristensen, A. R., Gsponer, J. Proteom. label-free quantitation, DIA, isobaric labeling, SILAC, etc.) Nat. J. PEAKS DB: de novo sequencing assisted database search for sensitive and accurate peptide identification. In addition, we will discuss the role of (chemo) proteomics approaches in target identification and selection for different modalities for respective pharmacological intervention. Currently, this predicted spectrum can be compared to an experimental one and the resulting match score can be used to help discriminate true from false identifications increasing identifications as much as 3050% for searches that utilize a large database (e.g., MHC-associated peptide searches). Liu, Y., Beyer, A. A modular probe strategy for drug localization, target identification and target occupancy measurement on single cell level. Nannocystin a: an elongation factor 1 inhibitor from myxobacteria with differential anti-cancer properties. & Mann, M. High-throughput phosphoproteomics reveals in vivo insulin signaling dynamics. We thank Allison Bruce for her help with the graphics and Orit Rosenblatt-Rosen and Mark McCarthy for insightful review. The coming years will define how applicable this approach is within a drug development or clinical setting, but the studies such as the one described here are an example of how this approach could relate to important disease models. Interrogating the druggability of the 2-oxoglutarate-dependent dioxygenase target class by chemical proteomics. Nat. Selectively targeting the kinome-conserved lysine of PI3K as a general approach to covalent kinase inhibition. Spectral prediction has also been used to facilitate DIA experiments without the need to first collect deep proteomics data and build sample-specific spectral libraries. This association makes functional sense because GNS is a Ca2+-activated actin-severing protein and citrate is a calcium chelator. To request a reprint or commercial or derivative permissions for this article, please click on the relevant link below. Apart from improved data analysis strategies, experimental workflows have been introduced to aid with this process, e.g., the SIM-PAL workflow which uses introduction of unique isotopic patterns to identify probe-labeled peptides in digested enriched samples [Citation87]. 11, 4200 (2020). Phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5-trisphosphate activity probes for the labeling and proteomic characterization of protein binding partners. Enhancements in sensitivity, integration of proteomics with other omics technologies, expansion and higher utility of chemoproteomic technologies & advances in biomarker discovery in addition to software and data analysis solutions are all evolving and merging to provide more intricate and informative data to help fuel the drug discovery and development pipeline. Rev. 129, 27442745 (2007). Biomarkers submitted to regulatory agencies may need to be formally reviewed or qualified. There are two typical paths for biomarker qualification either through submission of biomarker data during drug approval, or independently via the FDA biomarker qualification program [Citation139]. USA 110, 54225427 (2013). A biomarker used to detect or confirm presence of a disease or condition of interest or to identify individuals with a subtype of the disease. & Garrard, A. R. A review of acetaminophen poisoning. Did you know that with a free Taylor & Francis Online account you can gain access to the following benefits? An optimized shotgun strategy for the rapid generation of comprehensive human proteomes. Cell Syst. At the forefront of this movement is MassIVE.quant, a community resource of quantitative mass spectrometry-based proteomics datasets [Citation64]. Broad-spectrum kinase profiling in live cells with lysine-targeted sulfonyl fluoride probes. For example, Overmyer et al. 15, 32333242 (2016). Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations. In general, chemoproteomics workflows share four general steps, each of which will be the focus of technology development efforts in the coming years to improve comprehensiveness and disease-relevance of generated information as well as throughput and scalability of the workflow (see Figure 3). Liu, W., Yuan, J., Liu, Z., Zhang, J. CETSA beyond soluble targets: a broad application to multipass transmembrane proteins. Although fewer proteins (approximately 270 protein groups/sample) are detected using this method, clinically relevant proteins including complement factors, inflammation modulators, pro-inflammatory factors in the IL6 pathway that allowed classification of COVID-19 infection [Citation155]. Overlaying these genome-wide multi-omics datasets can reveal novel networks [Citation48]. Article Siehl, J. Biol. 120, 1432 (2011). Cell 165, 535550 (2016). Choi, H., Glatter, T., Gstaiger, M. & Nesvizhskii, A. I. SAINT-MS1: protein-protein interaction scoring using label-free intensity data in affinity purification-mass spectrometry experiments. Commun. The authors declare no competing interests. Mellacheruvu, D. et al. Li, J. et al. In embarking on assembling this review, we dissected the literature and interviewed colleagues for where they see this field evolving and having an influence in biotechnology and pharmaceutical research. 33, 415423 (2015). Nat. Bioorg. Nat. Nat. One exciting application is the prediction of peptide fragmentation spectra comprising the m/z and intensity values of each peak. Chemical proteomics can also be dened as bespoke afnity capture or afnity chromatography. Drug Discov. Chem. Henderson, M. J., Holbert, M. A., Simeonov, A. The functional landscape of the human phosphoproteome. The glass substrate facilitates microscopic imaging of samples and minimizes protein and peptide adsorption relative to many other materials due to its hydrophilicity and reduced surface charge at low pH. By focusing on low-level phospho-tyrosine and immunopeptidomic samples they demonstrate that quantitative dynamic range decreases 2 to 6-fold when a carrier proteome is employed. Long, M. J. C. & Aye, Y. Privileged electrophile sensors: a resource for covalent drug development. This pipeline involves identification of candidate biomarkers in a discovery phase, typically by shotgun proteomics, using a relatively small number of samples, followed by qualification and verification in larger sample sets using quantitative, multiplex multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) and ultimately validation with a high-throughput immunoassay or MRM assay suitable for the analysis of high volumes of clinical samples. A chemoproteomic platform to assess bioactivation potential of drugs. & Miller, P. Trial watch: phase II and phase III attrition rates 20112012. Techniques such as BioID [Citation189], APEX [Citation190] and FLARE [Citation191] have emerged as extremely useful tools to study more transient intracellular interactions, however, there are limitations to their utility on occasion as they require protein tagging, hence potentially changing native biological properties of the target protein. Multilayered proteomics reveals molecular switches dictating ligand-dependent EGFR trafficking. 