Slater's Garage Ads & Audio

Helping Your Small Business Find Its Voice

Another Venue For CGA: Local TV

If you ask me, the only definition of “Broadcast Quality” video production is that it be, well, broadcast. These days, no longer does one need thousands of dollars worth of camera equipment, lighting, actors, post-production equipment, monitors, playback and editing gear, etc. As equipment and software become more advanced, amateur and semi-pro producers can do […]

A Vacation from “Staycation”

That’s the term advertisers and the media use to describe a vacation where you don’t actually travel. You stay home, or stay close to home. But you already knew that, because it’s everywhere. Every swimming pool dealer’s commercial invites you to “take a Staycation.” The big-box stores remind you that “it’s Staycation season.” Every news […]