46, D911D917 (2018). Chem. Biol. Fueling open-source drug discovery: 177 small-molecule leads against tuberculosis. Nat. If the protein products of these translation events are rapidly turned over, it stands to reason that they would be more readily presented on the cell surface. Internet Explorer). Expert Rev. Contact Dermat. Patricelli, M. P. et al. Pioneering technologies such as proteomics have helped fuel the biotechnology and pharmaceutical industry with the discovery of novel targets and an intricate understanding of the activity of therapeutics and their various activities in vitro and in vivo. The field of proteomics is undergoing an inflection point, where new sensitive technologies are allowing intricate biological pathways to be better understood, and novel biochemical tools are pivoting us into a new era of chemical proteomics and biomarker discovery. Soc. NanoPOTS (nanodroplet processing in one pot for trace samples), is one such platform recently described to enable small cell number proteomics analysis [Citation7] using a device where proteomic sample preparation (reduction, alkylation, proteolytic digestion) can be performed at a miniaturized scale in a humidified chamber, thus minimizing sample evaporation. Cell 163, 14841499 (2015). This paper reports the discovery of ARS-1620, which laid the foundation for present clinical G12C-specific KRAS inhibitors. LC-MS/MS was performed in the DIA and DDA modes using a Q Exactive HF instrument (Thermo) and affinity proteomics used the Olink PEA platform to measure the relative abundance of 736 protein analytes. Humphrey, S. J., Azimifar, S. B. Drug Discov. Nucleic Acids Res. Bioinform 21, 19371953 (2019). Xtalks, powered by . & Foster, L. J. 9, 15401553 (2010). Targeting transcription regulation in cancer with a covalent CDK7 inhibitor. Single cell sequencing and single molecule sequencing. These include the development of high throughput techniques that allow the analysis of large cohorts, techniques that increase the depth and breadth of proteome coverage, and techniques that improve quantitation. Chem. This approach reduces analytical time and avoids the losses associated with drying down and reconstituting low-level samples [Citation5]. In addition, an estimate of the level of validation needed to support the biomarker is indicated, ranging from low to high where low refers to biomarkers used for internal decision making, medium refers to biomarkers that are submitted to regulatory agencies to support the filing, and high refers to biomarkers that impact diagnostics and companion diagnostics. Chem. 18, 83 (2017). Nature 468, 10671073 (2010). The performance of LC-MS/MS and affinity-based array technologies were evaluated in a study of 173 human plasma samples [Citation158]. Again, key points for method development in the coming years will aim to further increase throughput, sensitivity and ease of application for the various covalent chemoproteomics workflows. Toxicol. In addition, these approaches offer an experimental framework to demonstrate target engagement in cells, model organisms and ultimately the patient in this case often using a more targeted detection and quantitation of the protein of interest to increase sensitivity and throughput. Due to this, technologies that comprehensively capture the proteome will be important in defining biological systems at the core of drug discovery efforts. For example, this has enabled a more complete implementation of the MaxQuant ecosystem through MaxQuantLive [Citation25]. For some analyses that are routinely performed there is still some guess work involved, or at least incorporation of algorithms that make assumptions about the data that is being used as a database or to interpret downstream analyses. Uhlen, M. et al. Rep. 33, 681708 (2016). Of ligand in modern drug discovery. The pharmacologist can chose to study the interactions between living organisms and drugs or medicines at any level of integration and using any methodology available. A dynamic protein interaction landscape of the human centrosome-cilium interface. A dilution series determined limits of proteome detection and a linear signal response throughout the dilution series was highly reproducible between replicates. 42, 56355638 (2003). J. This article redefines the chemogenomics target space by covalent ligands. Biotechnol. Lennon et al. 25, 10351044 (2007). Nat. recently demonstrated that combining proteomic, metabolomic, and lipidomic measurements in plasma with transcriptomic analysis of leukocytes revealed 219 biomolecules strongly associated with COVID-19 status and severity [Citation47]. CAS Chemical proteomics reveals ferrochelatase as a common off-target of kinase inhibitors. In addition to successful target deconvolution for challenging transmembrane target families of interest such as solute carriers (e.g., SLC39A7/ZIP7 [Citation81], SLC25A20 [Citation82]), the introduced covalent bond also allows application to larger scale mapping of protein interactors and ligandable pockets in live cells for chemical libraries based on the PAL probe design principles mentioned above [Citation83,Citation84]. Afnity chromatography has been used THPP target assignment reveals EchA6 as an essential fatty acid shuttle in mycobacteria. Depending on the intended use, the requirements for biomarker validation can vary significantly. Also known as cellular thermal shift assay (CETSA)MS, a proteomics profiling and target identification approach based on the principle that proteins change their thermal stability and become more resistant to heat-induced unfolding when complexed with a ligand. Quantitation, DIA, isobaric labeling, SILAC, etc. provide an avenue analyzing! 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role of proteomics in drug discovery slideshare